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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. Should be the management team in all seriousness tbh.
  2. Buchanan needs to work on his concentration. If he can do that then he can perform in the championship.
  3. Couple of released players have been invited back for pre season.
  4. McPherson is my number 1 choice out of the realistic options.
  5. I'd like to keep Buchanan, Mcausland, Millen and Barrowman. Maybe Taxi. And at a puish, maybe George.
  6. Livi pissed the 3rd division that year and the 2nd division wasn't nearly as competitive then as it is now.
  7. All 3 have experience of managing clubs of our stature and have done well. Aitken and Bollan haven't.. Aitken is gonna cost £70k a year and I'd like somebody to tell me what Gary Bollan has done in football management to be so heavily linked with this job
  8. Would rather McPherson over Bollan or Aitken. Toss up between Jimmy C, the bunnet and Gus. Would be happy wi any from those 3.
  9. I've got a feeling he's going to stay. Basing that on no inside knowledge I've heard, quite the contrary actually. Just a feeling.
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