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Everything posted by jakedee

  1. Maybe not Tory policy,but Cameron's pandering to the right of his party,and the perceived threat of UKIP allowed English/Welsh white van man the opportunity.
  2. I've thought about it,and yes,you're an idiot.
  3. How could believing that a country can be better run by residents of that country be termed as racism ? And you call me an idiot.
  4. kinda sums up the unionist view,anybody but ourselves
  5. Because that's the reason a 2nd indyref is being discussed,remember the manifesto promise,again I ask,where does it say Brexit is more important than Independance ?
  6. Read that,and maybe I'm missing something,but where does he say Brexit is more important than independence? As stated, he is saying that the Scottish Government is not being listened to(no surprise there) and that this will dictate any decision made.
  7. This constant reference to the budget deficit being a problem has me asking,has anyone given a figure what the actual deficit would be? Once the historical debts and the UK's assets have been divied up, what is the figure?
  8. An obvious question needs to be asked here. Do these fishermen believe that a Minister from an iScotland would negotiate a better/worse/the same deal with the EU than a Westminster Minister who cares about fishing only insofar as it can be used to better some other parts of a settlement ? To use this as a "voted yes last time,but will vote no this time" is shortsighted. If it is still a concern after an iScotland settlement in fishery policy is negotiated,then start a campaign to leave the EU.
  9. Willie, stop buying bottled water,your kitchen tap should be mains fed (slightly off topic,I know)
  10. Turning against her?when were you ever "for her" ?
  11. Not really a great fan of tennis,but as there's not much to do this Saturday,sat down to watch this,fan now, fantastic stuff
  12. Foreign nationals living in Britain do not cost their original country of origin a fortune to support them, your comparison is a bit off the mark.
  13. I find it bewildering that no matter what the SNP do, even if it is for the benefit of some, people just can't help but criticize. Surely even the most wrapped in the Union Flag unionist can give credit where it's due.Obviously not.
  14. Wasn't Ruthie investigated by the police for her comments ?
  15. The "power cut" and subsequent evacuation at the Dundee count was also a bit suspicious.
  16. I would be quite happy if we just "ruled" ourselves, and were in some sort of agreement with other Countries over trade etc. Will that do ?
  17. Merry Christmas fellow Dee's, have a good one [emoji319]
  18. How long did this take to complete ? At least Sturgeon is being seen to do something,this we are not going to give a "running commentary"masks their inability to agree among themselves what they actually want.The conflicting statements given by different ministers shows this.Do I think it's a "strange state of affairs" to put forward a proposal to set out what can be done that's best for the Country she represents,no,i find it strange that the UK Government can reveal it's (or at least some of it's) plans to a private company,but will fight tooth and nail to deny parliament a say on it.
  19. Just say you can't, it'll save your embarrassment
  20. So Nissan were promised nothing,and just decided it's a good place to invest,even though the majority of the vehicles they make here are for the EU market and any future tariffs will be an extra cost to them.Are you really so naive to think that they and other similar companies would not just up sticks and go to where their biggest market,tariff free is ? ETA,and don't you think it's a sad state of affairs that a "Country" needs to ask permission from another to decide where and how it does business ?
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