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Everything posted by deadasdillinger

  1. A good points all told. I thought we were good enough over the game to win it, but you'd have to say Hearts finished by far the strongest. The Jambos will be far more annoyed with the ref than we were, but Shankland avoiding a second booking was a bit lucky and Haring not getting one at all was a very poor decision. The ball was also out for a goal kick towards the end that the officials missed. Strong start to the season with big improvements. Got to be happy with that.
  2. Very, very happy if this is how McInnes is going to set us up this season. Quite solid and stuffy to play against, with legs to counter attack, and 11 guys willing to work their baws off for each other. Really like what I've seen in the three halves so far. Lyons is like a new player. His engine is unreal and wins some amount of tackles.
  3. Wonder what team we will go with. We've all been that keen for Vass to get back to full fitness, but if he is, it's hard to see who makes way from last week's excellent performance. Will surely be same 11.
  4. How embarrassing for Livi, losing a goal to the shower of shite in 10th.
  5. Beat in Europe then beat on Sunday, tough week for the Jambos
  6. No reason to think this'll be anything other than the standard 3 points for Killie.
  7. Went a nice walk in the sunshine with my family. Wee man had his Killie top on. There were mutants with Rangers tops on everywhere. They were all greeted with a very wide, very pleasant smile. Nice to wish a passing stranger a pleasant Sunday.
  8. It would have necessitated having enough quality play in our box to prompt a challenge, clean or dirty, that Collum could have pointed for. Unfortunately they didn't get near it. The SFA's corruption has not yet stooped to awarding penalties for fouls in the centre circle.
  9. You have to feel for Beale yesterday. It can't be easy trying to bed in new players, with five of them making their first league start. Tough to do it against a settled Killie side with *checks notes* seven players making their first league start.
  10. Yes, after their initial hyperness, the sugar wore off for the wee Rangers kids, I mean, ultras, who were dressed as blue Power Rangers. Even Rey Mysterio in the corner nearest the East Stand was silenced. Seriously though, given that the masks were clearly so they could cause bother without being identified, there's no way that should have been allowed. I know it maybe gave security a break from looking at their ugly faces, but they should have been made to remove them.
  11. Result was only ever going to go one way today with as many ex Killie players at Morton. Well used to skelping the wee diddies from down the road.
  12. I thought we were excellent from the off. Shades of the 2-3 start and I just worried we wouldn't take our chances when on top, or that we would fall away. But no, we kept the levels at 100 throughout, blood and thunder from every man in the park. We just wanted it more. Phenomenal to a man. The young boy Will Dennis in goals, shut his critics up. Deas and Findlay, dealt with everything that came in to the box. Mayo, excellent (what about that recovery challenge!), Ndaba, absolutely phenomenal over that side. Magennis and Watson were superb. Brad Lyons, holy f**k, his best performance in a Killie shirt. If he can find that level every week he will be some player - heart of a lion! Armstrong was a threat. Watkins, what a shift big man, worked the defence, held it up, and tracked back to his own half for a huge tackle. Kennedy, MOTM, an absolute menace and a pest, NEVER stops working - love him! Even the subs - Rory had some important stops. Vassell worked his baws off, some lovely touches, near set up a goal. Important work from Murray, and even big Cameron came on and did a job. As for Rangers, they are absolute muck. Raskin is a wee fanny who would rather dive about and start scraps. Goldson, Barisic, Souttar, complete shite at the back. As for the new boys upfront, dunkeys all of them. If we can find that level every week I have no concerns about this season whatsoever!!
  13. Killie sitting at 4,900+. As crowd wanks go, our place is full of them.
  14. I'd be amazed but delighted if he starts someone who's had like 20 minutes of fitba lately.
  15. Think there was a thread weeks ago but can't be arsed searching back to find it. Predictions? We're weaker in goals, hopefully a little stronger in defence (although that remains to be seen), largely unchanged in midfield and upfront, with the exception of Kennedy who will be a real positive addition. So, not exactly optimistic of a result. Can only hope that the fact we've played competitive football in recent weeks while Rangers have played friendlies will help. If we can play like we did at the start of the 2-3 game last season we'll be fine, but it's managing to do that for 90 minutes rather than a spell, and scoring more than one goal in any periods we have on top. No bother for big Innes...
  16. Job done, topped the group. Not often we do that. That second half performance though. Usual McInnes guff. If he watches those last few performances and thinks we are ready for playing Rangers, he's dreaming. Still waiting to find the level where Innes Cameron fits in. It's not vs Lowland League opposition anyway.
  17. Think most fans probably share my view of Big Innes, but I'm always rooting for the guy despite my feelings on him. Delighted at how it's come off for him tonight. Putting in a hell of a shift and in contention for MOTM. Good time for us to score after a fairly poor half. Thought too often we didn't look for the forward pass. Hopefully improve second half. Some save the goalie at the end.
  18. Superb from young Watson and Vassell. Grim performance and have really rode our luck today, but if we come away with 3 points and a clean sheet it's been a very good day at the office.
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