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Posts posted by the_bully_wee

  1. 7 hours ago, The Spider said:

    I thought you said Roberts wasn't up to the job and would be leading us to the Lowland League if we stuck with him. Did I imagine that or are you now revising your opinion?

    He still isn't a very good football manager, but I said you'll have "a good pool". Recruitment is half the battle, but Barry Ferguson showed us that a good squad can still lead to relegation if mismanaged. I'd be surprised - in any case - if next season was anything but another poor one again.

  2. 40 minutes ago, an86 said:

    Probably one for the 19/20 thread, but we're supoosedly signing a defender called Nicky Jamieson from Largs according to the junior forum. 

    Nicky is a cracking player; it was always a case of which senior club he'd go to rather than if he'd make the step up, after the way he's come on in recent years. Surprised he's plumped for Queen's, to be honest given the rumoured interest. Tall, athletic, quick and aggressive but also good on the ball. If that's the sort of player Roberts is bringing in then you'll have a good pool next season, I'd imagine.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Neilly said:

    In the current starting team there is 3 players that were starters last season (McGuigan, Donaldson, Ferry) playing in a different formation to last year. So nothing like last season's team.

    Come back when you know your onions. Annan finished 4th in the basement league let's not give them on aura of Stoke away on a cold Tuesday night. If we get beat then so be it but don't come on to my thread and start running your mouth when you have no knowledge of our side.

    Fair enough. Having seen plenty of the likes of Reid, Marsh, Munro and Hurst over the last few years, and having watched your recent game vs Airdrie, I'm merely offering my thoughts and a cautious warning to boot. Although you're obviously a WUM of some renown, I would advise against any Stenny fan - for all their battling form of late - adopting a churlish or dismissive attitude towards Annan based on them finishing fourth alone. They've issued pretty consummate bodyings to both Edinburgh and Peterhead this season and, since mid-January, have only lost to the latter and Clyde (both away from home). I wouldn't be at all surprised if they fudged their way into League One next season.

    ETA: Out of curiosity, what formation is it you've primarily used this year? You obviously switched between a back three and four last season and I was (perhaps falsely) under the impression it had been similar this year, particularly recently.

  4. 8 hours ago, Neilly said:

    With respect you know little about our team. Anything Annan have physically we will match and then some. We are a big, physical mob ourselves who will grind teams down.

    Diet Carlisle will be dispatched without breaking sweat.

    Your team isn't too dissimilar to last season's overall and, although it's clearly no collection of pansies, this Nanna side is a different prospect altogether. Bodying players into the pitch-surround walls down at Galabank, etc. is par for the course and they absolutely love playing for set pieces and long throws. I'd be very surprised if immense sweat wasn't broken by both sides and, although they might not be the prettiest of games, the two ties should make for great watching. 

    7 hours ago, The Moonster said:


    tenor (1).gif

    You'd probably have to see it to believe it, but the wee man has been brilliant for Annan this year and been one of the best players on the park in each of our meetings. Was he not pretty highly-rated when he was a young lad with Kilmarnock? As I understand it, injuries set him back quite a lot as he progressively slid down the leagues. He didn't do much when with Peterhead at the end of last season, but then Peter Murphy isn't a complete fraud of a manager like Jim McInally is. Annan will be doing very well to keep a hold of him, and Dumbarton could do a lot worse than signing him themselves. 

  5. I hope you lot can do the business against Annan over two legs - an utterly disgusting side to play against and the team I fear most of Clyde's three play-off rivals. They are extremely physical, bordering on dirty, and play very direct football - they do, though, have a wee bit of magic about them in Chris Johnston, who has been one of the best players in League Two this season. You'll be no soft touches yourselves, but you can all expect to witness a pair of tight, bruising battles within the next week and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Annan manage to fudge their way into the final.

  6. Plenty of excitement, twists, turns and close calls there but from an overall plot and feasibility perspective that failed to deliver as it might have, for me. Other than the balance of power come the end game, it's also looking fairly predictable now in terms of how things will go with regards to the Cersei conflict (the only uncertainty perhaps arising from not knowing how many fighting people are actually still alive outside of the Iron Fleet). I can't help but feel that this final season is and will be a bit of a let down overall; in a season, what, ~440 minutes long(?), 120 minutes of that covered very little of what was a lot yet to be resolved. We are now left with probably four hours remaining to sort out everything else. Not nearly enough, in my mind, particularly when the first two episodes were pretty barren of genuine plot development.

  7. Looks like we've got a penny store, two-bit pseudo-intellectual on our hands here :lol: 

    I will bite. Better Call Saul is magnificent and goes into hefty detail on the backstory of not only the entire landscape we are shown in your beloved Hank Schrader's Breaking Bad-era Albuquerque, but the characters within it - including those who shape those very characters. It's obviously not going to progress at a breakneck speed, but if you value true character development - in my opinion, Hank's is one of the poorest-developed arcs within Breaking Bad - then I don't see why anyone wouldn't be a massive fan of BCS, other than to display the bizarre level of ignorance and devil's advocacy you appear to be showcasing here.

  8. It is absolutely fine by me if QP fans are willing to give a manager with only miserable failure on his CV the chance to build a squad using pretty obscure means. I can't really be bothered looking up Roberts' points per game return but, even accounting for the extra two you were handed for nothing yesterday, I bet it would be enough to ordinarily make you relegation fodder when extrapolated across a full season. 

  9. This has been good so far, not 'peak Partridge' but I would argue that, for various reasons, nothing in the series could really come close to 'Knowing Me, Knowing You' and 'I'm Alan Partridge'. I lost it at his quotation of Kirstie Allsopp this week when talking about the peasants' revolt; "and, as Kirstie Allsopp says, a well-fed dog is a slow dog". His monologue about the low-frequency buzzing emanating from his dimmer switch circuit was brilliant, too. It certainly achieves a lot more positive things than negative and, if it can maintain this standard across the full series, I'll be sad when it ends.  

  10. 8 minutes ago, Callous_Pint said:

    David Marsh is a magnificent capture for Stenny. Back where he belongs after a confusing spell at Cowden. A real meat and two veggie defender. Hope to see many more rip-roaring displays, which we have all have come to expect from this strapping young lad.

    :lol: he is a fairly run of the mill League Two defender. Looks like we've found Marsh's da.

  11. 2 hours ago, Emfaefifeyahoorsur said:

    Not the only club from the Championship I hear ??
    I said over a year ago that previous coaches didn’t do Blair any favours by merely having the ball humped up to him in the hope of a fortunate knock on due to his size. He is in fact, a good “sniffer” in the boxes with a knack of being in the right place at the right time . It is possible that he is actually a good football player.

    Hiya Blair, just popping in to say that that was a brilliant header you scored on Saturday. 

  12. Think I’ll put that gif on the Clyde thread to save The_Wee_Bawbag from creeping over here all the time. She’s utterly obsessed.
    I take a keen interest in the fortunes of all Scottish clubs, particularly those whose fortunes affect those of my own team. I am merely seeking to provide some balance here by reminding you and your fellow Queenies that your club is still on course for a swift and crippling decline, particularly due to the ineptitude of your current manager.

    But at least Galt scored one goal against Clyde three seasons ago!
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