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Posts posted by the_bully_wee

  1. Spanked 80k and a load of untradeables into that Ultimate TOTS SBC and got Andy Robertson. Obviously a good card but virtually useless for me, unfortunately.



  2. Finished up one game short of the hallowed Gold 1; needed a win from the last game and went on to concede, quite literally, the worst goal I've ever had scored against me on a FIFA game. Speculative long range shot comes in and my 'keeper palms it wide, it is quite literally at the bye line and Vieira volleys it across the line (with it bending away from goal), only for my backtracking 'keeper to push it over the line and in with absolutely no danger. PMSL

  3. Started this evening 5-4, and am now 14-6. I hate myself so, so much. My (in-game) team is below, with Forrest's MOTM being my (not-so) super sub. Correa, who I replaced the ineffectual TOTS Ilicic with earlier, is the star of the show, and the previously-pish Muriel card I was compelled to do a few weeks back out of FIFA 13 loyalty to him has thrived since. CDMs are both weak but I don't have enough coins for any sort of a meaningful upgrade on either, and they do the job defensively anyway. Nainggolan pops up with some goals, too. 


  4. 7 minutes ago, YHallSaint said:

    That’s a pretty standard team in WL. I haven’t came up against anything lower than an 192 the last couple weeks


    Disgusting stuff. They've completely ruined what is already a very flawed game mechanics-wise with so many special cards and brazen cash-grab promos - prime icon moments being the worst. I used to be mad for Ultimate Team, but have hardly bothered since FIFA 18 kicked off. My finest achievement was, in the March cycle of 17, getting 37 wins out of 40 in the inaugural year of FUT Champs with a 20k Serie A team. I can't see any way in which that would be even remotely possible for a pro to achieve these days.

  5. At a loose end so decided to, despite loathing this game, attempt a WL campaign. I'm 4-3 at the moment, which is pretty good going given how little I've played of UT this year. An opposition team, presented without comment (other than that this is how it lined up in-game):


  6. I've not long finished watching this through for the third time, but I'm seriously considering going for a fourth already - I've even watched the first episode again. It's my favourite series by an absolute mile and, although I haven't enjoyed recent seasons as much (the last was particularly sticky in places - particularly the pretty incongruous dance routine by Mac in the finale), it gets better and better the more I watch it. One bit I had forgotten about, which I lost it at during this watch-through, was when Dennis comes home from work in "Mac & Dennis Move to the Suburbs" to see that Mac has invited their pool repair guy to stay for dinner (forgive the horrendous editing of the clip, I couldn't find a "pure" one):



  7. Aye, Robert California is one of my favourite characters in the entire thing. Even better that he wasn't in it for too long, and so avoided becoming a bit played-out like a lot of the other characters (Phyllis, Meredith etc.) did. Season 9 is a real struggle to watch, and there is a drop-off after Michael leaves, but it's still by far one of my favourite things to watch. There are so many stand-out scenes from throughout the show that it'd be remiss of me to post only one or a few. A couple of brilliant storylines as well; on first watching, the early development of Jim and Pam is really good and Michael's relationship with Jan is utterly incredible. Almost in the same ballpark as Always Sunny, for me.

  8. I note from Tony Wallace's Instagram bio that he's nicknamed The Bone, and would like to politely request that he is exclusively referred to as such by my fellow Clyde fans henceforth. Many thanks.

    ETA: For some further, less-essential, substance within this post, Instagram also informed me that Tom Lang is on his way back to Scotland, so I'd imagine his signing announcement at Dunfermline will happen over the next couple of days.

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