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Everything posted by C4mmy31

  1. Not according to Jones...... https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-transfer-news/jordan-jones-reveals-rangers-wont-13868653?6
  2. Kirk Broadfoot is being sent to see a specialist as he apparently hasn't recovered properly since his concussion against Livi...... were gonna need to need to bring in a centre half imo.
  3. A nice wee endorsement for all the hard work The Killie Trust & TiK initiative are trying to achieve with club director Phyllis McLeish both joining The Trust & becoming a TiK subscriber at tonight's AGM......
  4. Doubt its him, he's reportedly in Holland about to sign for FC Groningen......
  5. There were rumours circulating earlier that "GS was on his way back up the road". Apparently there was a player spotted, currently staying at the hotel, someone on kickback thought his face seemed familiar, the name mentioned was Karim Ansarifarid of Nottingham Forest, but he seems to be at the Asia Cup with Iran........ Also this as well......
  6. This still makes me chuckle, it must be the worst comeback of all time .......
  7. FFS..... With a username like Romeo the last thing you should be doing is calling anyone kinky
  8. Aye, it's a shame right enough..... I love our #staunch pitch tbh
  9. He is a decent CB to be honest and will do well in Scotland, looks like Philly are winning the divisional in other news. Nope..... its looking a bit Rocky now.
  10. He was one of the 3 lads Lee Clark brought in on loan from Newcastle, all still at the club to.... Woodman who is their 2nd choice keeper now, Cal Roberts, a winger, who is on the periphery of their 1st team as well as Longstaff.
  11. MJ also chapped another nail into the dead teams coffin by negotiating the £1.9m deal they couldn't afford, so at least he did something worthwhile during his tenure......
  12. Should you not be like any other 14 year old, on a porn site when your mammy lets you on the internet, you absolute roaster.......
  13. Alan looks rather excited at the prospect of showing up Davis on the 23rd
  14. Does Judas Jones know he's playing for nowt? Which isn't out with the realms of probability given the state of your clubs finances Tick tock, tick tock .........
  15. Not sure about that But he's a typical orc, always posted missing when they suffer a loss. Carrying on a tradition since 2012
  16. Apparently the word coming out of Rugby Park is Greg Stewart has no desire to leave us, it appears The Sun has picked up on this..... https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/3734084/greg-stewart-kilmarnock-birmingham-rugby-park-hope-recall/amp/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&__twitter_impression=true PS.... again from within RP..... The Brophy chat is just this, there have been no bids or enquiries about Brophy.
  17. That's why i said it would take someone more qualified than me to decide if its sustainable.
  18. You'd need someone more qualified than me to go over them in detail before giving their opinion on sustainability. It's worth noting, those figures include Zero transfer fees compared to the whopping Coulibaly fee from the previous year. On a plus, there is the further increase in attendances & ST sales & commercial income from advertising & sponsorship which has risen significantly again this season to look forward to on the next set of accounts, so IMO, I dont think its beyond the realms of possibility to sustain. As for the pitch, we will find out more detail come the AGM on the 29th January.
  19. At least its not all bad news today.... Account for year ending May 2018 Turnover at £5.1m was 12,000 down on last year. Virtually unchanged. Loss of £181k as opposed to a profit of £968k in 2017. ST sales up 14%. Commercial income up 21%. Feasibility study underway to look at laying a new pitch at the end of THIS season. Wage costs at £2.87m are up over £800k.
  20. Its a massive blow right enough but...... Don't count your chickens @Kyle yet, there is 3 weeks of the window still left open. If anyone can sort out replacements its SSC. Say we did sign Scougall, which I don't think we will btw & he started to perform the way others have under Clarke, what does that say about TW?
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