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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. ^^^^ preparing for life as a checkout girl
  2. I have an open fire in the drawing room but you have to be careful what type of wood you burn in an open fire. Anything that spits and your carpet is fucked You get every bit as good a heat with properly seasoned wood as you do from coal and as you say, it smells nicer too. I have a couple of log burning stoves in the house which are just fantastic things. I have old stables that I can put the seasoned wood into and I have got a huge pile of it, probably enough to last me three or four years now. When its dry it burns hot and lasts for bloody ages too. You do needs loads of space to store wood or youll end up having to burn the crap unseasoned shite that log sellers flog(telling you its perfectly dry of course) I kept the thorn back for really cold nights as a big log will burn hot for hours Didn't think Id be needing it at this stage in the year though. Ridiculous weather.
  3. No snow here but it's really cold outside. I'm sitting here in front of my big f**k off log burner with two of the biggest chunks of hawthorn I had. You cant beat it.
  4. Been raining here and a bit of a breeze. Heard some guy on the radio this morning saying this time last week he was down at the beach with his son building sandcastles, today he is out the back garden building a snow man
  5. Whyte will go once he has made shitloads of money from this. Not bad for a one pound investment. Im amazed that there have been so many people still wondering what is going on here. You were told at the start how he will operate, he WILL get what he wants and he WILL walk away not giving a flying f**k and a little bit richer. I think its excellent he is doing it to Rangers in the full glare of publicity, but this sort of thing goes on plenty and it goes on in businesses with a far bigger turnover than Rangers too. I hope he absolutely cleans the place out.
  6. They do deliver it. Straight to the nearest main post office more often than not. The other carriers I get regularly are absolutely great. I make sure I get to know the drivers, have a swift blether with them about fucking shite, and generally ingratiate myself with them so that they will make that wee bit extra effort to get stuff to you sometimes. Parcelfarce tend to be hopeless and always have been. They always lose the contracts of any outfits that I use for stock items.
  7. Parcelfarce are fucking useless. I've actually been in the house a few times and the stupid p***ks dont even knock the door or ring the fucking bell. Do they actually deliver ANYTHING or do they just take everything to the nearest fucking post office?
  8. Which leads to the conclusion that he is a mendacious c**t feasting on the knobcheese of tens of thousands of buckled white trash Celtic fans without the ability to think for themselves just like you.
  9. You'd tend to say that kind of thing if you were twelve years old and being allowed up late by yer maw to see the programme. The SNP guy was shite frankly. It shows you how big a one man band the SNP actually are. If Salmond gets run over by an Edinburgh tram tomorrow the SNP are fucked.
  10. Where did the SNP dig up that w****r from last night? He was fucking dire, but no doubt his career will be fast tracked to show how inclusive the SNP are irrespective of how shit he is.
  11. I obviously made the wrong choice as I sit here in my five bedroom Victorian villa, master of all I survey counting my gold and jewels while a thick, plook faced working class runt who still lives with his mum gives out advice from the depth of his experience.
  12. I'm sure Milne can keep the bank sweet as far as Aberdeen is concerned. No idea about Utd.
  13. Some of it was owed to Moffat, but its gradually dawning on him that there is next to f**k all chance of him seeing any of it ever again. He's hanging on in there on the off chance. A wee interest rate rise could be interesting for any club with significant bank debt, and banks are starting to raise their rates as they realise that they need to look after savers better.
  14. Looks like Wunfellaff is your archetypal buckled fucktard that traipses around after one of the bigot brothers. Hasn't got a fucking clue.
  15. The old firm have carved up the game to suit themselves for well over a hundred years. I wonder if the greeting faced Celtic idiots ancestors were complaining about how divisive that was at the time. Or when Rangers and Celtic colluded to scupper the SPL TV deal back in 2002? What's good for the goose...
  16. I pointed this out right at the beginning to a gloating Celtic supporting mate and managed to shut him right up. I though maybe an equal share of any TV wedge and going back to sharing the gate money would be a start.
  17. The bank had called in their debt. Murray would have had precisely f**k all say in the matter, all the bank wanted was their wedge back in full and to get the hell out of Ibrox with it. Any further problems were then not theirs, they couldn't give a f**k.
  18. Can't see any of them getting their wages back that they are giving up now. It is bound to be a percentage of any transfer fee or a termination of the contracts at the end of the season so they can find another club, and they will get a signing on fee when they do. They are taking the hit just now but they will make it back by moving on one way or another.
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