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Posts posted by SPLwankwankwank

  1. At the moment there is not much that gets on my nerves. I have 2 friends, that will within a month, will both die from cancer. So I've been thinking that the strain that their families are going through that the small things are not to be sweated.

    My sympathies are very much with yourself, them and their families and I'm sure everyone on this board will feel the very same. :(

  2. :lol::lol::lol:

    Feck off! :P


    Yeah, the petrol station people suffer from being so detached from the rest of us.

    Aye the planet! And people who are too lazy to sort baskets out!!! Someone puts their basket on the pile and the handle falls over thus preventing the next person from putting their basket on top. They're then too lazy to simply lift the handle out the way and place theirs in so they just toss it on the bloody floor for everyone to kick around. b*****ds!

  3. Actually another thing. Bloody petrol station attendants! How fucking hard can it be to hear your console bleeping to let you know someone has removed the nozzle, check they're not going to douse themselves in petrol, then press 'confirm' or whatever they press to start the pump. Yet the glaikit fuckers stand there staring into space no doubt thinking what shoes they're going to buy at the weekend or whatever and do not press the bloody button while you stand in the freezing cold.

    Oh and those 'Pay At Pump' card readers are shite as well.

  4. The main problems with self scan lie in human error, I'm afraid. Nine times out of ten, anything that slows the machines down is caused by customers inability to use the machines. Everything is controlled by one assistance station whereby I can watch everything you are doing on a screen and can control almost every fault you cause from it. Alcohol checks take seconds if you're old enough, all I do is what a checkout operator would do and approve your age.

    As for reduced items not scanning or items not on file, you would have the same delay if you went through a regular checkout, waiting for a supervisor to come down or someone to go and get a price so don't give me your bollocks about self service you lazy imbecile! :P

    General things that idiot customers do wrong:

    Swipe card the wrong way, your card reader strip must be facing up towards you and in towards the machine. The number of people who don't even get the strip into the machine is incredible. Some people even hold their card over the option for "Debit/Credit" - I mean, how stupid is that when it's telling you to "swipe your card on the side of this monitor" :lol:

    Not scanning items and the scales beneath the bags and belts telling you so, sending the item back to the top and asking you to rescan it. It usually says "unexpected item on the belt" which means you haven't scanned it, so scan it again you idiot. Other times people don't place items on the belt/in the bagging area and the machine won't let you progress until you do and gives you timely reminders to do so. "Please place the item on the belt" - the number of people who just can not understand simple orders is astounding! :lol:

    "Notes are dispensed BELOW the scanner" yes - underneath where you scanned all of your items, not where you put your notes in, BELOW the scanner. You should see the amount of money folk just walk away and leave. Imean, why do that? Why not ask where it is if you're too stupid to understand what it's saying? :lol:

    Occasionally there are technical faults with the machines but generally, 90% of the time it's people thinking they are too smart for these dumbass machines and just ending up getting stressed and looking foolish because they're failing to follow very simple instructions that are written on screen AND spoken to you. :lol:

    Ah, I feel better now. :D

    None of this excuses staff chatting away or worse than that wearing their hair down. When I go to the supermarket I expect high standards and staff who look professional and well kempt hair. Ladies should have it slicked back nice and tight, up in a bun with loads of kirby grips and a net, nice brown one at that, over it.

    This goes for all staff at all departments. I shall demand it from all managers at all supermarkets, especially those in the Perth area :P

  5. Self Service is shite.

    I scan booze - need to wait for someone to check I have pubes.

    I scan reduced items - doesn't recognise it 'cause some other fucker hasn't done their job properly!

    Takes ages for the items to get off the fucking scales/conveyor before you can put the next one on!

    Items with security tags - need to get a memeber of staff again and they're too busy talking shite to their colleagues.

    Card wont scan! Why the f**k not it just scanned alright in your petrol station forecourt?!

    They're bollocks unless you only have two items.

    Fucking staff should be sat quietly with their hair up in a bun and hairnet!!! Even the guys!

  6. So you admit that your wife is paid money to have sex with other men. She is probably the first out the door in the morning :rolleyes:

    Yes but at least she's making a career out of it. You on the other hand get regular beastings from family members, uncles mainly (and their friends) and don't get a penny. I feel for you :o

  7. I got bullied into tying my hair back at work today. I've worked there for two and a half years and despite it being dress code during this entire time to have my hair tied back, I've never done it and never been asked to.

    It's a personal choice I make not to tie my hair back, I don't do it at home, I don't even own bobbles. I feel quite self conscious when it's back. So anyway, this power hungry manager gives me a total dressing down and literally forces me to tie my hair back as I know it'll lead to disciplinaries if I don't and I can't lose my job there.

    I wouldn't have a problem if they implemented this policy throughout the entire workforce but they don't. Two managers with hair my length or longer and who handle food just as much as I do - once or twice during a whole shift and even then, it's packaged - had their hair down today. A girl on the CSD had hers down and the pick of the bunch, the managers sister had her hair down despite her hair being at least six inches longer than mine.

    It's one rule for some people and another for others. I certainly won't be tying my hair back until the managers set an example and tie theirs back! F'ckers.

    On the upside, I'm getting trained up on CSD and Photo Lab finally - so that manager can keep her hair down. I like her. :D

    Do a Sinead O'Connor protest, off with the lot of it!!! I'll clip it for you and P&B punters can sponsor you with proceeds going to whatever charity.

    Oh and by the way, there are people starving across the world you know. Relax :P

  8. Talking about people who are just doing their job, what really annoys me is when your in a plane and you've just landed and a round of appluase breaks out for the pilot. :angry: Why? he is only doing his job. Would you clap a checkout assistant when they put through your shopping? no. Would you appluad the delivery guy when he hands over your dinner? no so why appluad the pilot. Gets right on my tits.

    I'm sorry that's my fault. I remember being amazed that people did this the first time I flew. As such as it began to fall by the wayside with more and more people getting used to flying more often I do it at every opportunity to see how many fannies join in. Every time :(

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