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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. My latin teacher got the bulk of the hassle. He was also the RE teacher at the time which led to him being locked in cupboards for the entire lesson and all that sort of stuff. The best one at latin was the entire class(three of us) climbing out the window onto the flat roof and hiding from him. I was stripped of the school colours for not turning up for the end of year prize giving to get the award for being top in english as I was plunking school and playing golf for the last week of term. The old headmaster is now one of my customers so obviously no long term bad feelings I also put Gerry Phillips(spamheid and PE teacher) out of some Hamilton Accies premier league game by wrecking him in a slide tackle that was a bit mistimed.
  2. Its that hideous drag artist Divine. I thought he had snuffed it.
  3. Why don't you just have a cheese sandwich and then eat quarter of a mild poofy chilli. Same thing. And you won't have to suffer the embarrassment of being seen in Lidl.
  4. The wife has an old art school friend staying with her this weekend. Which is of course, lovely. I managed to get away with some mates to watch the rugby even though I hate rugby, and apparently the wife and her friend are on the third shitty RomCom of the day. f**k this, I'm away to watch For a Few Dollars More and drink some whisky.
  5. Melencholia. I wasn't remotely in the mood for it so I found it unwatchable pretty much. The first half is a bit odd as its basically seeing the world through Dunsts depression riddled eyes. The second half is a bit better as the planets collide. I'd need to see it again I think and be more up for it. I basically just wanted to watch some Will Ferrell and was overruled. I'd give the film on first viewing 8/10. Its heavy going but I can see its quite a deep film. I just wanted a pizza a comedy and then fire her up to bed after pumping her so I could watch some cricket.
  6. I wouldn't be doing any chins or pulls up til it heals then. I had a bit of tennis elbow through the summer and I had to quite doing anything like that until it healed I just kept aggravating it. My fitness routine yesterday consisted of walking about nine miles up a mountain knee deep in mud, then snow and ice before sinking a few pints in the pub. My legs are feeling wrecked this morning.
  7. You probably won't need to. I found my abs get a good workout just from doing chins and pull ups. Hanging leg raises will work the lower abs really well too if you are up on the monkey bar anyway
  8. My mate is an optician and he basically practised on me with the new machine when they got it. His take on laser surgery even prior to his practice buying the machine for that was "never do it" as the risk is always there of it going horribly wrong. He said he doesn't know of any opticians that get laser surgery done and that was enough to put me right off it. Having said that, I know people who did get it done and it went well so like I said its a choice to be made. At least with ortho-k you can decide to go back to wearing specs or normal lenses whenever you like. Or go back to ortho-k if it suits you to.
  9. The guy could at least have given his stove a wipe, it looks like a fucking health hazard.
  10. I was pretty easy to fit as I had gone back to hard lenses after a few years trying with soft ones which I eventually had to give up because I work in a lot of dust and it becomes embedded in the lens and becomes irritating so there was none of the bedding in process you go through with hard lenses. (some folk just cant stand the irritation at first and give upwith hard lenses) I wear them when I sleep (six hours is recommended) and take them out in the morning and I can see perfectly. absolute 20/20 vision at first and apparently after a day and a half its beginning to wear off and you repeat the process. It would take about three days or so for your eyes to go back to being as bad as they were. I like them because like you, if there is any air con around my eyes get dry and its a pain in the neck, its also fantastic for sport as I make sure I wear them for a few hours before I play and then take them out and my vision is superb. You can see perfectly well with the lenses in BTW so if you have to get up in the middle of the night you dont need to find your specs and stuff like that. Its still a bit of faffing around with the lenses which you wont have with laser surgery, but its risk free unlike laser surgery. You choose. I think its great though. Yiou also dont have the problem of flicking a lens out if you play football or the like and doing the crawling about the floor looking for the fucker routine. You feel absolutely nothing while asleep, hard lenses irritate some folk because the eyelid catches on the edge of the lens as its a lot smaller than a soft lens but youre not blinking when youre sleeping hopefully
  11. Anyone toying with the idea of laser surgery on their eyes to correct their vision should try orthokeratology. If it's possible to have it then its fucking excellent.
  12. I always have a chicken tikka kebab after a game of squash. And a Camel cigarette.
  13. I had stopped doing chin ups and pull ups for a while there. I decided to go back and do them after Christmas and like you I was crippled all across my back,shoulders,pecs, and worst of all my abs. I was totally fucked for about three days. I'm back doing them every day again now, I think its one of the best exercises around, it works loads of your upper body.
  14. Liv Tylers Bulgarian shot put champion housemaid maybe.
  15. I've got a pair of old national health skelpers that I wear when I take out my contact lenses. I broke the leg off them the other night and managed to get it back on using super glue and I reinforced it using masking tape. They will do for another 30 years now.
  16. Mr. Poppers Penguins. 8 out of 10 It would have got a nine if Mr Poppers wife had got her tits out.
  17. Didn't it get bumped off because it was out acting the rest of the cast?
  18. I decided yesterday that I'd start using the chin up bar as I hadn't been bothering since the summer. I did the usual five sets of five and did the rest of the workout. Now I can barely fucking move. I haven't had DOMS like this is a long time. Back, shoulders, chest and abs are all agony. And yes. Friends is a fucking diabolical show. Get it to f**k.
  19. Aye me too. I drink loads of the stuff because it cancels out the cigarettes I smoke. But I actually really like the stuff now, I just like the regular normal green tea though. Tetleys regular green tea isn't too bad though, the wife tends to buy some sort of organic stuff from one of the health food shops which is the same round bag but tastes nicer. Tetleys is a port in a storm. I don't really like Twinings effort ot green tea for some reason, it always seems a bit washed out to me?
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