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Posts posted by CityDave

  1. How about football in the Western Isles. First Lewis & Harris who have 9 teams, Back, Lochs, Point, Ness, Carloway, Harris, West Side, Stornoway Athletic, Stornoway Utd.



    Lochs at home who were last season's Lewis & Harris Football League Champions


    Image result for outer hebrides football

    Image result for stornoway utd


    Image result for outer hebrides football harris fc  




    Thanks to all who filmed these videos and took these pictures

  2. Wick Academy, Harmsworth Park, some slope on that pitch also the miss match of stands. The floodlights came from Kingsmills Park (Inverness Thistle). Living in Inverness and traveling up to Wick by train is a slow journey, getting to Glasgow seemed quicker. My limit to the south is Ayr, anything south of this required an over night stay rather than traveling back up to Inverness. Surprisingly I found this the same up there in Wick that to watch the football it would require an overnight stay, mainly since there is no public transport that would take you back down the road or rail after a Saturday match, don't know if this is still the case.

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  3. Ross County's Global Energy Stadium/ Victoria Park, one of the nicest and a good favourite with the away support as well. It has a good view and you are quite close to the pitch. Nice food served there as well.

    Not the clearest of photos being taken at night but these are from back in the days where both ends behind the goals were terraced.


    Ross County football travels Nov 08 to Apr 09 016.jpg



    Ross County football travels Nov 08 to Apr 09 017.jpg

    Found this on Youtube showing the ground as it was back in the Highland League days


    And the ground as it is now

    Image result for ross county victoria park

    That temporary stand over in the corner ??

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  4. On 23/12/2016 at 15:35, haufdaft said:

    Serious question.

    Who have produced more Scottish internationalists in the last 20 years, Celtic and Rangers colts or teams from the championship downwards?

    Perhaps the focus should be on improving the standard of the lower leagues rather than dragging us all down to colt level.

    Or is it not really about Scottish football's improvement but that of the old firm?


    I suppose also it gives an early opportunity for clubs in the lower two leagues to better assess future players who end up being released by Celtic or Rangers over the next couple of seasons. :lol:

    Most Colt players will end up being freed and those that are kept on to take the step up into the first team will have limited opportunities, maybe only one or two might just be good enough to become regulars the rest who were on the fringes might just be good enough to play in the top two leagues in Scotland. I don't see how colt teams in the Scottish League benefit anyone, including the clubs they play for. Celtic and Rangers will always look to the finished article when picking players rather than have the patience to allow a group of young players to mature, one or two in the first team but usually never more than that. They will also overlook their own youth teams if another club have in their view a better player in their youth set up or is already playing in the first team for that other club.

  5. Daily Mail predicting a weather bomb for xmas

    Image result for daily mail weather bomb


    Latest updates from the usually hysterical Daily Express.


    2.40pm update: Forth Road Bridge in Queensferry, Scotland has been closed to any vehicles, and Edinburgh castle has been closed to visitors. 

    Flights to some of the smaller Scottish islands have been cancelled. 



  6. All quiet in Inverness, weather was worse on Tuesday and through yesterday.

    Atlantic weather cloud animation here - http://www.yr.no/satellitt/europa_animasjon.html

    The center of Storm Barbara is just south of Iceland. Going by the satellite image the worst of the rain has gone through and it looks more like blustery showers for the rest of the day. I'm working tonight so could be interesting.

    I see the other storm Conner is not far behind.

    The forecast also predicts another for storm next week.

  7. 21 hours ago, Tartantony said:


    And another OF hater putting words in my mouth.

    City Dave do you see what I was referring to now? I get that you came here to point out my disrespect but are you actually reading some of these?

    This is just perfect guys

    I have no sympathy for you, you act like an arse so you get treated like an arse, well done on proving that.

    Your first post yesterday set the tone of disrespect and contempt you have for the smaller clubs. Calling us diddies was the start of it, nothing wrong with the word diddy but what you did there was separate yourself as a non diddy team supporter from everyone else, therefore you made it quite clear you were an OF fan so you brought that up with the context you used the word diddy and then you also generalised the so called diddys with the against the colt team comment. So this was just asking for your club to be brought into it. No problem with what you said after that, they were debatable comments, that until you called the lower league teams jobbers and suggested that 10 of them are removed, probably another 5 more as well to be replaced by 5 colt teams, .....that was disrespectful.

    Although you had the chance to debate some of the points you brought up, you ruined it with the context of that post and the following ones, not that you failed to back up any of your points with reason but with the contempt you showed to the smaller team supporters. Turning round and then telling us you were trolling to prove a what is seen as a complete non point only cements the utter contempt you have for supporters of lower league football.

    On the subject of OF fans being picked on refer to my first sentence on this post, there are supporters of both Rangers and Celtic on here who don't act as you do and are not 'picked on', there are fans of other clubs who are complete weapons and do get attention because of the shite they come out with.

    If you want to read how much of an impression you have made on L2, lets put it this way, there are Rangers fans on here including Tedi, No.8 and Bennett who showed more respect to the clubs in the lower two leagues and their supporters than you did yesterday.



  8. 4 minutes ago, Tartantony said:


    Haha this is glorious as are some of the other posts above.

    I never once said it would be a good thing for Scottish football, I never once said Celtic and Rangers should rule Scottish football, I never once said we should go to 22 clubs.

    I said it is a disgrace that 11 diddy clubs have the power to block changes to the game. I didn't say it was a disgrace they could block colt clubs.

    The reason I came here was to prove my point on the Dundee thread yesterday. The mob attack and literally put words in your mouth that you have never said in their utter rage and hatred of all things OF.

    Beautiful little diddies the lot of you emoji23.pngemoji23.png

    Nope, its was about your lack of respect for the smaller clubs and your elitist comments is why I replied, not the club you support. :rolleyes:

  9. 4 minutes ago, JakeSAFC said:


    That much of an irrelevance youve come onto a League 2 forum.

    You, just like the rest of your sub human support, are so ill informed its actually quite funny. Believe it or not theres more to Scottish football than Celtic and Rangers.

    Celtic and Rangers need Scottish Football more than we need them. Without us they wouldn't have a league to play in.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Tartantony said:

    If all of the top 22 clubs vote in favour of a change it would only take 11 of the 20 lower league clubs to vote against it that's why.

    Let me put it in another way.

    Lets say me and you start a business. You put in £95,000 and I put in £5,000. You then go away and generate 95% of the Companies revenue and I generate 5%. I want half the shares and voting rights and the final say on any decisions to take the Company forward. Would you be happy with that?

    Where as the old system both Rangers and Celtic blocked almost every change with 11-1 system. Even trying to bully other clubs into voting to remove 2 clubs from the SPL to take the league down to 10, in other words expel 2 clubs from SPL membership. Not the first time either have tried to do this in Scottish football.

    btw which 22 clubs? They change every season and over the years some clubs will climb, some will fall.

    Going back to an elite system where certain clubs were excluded from the leagues is a giant step back to these bad old days where greed ruled and clubs learned hard lessons. For you all it seems to be about is money and the top clubs, not how to improve the football in this country especially from the bottom up grass roots which is what is really needed and everyone pretty much agrees that something has to be done or we will continue to stand still as others improve. I don't see much wrong with the current system, it is a lot fairer than what was in place before when it comes to sharing wealth. 

    Like an other poster said I'd like to see the people who have a say caring about Scottish Football as a whole rather focus than on individual self interest. We've been down that path previously and look where it got this country football standards.


  11. 10 minutes ago, Tartantony said:

    That's the key word here "apparently". No one knows yet which clubs may be included in a proposal. We went from one extreme in the SPL where the OF had all the power due to the 11/1 voting structure to the complete other where the bigger clubs can now be out voted by 20 clubs who's fan base is less than the average attendance of Dundee. These 20 clubs make up about 5% max of the Scottish football fan base yet have almost half of the power, that is ridiculous whether you like it or not. There can be a happy medium which would take away the OF holding everyone to ransom and the current system which hampers the top 22 teams.  

    There is no reason why the "diddy" clubs cannot still serve their communities while playing in a regional league as part of a better overall pyramid structure. Nothing would change in that regard.

    As for the last bit, I have no interest in going to England or an Atlantic League. I've already said my opinion is not based in being a Celtic fan, its based on being a fan of Scottish football.

    In what way does the current system hamper the top 22 clubs?

  12. 23 minutes ago, Tartantony said:

    Don't go down the road of getting all offended because I support one of the OF Lichtie. My opinion has nothing to do with who I support. Why should the 12 to 20 biggest clubs in the Country be held to ransom by 20 absolute nobodies who offer nothing to Scottish football?

    I didn't say that colt teams would work in the current system, I said that its worth giving it a go because it works in other Country's.

    I think it would work in a 2 league set up which didn't include most of the current L1 and L2 teams because the colt teams would then be playing against a much higher standard which would develop players better.

    Why do only the top clubs in Scotland offer something to Scottish football and every other club below else doesn't? Are you wanting the return of the SPL?

    When have the smaller clubs held Scottish football to ransom? Isn't that what Celtic and Rangers have done for decades?

    Scottish league football should be run like a democracy where everyone has a say, this is why the SPFL exists. One governing league body over our top clubs.

    A huge part of the part of the problem in this country is the lack of investment in grass roots football. If we neglect from lower league downwards into the semi pro  and amateur levels it would restrict and discourage people from taking up the game or continuing in the game, our football suffers. Its not all about the top clubs.

  13. More Fraserburgh.

    Image result for fraserburgh fc bellslea

    Image result for fraserburgh fc bellslea

    Image result for fraserburgh fc bellslea

    Last time I was at Fraserburgh was right in the middle of winter probably 2010 at a match vs Formartine Utd. Temperatures were below zero and there were blustery snow showers throughout the game. Before watching the match I was over at the nearby beach watching the surfers. Minus temperatures and these guys are surfing in the North Sea!!! :huh:

  14. Speaking of Fraserburgh, their ground at Bellslea is a real throw back to years gone past. The ground has barely changed in decades and its quirkyness doesn't just come from the fantastic Main Stand but the fact that a school building encroaches out into the standing area opposite the stand. Nice big church with a steeple on the other side of the road from the ground.


    Fraserburgh football travels Nov 08 to Apr 09 037.jpg

    Fraserburgh football travels Nov 08 to Apr 09 055.jpg

    Fraserburgh football travels Nov 08 to Apr 09 066.jpg

    Fraserburgh football travels Nov 08 to Apr 09 056.jpg

  15. This is a cracking picture of the odd looking changing rooms building at Lochee Harp. Not just up there with quirk but right up there at Fallout 4 settlement build level with Albion Rovers Main Stand at Cliftonhill. All this lacks is a couple of machine gun turrets on the roof and a lookout with a minigun on his lap sitting on a sofa smoking a cigar and drinking Bobrov's Best Moonshine from the bottle and huffing Jet.

    Image result for newburgh utd

  16. One of the lost teams and grounds.

    A picture from the 1920's. Inverness used to have a 4th team in the Highland League called Citadel who played their games at Shore Street Park almost right across on the other side of the river from where Clach played. The exact whereabouts of this ground is not clear any more. It would be very interesting to see any old photos exist of the old ground. In the photo there's a seated stand behind the players.

    Image result for inverness citadel fc

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