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Posts posted by the_bully_wee

  1. Fantastic signing. Credit to all involved in making it happen. When I saw David Douglas' tweet last night he immediately sprung to mind - I'd heard a rumour after the PotY dinner that we were after him, and his activity on Twitter hinted at him signing. For me, that completely wipes out the disappointment of losing Kirkpatrick (and then some).

    The main priority now has to be a starting right sided centre back, but if we can't manage to get one then Marsh would be fine in there. A poacher would be the icing on the cake, but even then I expect we'll get more out of Higgy by playing predominantly on the deck. Beyond that, and being gluttonous, a better keeper than Gibson would be wonderful. If he can cut out some of the bizarre errors/lapses in concentration then he'd be more than adequate, right enough. Much better at coming off his line to claim crosses towards the end of the season.

    If we can strengthen in the three above positions then we'll take some beating.

  2. There's no way we'll run with 5 strikers. I think we need one more, personally, and he needs to be better than those we've currently got (hiya John, hiya pal).


    I wouldn't be surprised if Millen is reviewing his options first before committing if nothing significantly better crops up, but he'd be a big loss. A midfield trio of McGovern, Flynn and Millen would coast through most games in this division. No complaints about Scott McLaughlin staying, but I think we'd need a bit more than he offers from a starting viewpoint. Smith staying is a big bonus and hopefully he can maintain his consistency from this season, while Watson is a good option to have and will hopefully kick on a bit during the coming campaign. We've known that JP was remaining at the club since the fan consultation meetings, but it's still good to have him confirmed. Hopefully he can also continue his good form from this season, and his age doesn't start to catch up with him.


    I suspect the confirmation of JP and not Marko means that the big man's retiring, which is disappointing but not entirely unexpected. I'd imagine we'll still have him registered as a player, in any case. Disappointing that a true Clyde legend couldn't bow out with a promotion.


    Edit: Barry's saying in the article on the website that Marko's on holiday at the moment, so that last paragraph could well prove to be a load of guff.

  3. Absolutely no qualms about Phil Johnston. As I've said elsewhere and David's said above, I can't really see him being a starter. That sort of pace of the bench, along with his versatility in being able to play as a winger and a right back, means he should be a good addition. Having said that, he may be a starter initially depending on the recovery of Scott Ferguson.


    As for the others - not a surprise among them, but all look like good signings. They certainly offer upgrades on what we had in those respective positions at the end of the season, with the exception of McMann - but even then, Lowdon's highly-rated.


    If we can hang onto Smith and, in particular, Millen and Linton, I think we'll have the basis of a right good and dynamic squad. We'll just have to wait and see what we end up with up front and in goals to gauge where we are.

  4. Can't argue with any of what David said - for the areas yet to be filled, I'd (like to/think we will) see:

    Good GK: Hart

    Young GK: McMillan

    Starting CB: McNiff

    Goalscoring CM: Flynn

    Pacy CF: Watson

    Creative CF: Longworth


    I'd love for us to keep Gemmell, but it sounds almost certain that he'll be away. Unless Barry's got a replacement up his sleeve, it'd be bitterly disappointing if we haven't at least offered him a contract. Should he be moving on, I'd like to see us go all out to try and sign Longworth, but I suspect he'll have ambitions (and offers) above League 2.


    In any case, I suspect we'll end up needing at least two new strikers. Watson, if not on too much, would be worth another deal and would no doubt be better suited to playing in a less one-dimensional team. I noticed the other day that Chris Duggan's been released by Thistle, and based on the two times I saw him at the tail end of the season, I think he'd be a good addition.


    Looking forward to the signing announcements, when they come; it's certainly better than the Duffy days, when we'd be waiting for two months on new signings being announced. Then, on a mid-July day, following a 2-2 friendly draw against Stenny, we'd end up reading of the signings of a young ex-Morton winger, some complete unknowns from the juniors/amateurs and a player who appeared to have gone into hiding by August and whose release was never formally announced.

  5. By Wouldn't even take 500/1. I doubt we'll ever get out of this league.

    It'll be interesting to see who we sign up for next season.

    Confirmed for next season:

    • Mark McLaughlin (U20 coach)
    • Jon-Paul McGovern (player/U20 coach)
    • Scott Ferguson (new 2-year deal)
    • David Gormley (new contract)
    • Scott McLaughlin (new contract)
    • Sean Higgins (new contract)
    • David Marsh (new contract)
    • John Gibson (new contract)
    • Scott Linton (new contract)
    • Chris Smith (new contract)
    • Jamie Watson (new contract)
    • Jordan Lowdon (left back, Arbroath)
    • Ewan McNeil (right back, Berwick)
    • Phil Johnston (right winger, Stirling)
    • Matty Flynn (central midfielder, Annan)
    • Martin McNiff (centre back, Annan)
    • Dylan Easton (attacking midfielder, Elgin)

    (Rumoured) new additions:

    • Jordan Hart (goalkeeper, Annan)

    Would offer new deals to:

    • ​Mark McMillan (back-up?)​
    • John Gemmell

    Thank you and goodbye/rumoured leavers:

    • Scott Durie (released)
    • Michael Bolochoweckyj (Montrose)
    • Steven Brisbane
    • Brian McQueen
    • Anthony Higgins
    • John Gemmell (Albion Rovers)
    • Ross Millen (rejected contract)

    Not sure:

    • Marvin Andrews (by all accounts a great dressing room presence, but his playing days look over at this level)
    • Billy Robb
    • Conor Lynass
  6. Got this last night and have just reached the garage in which you can first upgrade your guns after being chased by the infected. Found it a bit hard to get into but starting to get the hang of it now. Some tricky bits so far - the room with 3 clickers and 2 runners and the one with a clicker and 3/4 runners both spring to mind. Good that you need to put a bit of thought into how you're approaching things. The game's shit scary.

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