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Everything posted by squeezeboxson

  1. To be honest probably quite a risk free signing. I'm sure he won't be on any more money than Pettigrew was. Surely he will be hungrier and have more chance of actually getting into the team too? Shite hair though.
  2. Yep, I'd imagine he will go to Ayr also. They are screaming out for another striker I believe. They probably have more of a budget to get one in also, since we seem to be working on the "offload players before we bring players in" kinda thing.
  3. Pettigrew isn't very good at RB but yes he had one or two reasonable performances. His biggest problem seems to be when he is put under any kind of pressure. Which in this league happens a lot! He doesn't have pace and most of the wingers in this division run a mock against slow full backs. Which is why Smith seems to be working quite well.
  4. Todd at left back sounds bizarre but even if he played his usual meh way I'd prefer it to Pettigrew at LB. Both seem bizarre when we have a player who can naturally play LB in midfield. I too, suspect Pettigrew will play though
  5. Think I said already, but surely if we can bring in a hungry young CB then if anything he would have a better chance of getting into the side. Which definitely isn't a bad thing.
  6. I basically said the same thing elsewhere this morning. But my argument was, he isn't in bad shape. He is built like a tank. But as you also point out his legs seem to have gone slightly. As much as he didn't jump, I actually thought latterly he was quite good coming off the bench and holding the ball up when we were trying to see out games.
  7. I'd agree with both of these points. I would also like to think that Stevie wouldn't let him go with no idea where we are getting someone else in as cover. I'd hope we can find a decent young CB who would come in and if anything, have more chance of getting into the side than Wright. The Harvie's one is weird. I just don't see him being required at Aberdeen but they have been a bit funny about things. That being said, he isn't gone yet so there must be ongoing negotiations at the moment.
  8. I believe the rumour was that he was heading back to Annan. As I say, I think if he was going then he would be away.
  9. Don't you think if he was going he would be away now? Or has Stevie asked him to hang around until we get another midfielder in?
  10. I pretty much called this as soon as the Vaughan rumour was spouted on here. It does seem a bit mad but if he goes out and fires in a few goals. If Raith pick up from now and remain above us also, then it has all worked out perfectly for Locke.
  11. To be fair Stevenson was pretty effective when he banged one in the top corner in Dumfries this season?
  12. But it is clear that he isn't scoring just now, he wasn't even in your squad last night and Locke isn't giving him many chances, if any, to get back to his best. So what's the point in him sitting in the stand. If the manager doesn't have him in his plans then of course he would send him out to a team like us. As I mentioned above. He would play every week at the same level and could still train with yourselves if they wanted to keep an eye on his fitness.
  13. There are clearly positives and negatives in the move. Just depends what way he views the situation.
  14. Why wouldn't he go to Dumbarton for though? A team where he is about guaranteed to play every week but isn't having to drop a level to do so. He also could continue to train with Raith is they wanted. Furthermore, Locke is a fud and there is every chance we have used the Stevo deal as a bit of a sweetener.
  15. What's the deal with McManus then? Pretty sure he was highly rated early in the season.
  16. You have to wonder how deluded Locke is sometimes. Is it possible that he really wanted Stevo and with us agreeing to release him from his contract so he could sign then they will give us Vaughan in return? I know Stevo played well in the game through in Kirkcaldy last time out but if he is stupid enough to the think he can make something of him at this stage then you never know...
  17. Surely not? I thought earlier this season McManus was rated very highly by you guys. In fact I remember asking who the Raith fans preferred and more or less everyone said McManus was a much better option than Hardie because he offered so much more overall for the team. Have things really changed that much?
  18. Does Stevie Aitken count as a fan? He was about the most excited out of everyone.
  19. Yeah I knew he never played a competitive game. It was literally in double figures, the number of minutes he played for us.
  20. Yep, but he has been training full time with Celtic, which if anything should be better than full time training with Queens. All the best to him but I am quietly confident we can find a reasonable replacement.
  21. Miller was officially a signed player but think he managed to play about 10 mins for us... McNiff wasn't the worst player when he was in our 2nd Division side a few years back.
  22. I was thinking the same to be honest. I would understand if he was going to the likes of Falkirk or something with a guarantee of getting games. But even if Queens pick up they aren't miles ahead of where we are.
  23. Do you know what... As bad as we were over the 2 games vs Bonnyrigg, Pettigrew was by far the worst player on the park. He looked like he should have been nowhere near the juniors never mind the championship. But he has also had a few reasonable enough games earlier in the season. I wouldn't mind seeing him leave but only if we can bring in reasonable cover at RB because as well as Smith has settled into the position, I don't want him as our only option.
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