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Posts posted by deadasdillinger

  1. I've decided to allow half as many zombies in here as we usually have on a match thread. 

    3/4 of all posts in here will be from Kilmarnock fans.  

    A win for the good guys to confirm Europe. Broadfoot is back from suspension, yes? Fancy him to score the winner in front of the Moffat then do an Adebayor down to the Chadwick for maximum heads gone effect.

  2. What an absolute walloper Gordon Smith is. Former chief exec of the SFA. It just shows you, these guys at the top of Scottish football may have to publically appear at least slightly neutral while in office, but we all know how they really feel. 

    Mental that he would seriously suggest Rangers could refuse to play at Rugby Perk because of this :lol: Clown. 

  3. 3 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    He didn't "choose" Aberdeen, they offered more wages than anyone else and Birmingham accepted it as it's the best offer they had.

    Aberdeen absolutely spunking the money to try and scare off teams around them, they're apparently offering Joe Shaughnessy a wage over double what we can offer.


    2 hours ago, Dindeleux said:

    He won't have chosen Aberdeen over us, he will have chosen Aberdeen and getting his full wage from Birmingham over not playing for 6 months and/or coming to Kilmarnock and having to sacrifice some of his wages.

    He did choose Aberdeen over us. Killie and Aberdeen offered the same deal and it came down to the player choosing Aberdeen. 

    Thats the story coming out of Killie and Mcinnes himself has said the player chose Aberdeen over other clubs. 

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