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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Sorry Spiders, I know you'll be sick of these questions... Have you guys not outgrown Lesser? What's the capacity going to be? Is the grand design to move back into big Hampden if you make it to the promised land? Apologies if this has been asked and answered but now we're staying I was wondering if I will be making the short trip to Ochilview or driving through the Hampden next season.
  2. I'm willing to drive Bullen to Dundee if it gets it over the line. Thank you.
  3. I take it you mean 6 or 7 into the starting 11? I expect we'll be busier than that as we replace squad players and move some players contracted on (I'm looking at you Paddy!). It feels like dejavu with Paul Smith. Were we not saying that after a game against Thistle at the end of last season? He then bearly got a look in. The centre of midfield is an issue for us. Particularly when it comes to retaining possession and controlling the game.
  4. I expect the opposite is more likely. Anyone celebrating avoiding relegation like a league win was probably the same folk singing in the hub last night. The venn diagram would look like one circle.
  5. I don't really object to clapping them off. I probably wouldn't have after that but it's a personal judgement call. I wouldn't criticise those who did. I've said all I want to on Bullen at the hub. A manager needs to have self awareness and judgement. I don't think he exercised either last night. There will be those who lap it up and those who are embrassed. I'm firmly in the later camp.
  6. Is that not what the player of the year or end of season awards are for? Bizarrely, I've never understood why those events happen before the seasons end.
  7. I red dotted you for the agenda part, I don't think that is fair at all on a great many on here. I was not anti Bullen, I am after last night. I can understand the point you are making with regarding engagement with supporters. However, I take the opposite view and its the straw that broke the camel's brittle back. We are a professional football club who have just been bodied 8 nil on aggregate in our biggest game of the season. I expect the manager to have the sense to know when to join in and when to smile or nod politely. Its the sort of conduct I could imagine at a tinpot outfit like Darvel. I get that people will see it differently but a show of defiance or engaging with the supporters is tenuous at best. It was naive in the extreme. The manager represents the club and last night was an aberration not a moment to be seen to be celebrating. It sounds like some in the hub were utterly aghast at it as well so I'm not sure I buy the taken out of context point either.
  8. Does he not normally come as part of a double act with Owen Coyle? I never bought the argument that Sandy Stewart was the brains behind the operation under Uncle Ian tbh. However, its irrefutable that we played some beautiful stuff when he was caretaker (prior to Kerr). I've resisted calling for Bullen's head and have had my posterior perched firmly on the fence up to now. However, the video at the hub following that dismal performance has nudged me into GTF territory. I'm all out of goodwill.
  9. I'm not keen on going back so it's a hard pass on Uncle Ian (thanks for the memories though). I'd take someone who can setup a team. Bullen is clearly a good talker and man motivator but tactically he is utterly inept. He also has an incredible blind spot for those who run about contributing f**k all. I'd quite like a double act next time. If we go for an newbie then we need an experienced assistant (who's been there and done it!).
  10. The most frustrating thing for me is the nature of the first goal. It was literally a carbon copy of what Partick did to us the week before. What exactly were we working on in training? It's almost like Bullen's approach and team talk was keep doing what you were doing last week except this time get the ball to Dipo. That capitulation at home is utterly shocking. I don't buy the singing in defiance. He has hoodwinked a section of our support into thinking he knows what he is doing. I don't know if they are starstruck or lovestruck but dear god, they need to wake up. He is the bald Hopkin who benefitted greatly from having Akinyemi in the team. He's taken us as far as he can and its time for him to go. I thank him for his efforts but he's not the man to move us forward.
  11. Aye, it takes some mental gymnastics to argue that McGinty and Kirk had forced Musonda out the team or to left back before he was injured. Musonda went to left back to remove the biggest liability in the team. It is fair to say he hasn't been great post his injury.
  12. I'm hoping John Huges gets a gig somewhere. He did sign Slow Joe from us for a fee!
  13. Potentially a great moment or a waste of a good cheeseburger. It all depends on the context.
  14. To those celebrating in the hub... Get them sent to the Hague for trial. Thank you
  15. I'm getting angrier and angrier about that video. Is that the biggest aggregate defeat in the playoffs ever? In any SPFL playoffs? I think it might well be and those oxygen thiefs are celebrating in the hub like we won the fucking league. With the manager joining in. Utterly risible!
  16. Nah, Stevo could justify the swagger. Even in his final spell where he was clearly unfit he could still score from anywhere. Some boi is Ryan.
  17. That's put the tin lid on it for me. Bullen can GTF, the bald Hopkin right enough, tactically inept and tone fucking death. Thanks for your efforts but the football has been murder. I think you've taken us as far as you can and yer teas oot! A word of warning Bully, if you don't heed my warning you will be trebucheted into the sea to reside along with Roberts, Hopkin & Duffy.
  18. I thought that was parody. I'd like to slap everyone of them across the gub with a trout! Get a fucking grip, that's more tragic than wanting Uncle Ian back. We've just lost 8 nil over two legs to Partick Thistle and they're celebrating like we won the match. That's fucking tinpot. FML
  19. It's no deid, mate. A decent chunk of it will remain. I can't wait to see the work get started. Especially seeing the abomination that is the Hopsitality being destroyed. The new stand is a proper statement of intent.
  20. I genuinely think Uncle Ian is a busted flush. He can pick a player but he doesn't seem to get the most out of them. Look at Thistle, those are his players but Doolan has them flying.
  21. I loved the 2018/19 team and they only finished 4th and lost to Auchinleck. Yet the season before they won League 1 with over 100 goals and we built on it. This team finishes 2nd and I genuinely wouldn't care if 3/4s of the squad left. Football, eh?
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