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Posts posted by deadasdillinger

  1. Best performance in a while. Still not making too many chances or putting enough quality crosses in, but if we get the ball in to Kiltie's feet enough times for him to do that, we will be doing well. 

    Findlay and Power their best games in a while. Mulumbu doing very well at getting us to keep the ball on the deck and play (maybe he could have a word with Captain Launch-It, Kirk Broadfoot)

  2. In the battle of which set of posters could be more doom and gloom in the Motherwell v Killie thread, the Well fans came out on top, and with good reason. 

    After our surprise 0-2 victory against the truly awful Motherwell (a result so embarrassing that Robinson immediately submitted his resignation), we move on to Saturday's game against our good friends St Mirren, who look pretty handy these days. 

    I've missed my live fitba during 2020, and no fixture more than away to Paisley. Just an all round great day, marred slightly by the actual fitba. 

    Our turn to host you. Just a shame we can't be there, but hopefully we manage to somehow mug our way to another victory. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, welldaft said:

    Get you. A few wins and you are the invincibles 😉

    As to this match - do we have too is the phrase that immediately springs to mind. 

    As Ropy mentions we will play well or OK have 6132 shots at goal might even get a goal. Then from 70 minutes onwards we will defend deeper. Killie will have done nothing in the game to this point. We could and should have won 63 matches with the chances created. In the 91st minute we will opt for the wrong option and Killie will score. In 97 minutes Lamie will attempt keepie uppie in our own box and after managing 102 goes will sclaff it into our net. 2-1 Killie. 

    A bit like the movie Groundhog Day. Only a lot less fun.....

    You're being very hard on your team. Last time the sides met, yous won 0-3. Expect maybe you didn't. Except maybe you did. 

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