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Everything posted by SlipperyP

  1. Update. Wife is now 7nhalf month all is good. Got a little panicked earlier as the test were no all good, however everything has smoothed out. I personally still don't want to know the gender, love a surprise. Taken a few days holiday next month Sept, to take the wee boy away and spoil him (his birthday on the 12th). As still unsure how he will be when the new one arrives. Names....we have 2 names here. Nickname and official name. I'm got the nickname as the last times. I'm thinking Alba. Boy or girl. Easy for the Thais to pronounce
  2. I hope that is a royal we. Am I f**k going back Bo'ness. Last time after an all nighter rave around 1992. Everyone was a doved (loved on pills) up and an Almighty fight broke out. I left with a sore puss. Quiet me, was just skinning up when all hell broke loose, didn't even get to roach the fucker. c***s.
  3. This weekend movers; Money Makers @Helpma The tallest tree in the world, I can EXCLUSIVELY reveal, is 324 sorry feet high, more or less, give or take, probably. For a bonus point, I can also tell you that it's made of wood.v @gkneil 140m if my answer can still be taken (posted after the deadline) My Boss said Im the BOSS. In the river, no score. & Pocket Dippers @German Jag Will go with 280 feet (+/- 85m).v @Adam101Cheers for the playoff question I have no idea but I assume it’s a giant redwood so I’ll say 900 feet tall As we all know now the correct answer is 379.7 feet. Congratulations toooo @Helpma & @German Jag
  4. Thank you @NJ2 for fucking the leagues up, and cheers @Eednud the master that you are, on the ball as always. Quick mention to @Cardinal Richelieu who I believe has gone into hiding as his wee team get pumped at The Station today. Weeee're off----- This weekend movers; Money Makers @Helpma v @gkneil & Pocket Dippers @German Jag v @Adam101 Question for this week, nature....What is the height of the tallest tree in the world. Please answer in metres. sorry feet. Answers by PM only and should all be submitted no later than 06:00 Monday (Wanjan) Thai Time. Good Luck!!
  5. Can we please confirm the playoff candidates please. My notes are completely different than the league table show. Helpma & gkkneil JamesP & Adam
  6. This league is not competitive enough for @Cardinal Richelieu soon he will be off. The quicker the better. Which would be a shame. Anyway, to the more important things of life, the play offs How many stokes from all players combined at this years Open at Carnoustie. Big Boys @German JagA stab in the dark at 23000. v @Eednud No idea so 34,567 Wee p***ks @JamesP_81 Rough mental arithmetic whilst away camping and a few beers to the good gives me an answer of 35,000. I may be a factor of 10 out in either direction due to the strength of innis and gunn. v @CaspianChris This is going to have to rely on guess work, but the number of combined strokes by all players at the Carnoustie Open is 6,500. The correct answer is 32570 Congratulation to @Eednud & @JamesP_81 See Y'all next weekend.
  7. Thank you @Cardinal Richelieu as always a pleasure to work with you, even now you're a Champion not just in your mothers eyes. Today Play Off Question..... How many stokes from all players comined at this years Open at Carnoustie. Big Boys @German Jag v @Eednud Wee p***ks @JamesP_81 v @CaspianChris Answers by PM only. To be handed in no later that 06:00 Monday Thai Time. Good Luck!
  8. She not even got a bottle of lucozade. Will not pump.
  9. Had dealing with a German lad on Wednesday. Eric Bohner
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