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Posts posted by the_bully_wee

  1. Can people exploit the game so that others experience severe lag whilst they don't? Just played in a game which took 5 minutes to reach 20 on the clock, and I counted the time between each (lengthy, about 2 seconds-long) blip - precisely 14 in-game seconds each time. He didn't seem to be lagging whatsoever - he could dribble, do his skills and seemed unaffected in defence while I was all over the place. Ended up quitting, extremely frustrating to play under

  2. I'm far better at essays in English than the Close Reading (then again, in my school 30/50 for a Close Reading is regarded as excellent), the only issue being I haven't found or revised any quotes yet. I reckon I'll end up with a B which is quite frustrating, but given the fact I've had a disaster of a teacher, not all that bad.

  3. If Nicoll signs for Clyde then I'm getting a season ticket for Broadwood.

    The word is that he's going back to Stranraer. He's denied it on his Twitter, but he's definitely a cut above the Third Division - in any case I can't see him coming to us for the peanuts we can offer, as much as I'd love to see him back.

  4. First exam next Tuesday - and it's my worst subject, Information Systems. Taught by a substitute Computing teacher who learned the course herself whilst teaching us, nobody attained a pass in the prelim - not one person in a class filled with pretty intelligent pupils got more than 40%. Add in the fact it's the most tedious subject in existence and only a handful of Scottish schools offer it, all roads are currently leading to C or below. Not good.

  5. The thing I hate most about FIFA is that you can be on CoD and play games with an absolutely seamless connection, then you go on for a game of FIFA and the connection is unplayably poor.

  6. Does anyone else remember the mushroom and wine variety of Pasta'n'sauce? I used to love it but I haven't seen it in years.

    I think I posted the very same question on this thread a while back - can't remember whether or not it was answered but I believe they've been discontinued, which is a real shame as they were much better than the Chicken and Mushroom flavour I've now had to settle for.

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