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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. That's the unfortunately reality, I found out as I sat down with my haggis and black pudding pie and my brother mentioned to me that Dipo wasn't playing. It was real chastening news and all hope drained out of me. It even affected the taste of the pie!
  2. I'm sure your very own Lionel Hutz will be along with a statement soon. On a serious note, fair fucks to the jags foundation for calling it out.
  3. A minor irritation when compared to our insipid performance and my seethe towards our players and manager. Thank you.
  4. Especially tinpot when you have 15 minutes to do so at half time. Then some numbskull decides about 30 seconds before the second half kicks off to move them, delaying kick off.
  5. I would have been in favour of us treating it like an outbreak of mad cow disease and puting the squad members who caught it down in order to preserve Dipo.
  6. Division A Round 5 Result Dearyme defeats PnBMathematics There wasn't much in this I had managed to nab a pawn in the opening. I had Bishop for Knight as well but double pawns but felt I had a slight edge. Until PnB forgot about my dark square Bishop on h6 and played a Rook onto c8 (which looked natural to attack the undefended c3 pawn). I snaffled the Rook and then was comfortably ahead going into an ending. Good game, you've improved a lot since we first played on here!
  7. Division A Round 3 Result Dearyme defeats stewartmathers This was really a tale of not getting castled when you ought too. Stewartmathers went on the offensive and pushed at the centre. However, having all my pieces developed, I knew there had to be a way to win material. In the end Stu went in for a line that looked like he won the exchange (Bishop for Rook) only for his King to get checked and have to go on a walk to nowhere resulting in his Queen having to sacrifice herself to save her husband. Good game mate. If you short castle rather than e5 it's a totally different game.
  8. I did notice that Peter Murphy got Annan promoted to League One by despatching the catastrophically bald Jim Duffy's Clyde. That gives me a tiny bit of pleasure this morning.
  9. Thanks for ruining my weekend Partick. Deserved winners and could have been a lot fucking worse. As for next week, I'll be hoping for a minor miracle.
  10. I wasn't particularly having a go at Big Sean. He was definitley one of the better ones. However, even with full backs not stopping crosses the centre half's need to be tracking runners. Carthorse Graham got numerous opportunities where he was totally unmarked. That's on the central pairing.
  11. What last night brought into sharp focus is that the manager doesn't seem to be able to change a game. It was obvious to everyone by about 30 minutes that Hewitt needed replaced. He was getting turned inside out and was drifting inside. The fact he made it to half time and then came back out was criminal. That was horrible for the boy. The one job we had was to keep it tight and we got torn open time and time again. I was amazed that the same team came out after half time. I thought Bullen might even try to shore it up by swapping Hewitt for McAllister and bringing Kirk on for Reading and pushing Musonda out to left back. Thistle were very good going forward but we put up little resistance. That was about as bad as it could have gone. Losing Dipo was a problem but our inability to defend as a unit has cost us dearly. Utter pish. Out of the playoffs with a fucking whimper when we sell out our allocation. Why do we always shit the bed when we get a decent attendance?
  12. That was an omnishambles. Whoever authorised that, needs sacked.
  13. There were no pass marks today. Full backs were the worst! Graham was continually unmarked in the box. We were chasing shadows in midfield. We had nothing up top. Fucking grim!
  14. I watched every goal when we lost 7 against ICT at Somerset once. That got to the stage where I found it funny. Today hurt so much more. What made it worse is that there are no excuses, we were badly beaten and got what we deserved. f**k all.
  15. I left after the third. Not like me but I was fucking seething!
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