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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. If he is the pre-match entertainment I'll be arriving at 7:44.
  2. I think that might be what I'm saying tbf. Either that or I've gone full blown Mourinho and more worried about stiflling the opposition rather than playing to our strengths. We need to keep it tight at Firhill and bring them back to Somerset.
  3. The later is more salient for me. I do worry that Reading will be torn a new one by Lawless & McMillan on that flank. Whoever is in front of Reading will need to be tracking back to help him out.
  4. Big Sean can surely deal with that old carthorse? The carthorse will score, he always fucking scores.
  5. Do we drop Reading, bring Kirk back in and shift Frankie to left back?
  6. Sock puppet Do I win something for getting in first?
  7. Number 29 for QP looks like he's been picked out the crowd.
  8. Common sense has prevailed here. Fair play to all concerned.
  9. I think you do yourself a wee bit of a disservice. You just didn't get castled which left your king exposed and he had to do the walk of shame around the board until checkmate. If it's helpful, I think I would have played 0-0 instead of a3 in your position. Or tried to press the centre with e5? a3 just felt a bit tepid to me. You'll get me one of these days. @Aim Here almost got me!
  10. They stole the Ayrshire Cup. At least its no longer propping up their balance sheet.
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