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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Everything posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. There is no Police Investigation.This was just a ruse put out by Walter Mitty to cover his back. At least we have a Final to look forward to where most of the boycotters and stay away fans will attend and will let Mr 10K know in person he is not wanted.
  2. Obviously a Power Play between Maitland(wanting the fans back) and Mr 10k with his lies on the Facebook statement. The comments on The Facebook Page by fans explain everything. For once in my life,I just want a normal club to support and not one where there is a constant battle between The Board and Fans.Is that too much to ask as for most of my 47+ seasons there has always been a " them v us" at Accies which has contributed massively to the drop in support.
  3. The bans remain for social media comments by fans, so The Bay Horse it is sadly. Meanwhile,I notice The Club Commercial Manager has been calling out anyone and everyone on Twitter(not Just Accies fans), but like The Director who cannot be named, there are different rules for them as opposed to fans. I expect there will be more free tickets for Cuckoo's planted to take the place of the boycotting fans. All this after John Rankin praising the away support last week(80% of us which boycotters).
  4. The bans are still in place,so plenty of us will not be in attendance at the next three vital home fixtures sadly. Meanwhile,the Club Commercial Manager has been on Twitter having a go at anything and everything while commentating on his beloved Celtic I believe . One rule for fans and different rules for Club Employees with that mob.Bay Horse again it is.
  5. There are no good guys in Dundee...period. As for the game,we have been unlucky against Dundee twice this season-especially the last game at Dens. We are a much improved side,so I would expect a draw at a minimum despite Dundee having some good recent results. We have tightened up our leaky defence and are stronger elsewhere,so the confidence is there. Sadly attendance will depend on the continuing saga of the banned.No overturning of the bans and it will be The Bay Horse for myself and plenty others and it will be another week of the Season Book not being used.
  6. One way traffic first half with Accies woeful in attack and Thistle devoid of ideas minus the likes of Graham and Tiffoney. The subs made by Rankin changed the game and every one of the new signings look like they will make the difference. I heard a few groans from the Thistle support when their young lads came on.Is this because they are not good enough or untried? Speaking as an outsider,it has always puzzled me how Thistle don't prioritise the wealth of talent on their doorstep(Glasgow/Lanarkshire) over the years compared to the likes of Accies and Motherwell who have filled our teams/squads with youth and sold some for big money. The current Accies Under 18's are a case in point Top of the Under 18 League,two games in hand,Semi-Final of The Youth Cup and the best crop of players since the McCarthy/McArthur,Easton etc era. if only we could fast forward these boys we would not be in this mess.
  7. So are we.It will take a while and probably not till the last few weeks, but we will catch you both the way things have changed through four really good signings. Question is though which side above us three will go on a terrible run which will draw them into the mire?
  8. Missed it as had to hop-foot it from Bridgeton straight to the game on foot...was knackered when I got to Firhill but did it in 55 minutes with three stops(Belstaff,Size and Savers for life saving water lol). This issue has to be resolved as three big home games coming up and a refusal to "meet halfway" by Gerry will lead to a terrible home support at these games. 90% of the away support yesterday consisted of the boycotters which tells it's own story.
  9. Walk from Central.Nice wee stroll if the weather is ok. Accies looked to be back in contention until yesterday 's sale of Andy Ryan to Larne-the only striker we have who knows how to score. An inexperienced 19 year old from Newcastle has arrived and my sources down there say he is a class above De Bolle and he played in their recent friendlies in Saudi Arabia which shows how highly he is thought of. They want him toughened up and playing in a pressurised situation, so he meets that criteria in this League.Only issue is we now have no experience up top for the run in unless they actually show ambition for a change
  10. There was a Meeting last night between The Board and the banned fans and the upshot was the farce continues with no resolution. Thus,the bans are still in place despite the banned supporters willing to compromise. There is only one obstacle to this farce being resolved and that is the same person demanding the fans issue a Public Apology for something they have not done. Bay Horse and/or Sainsbury's End in support of those unfairly banned.
  11. I fancied us to win narrowly today simply due to The paucity of the Morton attack and so it proved.Both sides are weak up front as today showed. I never seen the penalty awarded as was outside,but watched the ball hit the net through a gap in the gates. I went to The Bay Horse along with plenty others due to the fudged outcome of today's Meeting between the banned fans and the Board. The Pub had the game on and was very busy with Accies fans including a sizeable number who left the game after hearing the result of today's Meeting. A great sing-song,good beer and camaraderie shown to the banned.Sad it has come to this, but us older Accies fans have been here before. The Bay Horse is now run by Accies fans,so the Academical Vaults where we are second class citizens to the green and grey mob will be getting swerved in the future.
  12. The issue is they have a ground currently too small even for this level of football.A 4-5,000 capacity ground should have been the plan, but this Royal Box fiasco has affected the capacity I think. My point was I can see them playing at Accies until Lesser Hampden is up to scratch capacity wise as our ground would be able to handle three teams if Queens played home games on a Friday or Sunday with Accies/Clyde on The Saturday. They wouldn't do it at Firhill due to wrecking the pitch,so Airdrie would probably be the only other feasible short term solution unless they just use Hampden till Lesser Hampden is ready. As for Hampden,it is The Old Firm so rules can be changed to accommodate.My team played at three different home grounds a few times when we were homeless,so that issue would be overcome.
  13. There is a Meeting between the banned fans and Alan Maitland at 2pm tomorrow .Apparently Alan and Ronnie have been unaware of the carnage this new Commercial Board Director has caused which even involved an alleged threat to a young player on Alloa 's books(who supports Accies and has been vocal about results)about getting Brian Rice to deal with him. The Match day attendance will be reflected in the result of this Meeting but I am hearing good vibes,so hopefully this fiasco will be resolved.
  14. The problem I have with Queens Park is the cack-handed and shambolic rebuilding of Lesser Hampden -in particular the nonsensical "Royal Box". A Queens Park side at the top end of this League/top division would have decent enough crowds to sustain full-time football and an Elite Youth Academy without Willie Haughey's or the sale of Hampden money. Fwiw,I can see them playing home games at my ground next season if they go up(Hamilton) if Lesser Hampden still has a ludicrous capacity and home games against The Old Firm at Hampden which would easily bring in over £1million in revenue which would sustain them.
  15. Hi Gerry,Alan,Ronnie,Colin,Les....delete as appropriate. Anyone who knows what went on is 100% behind the banned fans.The fact you are having a go shows you are out of step not just with the majority of Accies supporters, but the fans of all clubs who have shown support across Social Media/Forums as they recognise what has been going on and not just recently.
  16. Sadly it is Groundhog Day aka the 1990's when we had Public Meetings,Sit Ins ,Petitions and put a candidate up for the local By Election. Back then over £7Million disappeared from the sale of the old Douglas Park.You can safely say the old Board didn't have the best interests of the club at heart. We were left with £650,000 to build a ground.Hence,why we only have two Stands which most folk don't realise. The original plans were for a stadium similar to Utrecht and then the extra £2million from the overage for The Retail Park was for building a roof. Sadly ,Robert Gibb(Flamingoland) Owner died in a car crash coming from Yorkshire on his way to a Board Meeting to oust Watson,Stepek(Fulston)etc once and for all. The devious Jim Watson(rest in hell) bought his Shares from his grief stricken wife who didn't know who she was selling to.The old corrupt Board were then back in charge. Alistair Duguid,Chief Executive/Director(Accies lifelong fan), David Campbell,Building Company Owner and JohnMcGuinness,Lottery Winner were ousted and JohnMcGuinness went to Livingston. It is hard enough supporting a team in an Old Firm area without adding Owners not acting in the best interests of The Club/Supporters to the mix. Soul destroying having to go through this all again. I
  17. One of the guys who is an Admin was given a Half Price Season Ticket Book as a Christmas Present by his kids and is now banned. In other news,The Stadium Bar is closed tomorrow...not that any Accies fans would have been there anyway but just a head up for The Clyde fans.
  18. More fans banned including one of the guys on The Only Accies Podcast/Admin on WAH Facebook Forum and folk who say they have proof that this new Director made up the fake profile...allegedly of course. The dormant Accies Supporters Association has come out of mothballs with a statement declaring an Open Public Forum is now essential and all fans to be reinstated and not banned. Meanwhile, some fans have allegedly been threatened by associates of the said Director who are members of an Old Firm hooligans group. The same Old Firm hooligan group who were despatched swiftly and without fuss outside The Greenfield Club years ago by a Hamilton group with less than half the numbers. You couldn't make this crap up, but the sad fact is now the few fans remaining will now give up and the team will suffer even more.
  19. It gets wilder. Apparently Gerry or his alias Marty Mulligan insisting he was hacked,but some IT folk in the Accies support showed evidence this wasn't the case. He has reopened The HAFC Board FB page, but will not comment.However, we may be about to turn the corner.Forget new players/Manager or formation,a Gypsy lady(non Clyde related) has said we shall now be the recipients of some needed good luck...got to hope Birmingham City don't find out about this.
  20. New signing Marty Mulligan to make an appearance on Saturday...in The Directors Box.
  21. It will be all the way to The Seaside Leagues and then a derby versus Caledonian Braves at Strathclyde Park in 3-5 years in The Lowland League.
  22. Ayr away is normally a good away day: we have plenty friends in their support and some good Pubs, but the prospect of another sickening defeat for "the easybeats" while shelling out another load of cash doesn't look appealing. The Accies support have seen many terrible days among them being seven seasons without a ground, but this feels worse as the stuffing has been truly knocked out of everyone. We are the boxer who has been knocked down too many times, but this time we can't get up.What a mess these clowns are making of our club:65% loss in our match attending home fans, two months without a League goal and on a par with the worst ever Accies team of 1970.
  23. I see the current go-between is "doing a McGowan" on Facebook by threatening to ban fans and trying to create a divide between what he says are "real supporters" and the rest. Jesus weeps again at the state of our club.
  24. A post I put to one of McGowan 's go-betweens in The Boardroom which sums up the feeling of our fanbase. Arbroath sign three players,score 4 goals to win at Dundee. Accies: hee-haw, Barney Mcgraw. Haven't scored a League GOAL in two months. One home win all season- via a penalty against 10 men who deserved a point. Last 13 League games: Won 1, Drew 1, Lost ELEVEN. We are the laughing stock of Scottish Football on and off the field and in all my years(since 1976-77 season), I have never seen the Accies support so deflated,sickened and depressed. It was ever better during the seven years without a home ground.That is how low the morale is among our supporters at the moment. I have never witnessed as many people leave a game when we are ONE goal behind as today That says it all as they knew we could play till January next year and not score. Where is Vertanen,Ngandu and Tiehi ?Has Tiehi been recalled as rumoured at the game? Never mind SEVEN points needed to catch firstly Arbroath.That team won't even score SEVEN goals the rest of the season if not changed. Totally scunnered com
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