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Posts posted by deadasdillinger

  1. Thought we were excellent yesterday. Much is being made of the pundits' claims that Hibs dominated. For me, it was a return to our tactic under Clarke - restrict the opponent, stay tight, concede few chances, get in at half time at 0-0, tweak for major second half improvements as needed. I lost count of the times we did this under SC. He always prioritised not conceding in the first half.

    Folk saying our fans were patient yesterday. That wasn't my experience. The usual morons around me in the East Stand werent happy that we sat off so much (maybe they missed the last two seasons?) and gave stick to the usual targets - SOD and Brophy seem to be it at the moment. Took great delight in ramming it right up the moaners when SOD got an assist and Brophy a key pass. 

    Was great the way the atmosphere changed with the goal though. When Millar had the ball first half it wasnt really coming off for him, but he stuck at it and thought he lit up the second half. Took his goal brilliantly after that wet dream of a pass, and loved his skill later in the game to burst through on goal. Gutted Marciano saved that one. 

    Good performances all round. A fourth clean sheet for Branescu, Del Fabro strolling it again, Findlay back and at his usual standard, Niko looking a great replacement, El Makrini coming onto a game. Happy days. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

    Sadly, I feel that this weekend's unsavoury shenanigans are just a warm up act. With Celtic going for 9 and possibly 10 in a row, the stakes have never been higher. Unfortunately, there is no low point for these two. 

    Of course, the apologists are already out here with their 'oFFeNdEd sNoWFlaKeS' chat. The truth is none of us are offended by your bigoted behaviour, we just think you're a bunch of cretins.

    Spot on 

  3. Cant read too much into the managers first game in charge. Still getting to know the players and understand what we need - a number 10 and some attacking options. The result was more important than the performance, especially against such a difficult opponent- it was never going to be pretty. 

    I said before a ball was kicked I would take 0-1, so to come back up the road with a goal lead and 2 away goals is excellent. 

  4. Bold appointment. He has a fantastic pedigree, albeit without much managerial experience. I think what Clarke proved is that it's not about what sort of contacts book you can open or anything else, but about how well you can communicate your tactics and ideas on the training pitch. Having coached Pirlo, Buffon, Hazard, Pogba, I'm optimistic this guy can get our amazing squad of players producing similar results to SSC!

  5. A nutmeg is putting it through someone's legs, whether for yourself (though you do have to successfully collect it to have any sort of bragging rights), a pass, or megging a keeper for a goal. 

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is a nae richter. 

  6. 21 hours ago, bennett said:

    He's not a club manager.


    If you make it past the first 5 words of the post, theres a link to last year's list.

    To make it clear I was talking about last year's list, I said "last year's list"

    I realise I'm expecting a lot in terms of reading comprehension from a Rangers fan, particularly one as thick as you, but if you're posting on the topic you should probably try to keep up with it. 

  7. I've managed to enjoy this season more than most, despite the too-fast pace of it, but the finale was just a mess. Since the show steamed ahead of the books, they've managed to produce some epic moments and episode, but they've lost it in terms of pacing and managing the story. 

    Obviously GRRM must have told them to hit the main plot points, some of which seem especially odd given how the show reached them. The whole show building towards who sits on the throne and they give it to Bran, one of the most underdeveloped and one-note characters in the whole thing. 

    They couldn't possibly have thought that would be satisfying for folk?

    Dont think it necessarily needed Jon sitting on the iron throne, but him ending up back at Castle Black was a bit of a kick in the stones. 

    Santa's storyline was probably wrapped up most satisfyingly. 

    Arya killing The Night King was pretty great, but her last two episodes were shite. Goes to King's Landing to kill Cersei, doesn't, basically does nothing in the last two, then goes off to chase some dream of seeing what's West of Westeros, something she has scarcely even mentioned. 

    So much that either came out of nowhere or could have been better explained with more episodes and pacing it a bit slower. 

    Total shite. 

    I so didn't want to be that guy on the internet moaning about the end of a TV show yet here we are!

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