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Posts posted by deadasdillinger

  1. 33 minutes ago, The Golden God said:


    I’m shiteing myself at the prospect of us winning and keeping Lennon in the job longer. Although at this stage Lennon could put himself in goal and give away 10 penalties and still not get the sack.


    This was the point I reached with Dyer. Defeats were depressing, but victories that kept him in a job longer were equally troubling. 

    I actually thought Lennon was going to win the race between the two of them to get sacked. That your board has managed to remain more stubborn and silent than ours is genuinely impressive. 

  2. 1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

    We managed to score in each of the four matches before the Hibs game, one of which was actually against Livingston.

    I know you can be quite a humourless guy, but obviously I wasn't being literal when I said we can't score. I notice you looked at the 4 games before Hibs, but not the 4 before that where we scored a grand total of 0 goals. 

    Football is all about opinions. You can disagree, but mine is that we are absolutely awful under Dyer, and nothing I've seen since he took charge in December 2019 has changed my mind. 

  3. After literally years of debating this question with myself - Celtic win the 10 or Rangers stop it (barring a miracle third option of someone else doing the same) - I'm now ready to answer. 

    It's a ridiculously hard question, but after so long enjoying The Banter Years, I'm really loving how poorly the Celtic fans are taking this. One guy on my FB saying they can have his season ticket back etc  - they're 2nd, having had 4 bad months after 10 years of uninterrupted success. Theres been protests and meltdowns. 

    Watching them stagger from one LOL to another, all while backing Lennon, it's just been glorious. Tug-worthy. 

    So, I've finally found my answer. 

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