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Posts posted by the_bully_wee

  1. That absolutely needs the portly Rangers fan photoshopped into it. I will give out one of my closely guarded greenies for anyone who makes this happen.

    Not after a greenie but I'm stuck in the house bored during a double free period, so I obliged!


  2. Well, my copy of this arrived this (or yesterday, I guess) morning after much to-ing and fro-ing over whether or not to get it and I've already lost 10 hours of my life to it. Really enjoying it so far - I can't remember ever playing a game so much in one day. The driving is great, the combat is great, the graphics are in some parts absolutely astounding; there was one angle I got of Michael's driveway and house which looked just as though it was on TV. I really like how the characters all have their own individual missions and intertwine, too. I've done 20 missions so far. Trevor is absolutely hilarious although I haven't switched back to him yet to see his antics! The mini-games are really fun too - absolutely annihilated a "normal" difficulty opponent in my first tennis game 3-0 and carded a cool 7 under in my first round of golf including an eagle. I found flight school pretty tricky but after two hours of impatient grafting I managed to get all golds as Franklin. Really looking forward to getting more into it over the September weekend and then the online will be out soon after! :D

    Edit: my highlight so far was

    the mission where you have to rig the phone prototype then trigger it when the guy's live on TV and it blows his head off. Maybe that's just the sadist in me though!

  3. First draft of my personal statement's due on Wednesday. Trying to make a start on it just now but I'm unsure of whether or not to gear it towards Chemical Engineering (my first choice) or keep it more generic to Chemistry alone. My choices are Chemical Engineering MEng and BEng, Chemistry MChem, Chemistry with Drug Discovery MChem and Pharmacy MPharm. Nightmare.

  4. There was an absolute brain donor on my bus, although thankfully he wasn't on for long (about 10/15 mins). In spite of his short stay, he managed to first of all endear himself to other passengers by telling an elderly man to "hurry the f**k up" in getting to his seat, make phone calls to about 4 different friends over two mobiles about how much he wanted to get drunk, bash proddies and batter c***s today, and also produce a brand spanking new Celtic top with "GBNL" printed on the back. The experience was compounded when the bus passed an Orange Walk and he started shouting "proddy c***s!!" and battering on the window. A total oxygen thief but it was quite funny to see such a stereotypical Old Firm fan.

  5. This belongs in the Twitter thread but I'm so damn overjoyed about this that putting it in the Twitter thread simply won't feel right. If only there was a "Reasons to be Overjoyed" thread.

    Wagner, the Brazilian showstopper who appeared on The X Factor a few years ago just followed me on Twitter. The man behind this performance;

  6. Better watch you don't get called a liar ;)

    It's minging when that happens though. What do you actually need to do to win these games? Even sweaty cutback tap ins skew wide or blaze over. It's not good for your sanity.

    Haha it was honestly the most bizarre FIFA game ever, fortunately there weren't any glaring cutback misses otherwise there may have been seethe!

  7. Just played a guy with SEVEN Ligue 1 TOTS players, Ibra, and IF Sirigu. Absolutely destroyed him in terms of general play - shots on target: 17:2 in my favour. The score? 2-0 to him. Sirigu got a 10.0 rating and made 20 saves in all, and I hit the woodwork SIX times. Outrageous.

  8. Can't speak for Chemistry or Physics (though if the Higher's anything to go by Physics would be brutal) but I found AH Maths to be alright. I struggled with it at first but looking back on it the first unit is actually fairly straightforward. It gets a bit harder after that but as long as you're capable of getting at least a high B at Higher you should be able to pass without having to put in a great deal of work. You'll do proofs in Unit 2, primarily by induction, and I'd recommend putting in a bit of extra effort to fully understand it once you've been taught it. I'd say it's the hardest part of the course but once you get to grips with it you'll be fine and you'll probably feel like this after you've proved something:


    Just because I'm a nosey b*****d, what are you thinking of applying for?

    I still have no idea, probably something science-related as that's probably where I'm strongest, although I'm good across the board. Much will depend on my grades in August though - I really should've had 5 A's this year but I'm just a lazy fanny and my attitude towards studying really lets me down, but it's in the past now and I can only hope to get pretty lucky like I did with my SG's/Int. 2's in 4th Year. A summer of relaxing thinking what I want to do lies ahead!

    For what it's worth, I found Higher Physics fairly easy but I've never been great at Electronics. Chemistry was a cake walk for me too. I made a host of stupid mistakes in my exams, but I'm confident that I've carded no C's. By the same token, I'm not confident of any A's either. All I can do now is sit tight and hope for some threshold lowering and lenient markers! :lol:

  9. How have you managed that? That sounds fucking brilliant.

    My guidance teacher allowed me to pick 3 subjects for 6th Year as they are all Advanced Highers (Maths, Physics and Chemistry - although after my shambolic lack of studying I don't know if I'll get into all of them). AH Physics won't be run at my school but will be done at Caley Uni apparently, if we are allocated spaces for it, meaning that only AH Chemistry and AH Maths were on my timetable. They arsed the timetable up, though, and put Highers in Psychology and RMPS on it (neither of which I am doing - RMPS is a contingency plan in the case that Physics is unavailable). What that means is that out of 32 periods of classes per week, this current timetable gives me 19 free periods per week (although this will change come August). As it stands just now, I have no classes until 11:45am from Tuesday to Friday.

    All I had today was AH Maths, but we started the course (on the first day!). I also have homework due for it for tomorrow :thumbsdown

  10. It certainly looks good but it sounds like the sort of game I'm shite at - using stealth, scanning areas to find (rare) pickups which you combine to produce other things, and trying to avoid killing where possible. On the fence at the moment, I'll probably rent it first.

  11. Hope you have a great weekend! Why do you need golf shoes though, now that most clubs prohibit spikes? Is it just to keep the peasants out?

    Pretty much so that I don't trudge around in Converse in bad conditions and get them absolutely wrecked, plus they're pretty cheap :lol:

  12. New golf shoes and golf glove should be arriving tomorrow and then I'm playing golf in the late afternoon, before watching the Scotland game with my brother and his mate (PTTGOYN, probably). On Saturday I'm possibly playing golf again with my other brother and then staying over at his, before the Clyde Fans' Game at Broadwood on Sunday night in which me and my two brothers are playing. A mental few days, by my standards anyway!

  13. My last exam was yesterday. It wasn't great, but I can finally relax and enjoy my 3 month long summer before *hopefully* starting Uni in September. Got Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi and T in the Park all coming up in the next few weeks as well and before I know it, the football will be back. Pleasing/dece.

    You also have an impending hawfing in a certain football match on Sunday to look forward to :thumsup2

  14. Heading up to Elie tomorrow to get my first round of the year in at the 9 hole course they have up there, will be going round that twice. I'm pretty crap at golf but I do alright up there, it's a pretty simple course which I'd recommend to anyone who's a beginner and/or not playing off a low handicap.

    Aye, it's a nice wee course and pretty easy to play too. My lasting memory of that place will always be being stuck behind an old woman for a full 9 holes who was using a putter and a putter only. Kudos to the old dame, as she was managing 50-yard drives with the thing.

    I kind of picked up golf again last year after a self-imposed exile of about 3 years, basically I play with my brothers (who are considerably older and better than me) and my dad and I used to have a shite temperament due to duffing a shots and carding pish scores, bearing in mind I was only about 12. I got really hacked off and chucked it, despite being a bit of a natural at it. So, last year I decided it was time to give it a shot and I played a few rounds, but it was hard to adapt to borrowing clubs and although my play with irons and putting was decent, my driving was hopeless.

    I wanted to play a fair bit of golf over this summer so my brother gave me his (pretty old, but still not bad) irons as he'd upgraded to a new set, and I scrounged an old Donnay driver, golf bag and a putter from spare stuff lying around. Hit the driving range with my dad, brother and his mate on Friday there after my last exam and took the driver and a 5 and 8 iron from the set, before tearing my right hand to absolute shreds - went away with 3 blisters on my right hand, one of which was totally cut open. Ouch. Thankfully I had a glove for my left hand! I did hit some nice shots and some fantastic 200+ yard drives that were completely straight, so it was good to hit a few balls.

    Then, against my better judgement, I played a round with my dad at a nearby par-68 course yesterday, with my wounded right hand plastered to the high heavens. I started off horrifically and went out in a generous 60, with my dad charitably allowing me a few shots. The plasters offered nothing and my blisters were even worse, and nothing was going right. My shite temperament was back, before I changed my glove over to my right hand to protect the blisters. From there I played the best golf of my life; I outdrove my dad several times, once with a 3 iron which I hit about 200 yards, and came back in 46 - my touch around the greens wasn't as good as it normally was, as they were running pretty fast, otherwise it could've been nearer 40. Only 2 off my dad who is a decent player.

    Overall, it's good to be playing golf again and now I'm more mature I'll have to start enjoying it even when I'm playing poorly. It's also so much easier to hit the ball a good distance now - I was over-hitting quite a lot of shots due to the fact I've not played semi-regularly for years :lol:

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