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Posts posted by the_bully_wee

  1. This is all wonderful stuff; I hope it's not just posturing for playing-time assurances or more dough, though it would still be lovely if so. I hope it's the case that Turnbull has his head screwed on - Celtic is not a great club for a young player to go to right now, given the more-than-usually pressurised environment and the current manager, someone who's not got a great track record when it comes to developing players.

  2. It's all elementary as we don't know what's happening with McStay yet, but if he were to leave then I think Cuddihy would do a pretty good job in his place, if not just as good a job with time to develop in the role. That would mean having Duffie come into the team, though, and - as useful as he is - I don't want him being a starter in League One. Going into next season the areas I felt needing strengthened were GK, LB, AM and ST. We've done fine with three of those, but the losses of Lang and potentially McStay bring up other issues. 

    As much as both of the players deserve to assess their options and make what they feel is the best move for themselves, it leaves us in the lurch. They are very good players; we will have offered them some of our better wage packages and they will be similarly - or more - expensive to adequately replace. Doing that is hard enough without having to play the waiting game while players who fit these profiles could be accepting offers elsewhere. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Francesc Fabregas said:

    I've been told by an associate we've apparently offered a contract to former Livingston, Greenock Morton, Ayr United and Clyde midfielder Scott McLaughlin. Last season he was playing for Edusport Academy in the Lowland League.

    The 35 year old has several offers from junior clubs too but we're also in the hunt.

    I can't imagine Scott McLaughlin would represent any improvement on Mark Ferry, particularly with a few more seasons added on to his legs since he almost captained a shitebag Clyde side to the relegation play-off. He's an alright player but at this point he will be, at best, a figure of League Two mediocrity. His experience is worth a fair bit, right enough, and he's as two-footed a player as you're likely to see in the lower leagues - something which offers him a degree of versatility, though his ageing legs badly exposed him as a wide player in midfield and at full-back a couple of years back. These are still fairly early days of course, but if this is what Stenhousemuir's supposedly impressive budget is being spent on, then it looks like the division will be comprised almost entirely of mid-table quality sides next season. 

  4. The overall package isn't going to get a great deal better for Motherwell, but willingly flogging him to Celtic is a shite decision from the club and I can only hope that this sparks other sides into action. Of course, Turnbull himself could have his heart set on Celtic, but that would be a really, really poor move for him to make for a multitude of reasons. 

    For the sake of £3m and the inconsiderable wage he would command, you'd imagine that a host of clubs down south would be willing to take a shot on Turnbull rather than some of the duds they regularly splash crazy money on. John McGinn is Villa's PotY, cost a similar amount and was far less of a prospect than Turnbull is, ffs, and arguably operating at a pretty similar level. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

    You go to one of the abandoned houses, short clip, go see Dyne to the north somewhere. Use the truck as a free healing point for leveling up.

    I've played this so many times!

    Haha aye, the thing which fooled me previously was the fact that you have to run "north" for about a minute into the desert area around the back/at the right-hand side - I must have been flummoxed by it on at least two occasions, so I think I have finally learned my lesson. 

  6. Noticed that the release date for the remake of FF7 has been trotted out today, though given Square Enix's form along with that of the wider gaming industry, I would be very surprised if the game does drop in nine months' time. 

    I'm not really a huge fan of the FF series in general - my interest in it is mainly borne of obsessively watching my nine-years-older brother playing games such as FF and RE from the age of about three upwards, until I could finally play them competently myself. The game which sticks out in the main from that time is, for me, FF7, so it's always been one I have had a fondness and profound nostalgia for and I've played through it a few times myself, despite being born into the PS2 era and having exclusively played the game with it being "outdated" (it was released when I wasn't even a year old). 

    I've played other FF games, including bits of some of the early ones on PS1, all-but the final boss of FF3 on Nintendo DS (utterly impossible, by the way), a good deal of FF10 and a small bit of FF8 too. None of them have appealed to me like FF7, though, and I'm looking forward to having the game (hopefully, pretty faithfully) repackaged into the sort of 1080p, smooth release to which I am more accustomed. They can do whatever they want with combat, travel etc. but if they keep most elements of the storyline and soundtrack similar then it'll be a big W.

    Even as bizarre as the character models and 2D pre-rendered backgrounds look now, along with the fairly counter-intuitive materia and party systems, the original game is still a masterpiece when taken as a vehicle for its main storyline and soundtrack. I had a bash at playing FF10 to completion, but the fairly repetitive and linear nature of the gameplay, allied to a pretty bland storyline, meant I lost interest pretty easily; the sphere grid system is a bit of a pain in the arse as well, and something which makes it hard to dip in and out of playing the game.

    I'm probably due a blast at FF7 again, because I don't think I've actually played it properly in about six or seven years now. Hopefully I don't do what I have done in every previous playthrough and completely forget what I am supposed to do/where I am supposed to go when I get tossed in the clink at the Golden Saucer.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Jeremy Fisher said:

    Nae panic at this end Mr D. Dog....just an observation on the piss poor uptake as at 9/6/19. £5...? Payday excuse..? Mmmm....let's see where we are in August then. 

    It was announced six days ago, with the first draw now thirty-seven days away. Last year's fund generally had, what, 220 subscribers? We're almost halfway there and that's a boost of over £250 a week to the player budget for the coming year, over and above supporters' contributions via all other means like STs, walk-up attendance, programme buying, lottery playing, merchandise purchases. All of our fans have done superbly in backing the club financially in the past few years, especially given the decade which had gone before and all of its many false dawns and disappointments.

  8. 7 minutes ago, C. Muir said:

    Ferguson gets absolutely no sympathy from me (nor you if your ode is anything to go by) for the departure of Pat Scullion.

    As with many things, it isn't completely black and white; if it wasn't for his release then he probably wouldn't have been able to do this for Cowdenbeath a year later: 


  9. 7 minutes ago, Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth said:

    Were signing Colin Marshall shortly. Longtime Clyde fans may remember him from the 03-04 season when he broke through for us on loan from Aston Villa. He last played up this way at Cowdenbeath about 4 years ago and has been playing in Asia recently. 34 now but still no bad hopefully. 

    Nice try, Kevin. You'll need a better smokescreen than that to distract us from the impending announcement of #ThackerReturns

  10. 38 minutes ago, Muzza81 said:

    Where is the_bully_wee QC for his input into proceedings? He seems to have all the inside info.

    Not only am I delighted to announce that I have arrived to deliver my much-awaited verdict, but also that I am a far less morally reprehensible QC than your chairman. In any case, the lack of a verdict before now was due to a lack of available information, as you will know Murray.

    In the absence of any cold, hard evidence this hasn't been the easiest case to arbitrate, however the DAMNING removal of Stenhousemuir's statement allied to the DAMNING assertions within Cowdenbeath's make it hard to cogently defend Stenhousemuir Football Club here. It is obvious, to me, that the chump(s) responsible for the phantom signing of Harvey Swann were all entirely unaware of regulations pertaining to the signing of under-24 players on free transfers. That in itself would be DAMNING, however in the circumstances this heinous oversight is made even worse by Stenhousemuir's botched attempts to deflect the blame on to Cowdenbeath Football Club. In addition, the victim, Harvey Swann's Bollan-enforced damnation to a possible purgatory of being on Cowdenbeath's bench until the age of 24 only serves to exacerbate Stenhousemuir's wrongdoing. 

    With all this taken into account, it is with great regret that I must announce that Stenhousemuir Football Club is hereby completely tinpot, and I sentence them to a galling cancellation (suspended for a month, and pending the due grovelling apologies to their fans, Cowdenbeath Football Club and Harvey Swann himself).

  11. 7 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Cowdenbeath should be looking to get as high a compensation figure as possible, like any other well run professional football club. It's not their fault Stenny have made a c**t of it and not realised they'd be due a fee signing him.


    Any "well-run professional football club" also wouldn't want to risk having a very unhappy player on its books, or tarnishing its reputation among (young) players, for the sake of making a quick buck. Stenny could well have realised a fee was due and been scared off by an excessively high compensation demand, but like I've said, it's impossible to definitively call it either way without knowing the numbers.

  12. 19 minutes ago, The Minertaur said:

    Asking for compensation that we are entitled to isn't holding the player to ransom. Cowden have done exactly what every other club in the world would do.

    It's nice to think that clubs just let their young players leave for nothing to further their career but that's not the reality us small clubs live in. Why should the club not offer him a contract when he's been involved in most league games and we're losing Talbot?

    I totally agree with you, and whatever his wage is then Bollan will have deemed him worth being part of next season's squad (back-up or not) for that outlay and there can be no blame attached to him or Cowdenbeath for tabling that new deal. Ultimately, to be able to make your mind up definitively on this, you'd have to be privy to the numbers - they'll be known to a fair few folk I'm sure, so hopefully they come out eventually and blaming, judgemental elbows can be pointed at either side. Much depends on Swann's own feelings, too - would he have been happy to sign on again if he wasn't guaranteed more game-time, or would he have wanted to move on in any scenario? That's a pretty important factor, IMO.

    In my unbiased opinion, I think with all known factors taken into consideration, it would be entirely reasonable for any compensation to amount to a few thousand, certainly no more than about five; not a complete pittance, but not a sizeable fee either and probably akin to the approximate value of the player. If Cowdenbeath have asked for much more than that - knowing that Swann isn't happy at the club and wouldn't have wanted to remain there - then I think it's more than a bit shite of them to effectively deny him a positive move which would see him starting more regularly and playing more football than he has done in the past couple of years. Conversely, if Stenhousemuir have nuked the deal because they didn't want to compensate Cowdenbeath even a little for their ten-year development of Swann, then that is more than a bit shite on their part. As I've said, I can only sympathise with the boy, who is now ostensibly stuck with a club which he rejected in favour of another - a nightmarish situation for him. 

  13. I heard through a mutual friend that Adam Cummins' out-of-football work circumstances have changed, and Stranraer have agreed that they will terminate his new contract, on the condition that he signs for a lower-ranked club. As I understand it, Queen's are ahead of a couple of other League Two clubs in securing his signature. He'd make-up a tremendous back three alongside Scott Gibson and your new man from Largs. 


  14. 1 minute ago, cowdenbeath said:

    You  don't even know how much Cowden were looking for in compensation so how can you say he's been priced out. 

    I addressed that point in a previous post and, without knowing the figures involved, it's fair to say that this situation constitutes either extreme cheapness from Stenhousemuir (a few thousand equates to about £50/week out of your budget), or piss-taking out-pricing from Cowdenbeath. If it's the case that Stenhousemuir have been tight b*****ds then Cowdenbeath are, of course, entirely blameless here and well within their rights to act how they have.

    Hopefully Swann will either be allowed to move on for a sensible sum or be given the opportunity to establish himself as a starter at Cowdenbeath, because it would be a shame if his career was held back by this sorry episode. It's hard to imagine that Bollan will see him as his first choice, even if he does stay, whereas it looked for all the world as though he was McMenamin's main man for the left-back/left-wing-back slot at Stenny. 

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