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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. This, Bucky is always a downer on Moore. Remember when he said Doolan was better than him?
  2. Aye, a double sub required. Wright & Walsh for me for McCowan & McKenzie.
  3. Bombscare Baird with a hospital pass to Ndaba there.
  4. McCowan and McKenzie have both been brutal so far. It's painful to watch at times.
  5. Surely we could offer him a 6 month deal? With an extension if he proves his fitness.
  6. Reading's crossing leaving a lot to be desired today.
  7. You're right about Houston but it's always fucking Baird!
  8. I'll be watching, on the upside I chose all the worst options on the Honest Men Picks. I never win so that should bode well.
  9. Poppadom wrists (stealing Itzdrk's phrase I think) can sit on the bench and like it. Edit - I'm actually relieved Hopkin brought someone in. Thought we'd run with one goalie, was that no the case at Morton?
  10. A couple of years ago now... the 3-1 away win to Alloa after the birth of his daughter the night before. Scored 2 and won a penalty. Legend!
  11. Moffat is never injured. More conclusive proof that this season is our annus horribilis.
  12. It is, however we went through a spell where Voice of Reason was feeding off scraps under Kerr. He didn't have anything before it was on the official site. We've gone back to how it was before. I'm not that precious either way tbqh. I'm more irked about no official communication on the stream quality that has been going backwards for weeks now.
  13. I think we're too big to justify an amateur operation but too small to justify a professional one. If that makes sense?
  14. The highlights package is first class. Imagine what it would be like if you weren't involved. You are on record as offering help and advice and it fell on deaf ears. As such, you're certainly not complicit.
  15. Sent an invite. If anyone wants a daily game or 10 min game send me an invite - Dearyme on chess.com.
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