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Posts posted by the_bully_wee

  1. I guess no-one'll ever know for sure whether or not the throw from the dead lad that hit the boy was deliberate. Apparently the boy that died was epileptic, which may have had something to do with the cardiac arrest. And I have to disagree with you, the boy intended to hurt him but I'm sure he never knew that he was epileptic and also that 2/3 minutes later his victim would collapse dead. He's been charged with assault with danger to life, which will give quite a hefty sentence. As far as I'm concerned it was a freak, I won't say accident, but event.

    The cretins (vast majority of people) in my school have made a massive Rangers shrine outside one of the main entrances/exits of the school closest to where it happened, absolute arseholes. Everyone is greeting and saying "GBNF, our angel", mostly people that have never had any connection to him whatsoever. The worst part is the only thing the school has said about it to pupils is "don't talk about the event to strangers who ask (aka journalists)" just before the boy passed away. No word at all since. They just want to cover their arses and presumably the teachers' who wasn't there... it could've happened in a time frame of 10 seconds though, as I said there is a large volume of total idiots in my school. In the toilets two walls have been graffiti'd with massive writing; one saying "____ GBNF" and the other saying "RIP M8". :rolleyes:

    The dead boy is being made out as a wee angel (which I'm sure he wasn't, throwing softballs/practise shot putts around in a class) and the killer an absolute monster. There's a difference between thrusting a blade into or shooting someone and giving them a bit of a roughing up in the heat of the moment following them throwing a ball of heavy/hard description at you.

  2. I have deleted my earlier post on the subject.

    My regards, to his family.

    Was a good joke as well, just unfortunate what has happened. Such a shame for someone so young to die, moreso unnaturally.

    Feel sorry for the lad that done it right enough, having that resting on his shoulders for the rest of his life, and he's only 14.

  3. The lad's now dead. The real story is the whole PE class were lobbing rubber training shotputts at each other (which is still quite dangerous, they weigh the same), and the lad that died threw one at his, well, killer :unsure: Somewhat rightly he confronted him and then, wrongly, started punching him in the face, and a few minutes later the boy took a cardiac arrest. Shame for both of them, I guess.

    Edit: ffs, other reports saying it was softballs being thrown. In any case balls of some unconfirmed description were being chucked about!

  4. Am not surprised giving some of our performances over the last few seasons.

    Haha, to be fair it was the 2-1 Queen's Park game just after New Year and I had to leave 2 mins early due to the train - was gutted about it, first game I've ever left early :( Caught the train just in time! Missed the Clyde goal that day as well as my fatass mate always insists on going for a pie at 40 mins <_<

  5. Me and my brother watched straight-faced as my eldest brother scratched away a fake scratchcard inside his birthday card which "won" him £25,000. Bless him, he said sternly that no-one was to find out and that everyone in our family would get 5 grand each. Felt pretty crap when explaining to him it was a faker. Also felt terrible knowing that it wasn't a winner and I wasn't in line for 5 grand :(

  6. Just imagine it as an american style sports movie. Inspiring coach takes motley team to state finals sorta stuff... trouble is you need one immense player (who will get injured before the final game) and a player who has a step-dad who doesn't like him playing football (he will score the winning goal).

    You'd need a linesman, like Chuck Norris, playing a role like he does in Dodgeball, wherein he dramatically flags for offside after the "rival" team score to go in front in the 95th minute, thus resulting in a draw and taking the game to extra time :D

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