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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. That’s bizarre, a mate who lives in Hamilton was playing tennis with him the other night. Apparently that’s where he lives now but he travels to Italy to commentate on Italian tv every weekend!
  2. Can’t disagree with any of that but surely if you are an ambitious manager who believes in yourself you wouldn’t see the negatives? Someone who believes in themselves will surely think the only full time team in the league with the biggest crowds in the league and a good quality (if small) squad who are currently sitting top of the league would be a good place to be?
  3. I hadn’t been keeping an eye on league two but seems you’re right. Still, he has, or at least had, a reputation for playing attractive football which would be a revalation here. I’d still rather have him than Duffy or Hartley or........
  4. Goodwin to St Mirren, Smith to go back to Alloa. Lennon will have a clause in his contract allowing him to leave for a club in a higher league. Sorted.
  5. If we don't have any money to pay his wages what is the point of him coming in on trial?
  6. Agreed. I think if we hadn't lost Lennox to injury in the first place we'd have done better. If we hadn't dropped the utterly-gash-but-still-part-of-a-solid-defence Smith for the returning Lennox we'd have done better. If we hadn't dropped McKay for the shadow-of-his-former-self Benedictus we'd have done better. Bad decisions following bad luck in my opinion.
  7. I was thinking that last season as well to be honest, other teams footage seems to have come on leaps and bounds and now makes ours look pretty poor quality. Our filming and editing is as good or better than anyone out there but the quality seems to have suffered. Do we need new equipment or is it something to do with the quality of the upload?
  8. Christ, is that how far we have fallen? It's going to be a long season. We need to give Smith time before we get on his back, but if the first quarter doesn't look promising then we need to get a new man in with a transfer window to work with rather than making someone else work with Smiths duds (if that's what they turn out to be....)
  9. Quite happy for there to be a bit of hype and expectation about the Dumbarton side. Might take a bit of the pressure away from us.
  10. I don’t think it’s as simple as that. There’s not a cut-off point where you play full-time if you’re better than the cut-off or part-time if you’re worse. We saw when we had the likes of McGurn and Gary Wales that there are players out there that are capable of playing at the top end of the championship but who prefer to play part-time football. I believe if we’d gone to a hybrid system this season we’d have been able to keep the backbone of the team (I.e the defence) full-time and have the pick of the best part-time players. There must be a reason not many clubs do that though, it must be difficult in terms of training. I agree with the rest of your points though, perhaps we should have gone to part-time. I guess we’ll know in a few months whether we made the right decision.
  11. Ties in with what I’ve heard. A mates son plays for Hearts and one of their young lads signed for Arbroath for £400 per week allegedly. That might include travel expenses etc but is a bloody good wage for a part time footballer!
  12. Hearts having a new Hybrid pitch installed too. Could be a scheduling nightmare if all three are running late with the pitch installations!
  13. Closer to home, Hearts are installing a hybrid pitch during the close season. Costing in the region of £1million apparently.
  14. But would you “have the decency to walk away”? Would you bollocks. The guy needs to pay his bills and feed his family like the rest of us. This isn’t a game of champ man. If the board decide to sack him then fair enough but to suggest he should just leave without the recompense he’s entitled to is naive in the extreme.
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