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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Thats about fine I would have thought. I dont think you would need to go on a stupid diet at your age. This will change as you get auld! Especially if your penchant for fine dining continues. I'm taller than you. GIRFUY
  2. It's not as if you are inactive though. You probably just need to find something else you enjoy doing a couple of times a week and that will do you. I know what you mean though, there are some times when I really have to force myself to get off my arse to do anything. Once I have done it though, I do tend to feel good afterwards.
  3. Isn't there a sport you can enjoy playing? Surely if you get yourself playing something then it kinda forces you to keep going back even when you feel like a night by the fire eating crisps? Maybe the problem you have is that your keeping fit by doing stuff you just dont like doing? A lot of people equate "getting fit" to going out running. I obviously have no idea what you do but a lot of people just dont enjoy running to get fit. There are other ways though. Walking, swimming, tennis, badminton, football, whatever. Finding something you actually enjoy doing will maybe help? I play squash but while it does keep me fit I also train for playing. So the weight stuff I do and the leg work I do is specifically for that. I probably wouldnt be motivated to exercise otherwise. But I actually enjoy it and I feel like I am cheating if I miss it out for a few days.
  4. Tell that to the various lightweight divisions of boxers, kickboxers etc etc. Even most male gymnasts will be tiny wee guys.
  5. I had some sort of Japanese sushi effort. No idea what it was but the wife made it and it was damn good.
  6. Phil was a normal bloke. He had been out in the big bad world and actually worked for a living in it. I think he understood better than a lot of them nowadays what it's actually like for a young guy trying to bring up a family on a wage. Very few of our current mob of politicians have had any sort of background other than politics. And frankly, it shows. And I'm not just talking about Tories here either, I'm talking about the whole fucking lot of them. They come out of school, straight into uni then Oxbridge and then become some politicians flunky until they lick enough arse to get a gig themselves. But you are quite right, he was a good MP for his area even if he did come out with some rubbish at times He was entirely different to George Younger who was a very capable man and was Secretary of State for Scotland and then Defence Secretary. Phil was never in that league but he didnt try to be, he just dealt with his constituents problems and did his best for the place. And we currently have Sandra Osborne who is just another Labour zombie in a procession of them. In fact even though Phil is dead I bet he is still more active in his constituency that that useless socialist bitch is.
  7. It wasn't always very well thought out at times either. He was a bit too much of a loose cannon for the bulk of his Tory colleagues as well. Never the sharpest political operator around but he was a really good constituency MP and that is in stark contrast to the one we are lumbered with now. I knew the guy quite well at one point so I feel quite sad about this. A working class Tory, who'd have thought it?
  8. Dinno where to put this, but Phil Gallie died. He was a Tory MP for Ayr and then turned up as an MSP. I liked Phil, he was a really decent guy and the 92 election when we scraped him in by a bawhair was one of the best election campaigns ever. It was brilliant fun. I was one of the folk that was able to select him for the Ayr constituency as I was an office bearer at the time. His selection caused a bit of a split in the local party as they had been used to gentleman George Younger and Phil was absolutely NOTHING like that Got plenty of tales about him, but he was a thoroughly decent guy and he did his level best for the folk of the town regardless of their politics. He lost his wife a few years back and he was never the same after that and just went into his shell. I liked Phil And he couldn't say constituency properly. We used to rip the pish out of him for it.
  9. That's probably the trouble when you are dealing with people that only look at information after the event.
  10. Going to take the kids ten pin bowling and then out for dinner afterwards at a random wild west theme place. They have a bucking bronco thing and I want a shot on the fucker. And the whole day will be cheaper than going to football and will be more enjoyable. Football can get itself to f**k at the moment. And I'm also guaranteed my Nat King later for being a "good dad".
  11. Check the user manual to see how you do it. Some newer cars are back to sealed units, but if its just a bulb take the busted one out and go to your local petrol station and they will probably have them. Not expensive.
  12. Sadly, the poor guy is drinking himself to death just now and there is absolutely f**k all I can do to help him. Known him since we were kids but he is doomed I think.
  13. Was meant to be playing squash this afternoon (just a practice game) but for the third time in as many weeks my playing partner has called off at the last minute meaning I had to go and cancel. He has been drunk for a month solid now and is going to die.
  14. I still haven't made much of a recovery from a fucked forearm I did last weekend. Finding it a bit painful to work as well. I have definitely damaged ligament or tendon or something. Its not muscular.
  15. It's amazing the state they have got the country into after the golden legacy they were left by the last government. Tory b*****ds
  16. Fantastic Mr Fox I thought it was good, quite funny in places and my sick daughter liked it too. 8/10
  17. Ha an itchy nose. Picked it. Made it bleed. It scabbed on the inside. Picked it again and it bled. Now it feels like I'm breathing fire. f**k.
  18. Ribble? It's just a random word I use for meaning someone that is skin and bone. You may not "eat properly" I dinno. G Man was whining he was needing to put on some weight though, so I was trying to help.
  19. Four snottery nosed kids sneezing and coughing all over the place. I guess I'll be starting the new year with some vile cold then.
  20. Drink chocolate flavoured milk or something. But get the milk down you and in vast quantities. It's cheap and it will bulk you up.
  21. It's no wonder you're fucking ribble. Get started drinking about three or four pints of milk a day. And eat properly.
  22. It would depend what sort of "stuff" it was. If it was just snowballs I wouldn't bother my arse. If it was a bit more malicious I'd hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands.
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