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Everything posted by jakedee

  1. So large manufacturers and certain sectors can have "special arrangements" but parts of the UK can't, yes you're right,you couldn't make it up.
  2. Can you list some examples of Salmond and Sturgeons vitriolic anti-British bile ?
  3. A Euro-nationalist project which we would have the choice to either join or leave,a choice which we don't have just now.
  4. You seriously believe a company will go to the expense of manufacturing items to a certain standard if " they no longer apply to us". Different territories have different standards,US companies don't export goods with GM into the EU for example. Companies will do as little as possible to have their goods accepted into a market. If the UK sets it's standards to align with the EU,then, yet again, what control are we taking ?As a net exporter of cars made here,the Government has already shown it is willing to accommodate large manufacturers,pity the rest of us won't get such favours.
  5. It won't, without more layers of red tape, hence the [emoji57]
  6. Just go down the Chinese route [emoji57]
  7. A few? Any Company faced with tariffs on exporting goods to their largest market will seriously consider moving " for their own protections"
  8. Did Andrew Neil really just suggest business tax was introduced by the SNP, on Daily Politics ?
  9. nope,think you'll find most soft fruit comes from here,and the seasons seem to be a bit harsher.
  10. Seasonal figures,those damn foreigners can't pick berries in the winter, lazy bassa's [emoji57]
  11. I cannot understand the argument that an iScotland will have an £x billion debt,but no reference whatsoever is given to the UK's assets which will be divvied up.
  12. Reading your tedious pish maybe has something to with it,I blame you [emoji12]
  13. Why would the SNP prepare for Brexit ? It was a UK vote after all.To say that the UK Government, because they did not expect it, therefor it is excusable not to prepare for that outcome is complete nonsense.Just because you campaign for one outcome does not excuse the complete lack of a plan if the opposite occurs.
  14. At least there was a white paper,which gave defined targets.No such preperation was done for Brexit. Whether these targets can be met remains to be seen. To use currency,EU membership,regulatory bodies etc as a reason that Independence is unachievable or would not be a success is disingenuous.
  15. Cameron's resignation, then Osborne's sacking after Brexit, shows me that if the Independance result had been a Yes, then the same scenario could have been played out. As you stated above,different Chancellor,different outlook. The fact that the BofE were making contingency plans show's a union is possible.Without a currency union the UK's exit from the EU will be extremely difficult. Scotland's exit from the UK will be equally so.Independance,as Brexit will not be done overnight,but as many other countries have shown,it can be done and be a success.
  16. It was you that quoted Osborne,so now he's not chancellor everything he said was pish ? Sterling is as much a currency of Scotland as it is the rest of the UK. I'm sure we can do the same as Canada,Australia etc. who "struggled" on with the £ until they were confident enough to have their own currency.It seems that a currency union being a benefit to both an IScotland and the rUK in the short to medium term has escaped your notice.
  17. I'm sure he said something about an emergency budget in the event of Brexit. Politician says one thing and does another shocker.
  18. have you not looked at the currency market ?
  19. Although this is factually correct,has anyone yet explained what Article 50 will involve ? I think when it's eventually realised what direction the negotiations are taking then business,markets,banks etc will start reacting. Until then it's only speculation and look what that's done.
  20. We were "all over" you last season because we ultimately relegated you,and you deserved it for the arrogance displayed by some. The same sort of thing you're displaying just now.The silver lining for us,if we go down,it won't be you that does it.
  21. Of course the fishing and golfing season just happen to coincide with the marching season,sure they do.
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