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Posts posted by the_bully_wee

  1. If it's of any help to you - they don't matter one bit. Aren't the SQA scrapping appeals anyway? If so it renders them completely pointless. My prelim results in 4th and 5th year were utterly atrocious and everything worked out fine.

    Prelims are still in place this year but this is the last year they'll have them. Prelim grades don't really matter, the total amount of studying I did last year probably amounted to less than 10 hours, I did pretty poor in my prelims but went on to get perfect exam results. I've always been fortunate in that I'm chilled out during exams, I actually find them quite fun strangely :unsure:

    My PTTGOYN for today is Higher Physics. Some of it is absolute mindfuck material at first.

  2. Playing my mate on UT and am quite literally SEETHING. He's never beaten me before but has won 5-4 then 6-5, in the first game he shagged me in the first half as I was playing with a brand new team... and Weidenfeller was awful. Cue a great comeback and then wonder saves from his keeper to keep him in it.

    Second game I come out and rattle him, 2-0 early on, then my defence falls apart and Weidenfeller concedes a chip without me bringing him out at all! At 6-5 down I go on to hit the bar twice and another amazing save from Szczesny from a header. Beyond a joke :angry:

  3. Not really "rage" as I won in the end but was playing my mate on UT and he scythed my man down in the box, getting none of the ball, clear penalty. Wasn't given. Jammy b*stard :(

  4. Why are posters adopting the habit of using an abbreviation such as IMO then spelling out what the abbreviation means. I think there's one or two who have done it because they think it's funny (it's not) but it is now becoming common practice.

    The whole point of an abbreviation is that you are abbreviating. If this practice continues it will need an area of the Amazon rain forrest the size of Wales to be destroyed every hour to cope with all the additional cyber paper used.

    It is also a widely known fact that people who adopt this parctice are Beasts and will be outed as such.

    Stop it now.

    ^^^ seething IMO (in my opinion)

  5. I never have any luck in packs, so last night I had 40k coins and bought seven gold ones with it. Not a single good player! Best thing I got was a 2k coin unlock.

  6. Pissed off with this scripting now. Got beaten by a guy 2-0 there and just turned the PS3 off at the 85th minute. Got of number of yellow cards for perfectly fine tackles. Was red-carded for another perfectly fine tackle. His first goal came from him hitting the post then Friedel literally bombing out to the penalty spot leaving it fully open for the tap-in. Second one came from Skrtel being beaten in the air by a striker BEHIND him who was at least half a foot smaller than him. Before the goals I'd been hitting the post, bar, putting really easy shots just past the post etc. I was almost unbeatable on FIFA 12 when there was little/no scripting whatsoever. Now, I'm being shafted once every 4/5 games. Really annoying that you can't win games through no fault of your own.

  7. Just played a guy on Ultimate Team, 4-3 with 2 minutes to go, he'd been getting all sorts of luck, me missing open goals etc, had scored 4 breakaway goals, one of which hit off the post then the keeper <_<

    So I break up the pitch and lob the keeper, the ball goes in... goal? Nope, despite the ball clearly going over the line no goal was given. Fortunately it didn't really matter but I'm still extremely pissed off.

  8. Higher english I presume? Nightmare of a subject. Done that last year and done the Great Gatsby for it too. Actually pretty decent IMO, against all I thought it would be like when I read a quick summary of it.

    Yup, very boring so far, but easier than I thought. Physics is the hardest of my subjects by far <_<

    Teacher gave the first draft of a short story for my folio the highest B, and creative writing is something I'm just awful at. Result 8)

  9. Welcome to the world of Tennessee Williams. All of them are like that. Rich southern women coming to terms with shit.

    Sadly, now comes the year-long process of critiquing the play and writing essay upon essay on it. The other book we're doing is The Great Gatsby, which by all accounts sounds pretty naff too :(

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