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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. I planted melon seeds a while ago and they have come up. I have absolutely no idea how this wil go but I hope we get some melons in the summer. The habaneros are through now as well so I'll have about twenty plants growing and hopefully a decent crop to make some sauces. I weeded the garden last week so its fine. The grass is a disgrace though and I cant be arsed cutting it. I think I'll just call it a meadow and forget about it.
  2. It will go away in time. I've had shin splints before when I played cricket. It's fooking agony. I spent an hour doing court sprints last night. Ten lengths of the court as fast as possible then backhand/forehand drills. Then the sprints then the drills for a whole hour. I got home and couldn't get any sleep. I was buzzing for hours after it.
  3. I'm quite tall

  4. I have struggled with what to eat and when before sport and stuff. I find certain things just lie swilling around if I time it all wrong. If I am about to do intensive exercise I try and get the peanut butter down an hour or so before it. And even then its not ideal all of the time. I do eat sweets and bananas and stuff during exercise but I sometimes feel a bit gassy. I'd like a solution to this problem. I took some sudafed one time as its basically amphetamine. It made my heartrate run way too high though.
  5. You've done a ligament probably. Go and get it looked at. Hopefully just a rest job and let it heal up. I did that a few weeks ago when I felt pain when pushing backwards to stretch for a shot playing squash. Not that sore at the time but very sore when going upstairs. Not sore at all walking or running. Just a ligament strain and its totally fine now. I know a guy that snapped his cruciate and didnt realise it. Played on for about a month in a bit of pain after matches before he went to see about it. Sometimes these things can be worse than they seem at the time.
  6. Plenty. But none for a slow cooker unless you like your chicken looking like string.
  7. As many as you can. The walk back down is your rest period.
  8. Dubs, GordonEF and various other plook faced imbeciles will be raging now.
  9. Yes it doesn't take very long normally. Mainly because you simply can't go at that sort of intensity for too long initially. There's a fairly good chance that you will chunder the first few times until you're body gets accustomed to it. It's pretty hardcore but it's a brilliant way to train. It doesn't fook you up for days though. Eventually you find that as you become fitter and fitter you will still be completely wiped after it but you will recover far faster and be ready to go again quicker. Find a short steep hill and run up it and walk back down. Do a series of those and see the difference it makes to you in a few weeks.
  10. Most of the guys that are trying to muscle build eat like b*****ds while weight training quite hard and then strip whatever fat they have put on by HIIT. That gets rid of fat and leaves the muscle they have added. It seems to be a pretty constant process as they body build. I think HIIT is the best thing for targetting getting rid of excess fat while leaving muscle. That seems to be what Gaz is up to anyway. He will tell you no doubt. It's a diet and exercise thing including heavy weight programmes. I have been doing the weights as well and it has changed my shape a fair bit even at 40 years old. Absolutely no intention of ending up looking like a meathead though.
  11. Well I use the bleep test for training. I'll try and get level fifteen the first set. Then rest for three minutes. Then try for level 12 then rest three minutes and then the third set I try and not let it get below level ten. I downloaded it off some website a while ago. I play squash and sometimes I just use the court for sprints. Ten up and down then rest a minute then do it again and again until I feel like throwing up. It totally wipes you out but you feel like you can take on anything afterwards. It certainly gets rid of fat anyway without getting rid of muscle too if you work out your diet and training programme. I didn't want to end up looking emaciated like a lot of dedicated joggers do. I train so I can last for a couple of hours playing squash so its mostly for that. If I did a lot of running at my age then I think my knees would pack in anyway. The squash is hard enough on the legs without adding to it by running distance. Just do whatever it is you like doing though. Some folk actually do love distance running. It's not my thing but if you like it then just stick with it. You'll still lose weight if thats all you want to be doing. And sprinting is still running. It's brilliant for getting the heartrate right up and then recovering fast. You can do much the same thing on an exercise bike too. Spin classes will wipe you out nicely without fucking up your joints.
  12. Long distance running is an inefficient way to lose weight. You will certainly lose weight alright. But you have to spend a long time running to do it. Interval training will see the weight coming off much quicker and you don't need to spend hours pounding the streets to do it. You'll burn the same amount of calories in ten-fifteen minutes of hill sprinting as you would do in an hours worth of jogging. Gets it over and done with and you have the rest of the day to yourself! Perfect for folk like me that hate distance running. And it's nowhere near as damaging on the joints.
  13. That's a good boy! The worst hillwalk of my entire life was trying to walk Ben Ledi with a fully blown cold. It was actually horrible.
  14. Yeah. It is a boxing cliche being applied to fitba' Or a military one. I forget.
  15. Their criteria is fucked if a black mark can stand against your name when you have done nothing wrong. Get them told.
  16. I'd be making sure they had that wiped from my record one way or another. If you have truly done NOTHING wrong then they have absolutely no right whatsoever to put a black mark against you like that. Go and see a lawyer.
  17. The wifes handbag got nicked out our kitchen last night. There was fook all in it right enough and it was found in a garden half a mile away. But boooo to the thiefy bloke. And now she wants me to put fecking locks on every door imaginable.
  18. More likely to be ditching Alloway and south of the rivers Tories. Goat Fell can be awesome if you get a view from the top.
  19. Yeah. Even the parliamentary constituency of Ayr excludes half of the town for some mystery reason.
  20. Cheers for that. It will be getting done this year at some point then.
  21. Ayrshire is a county. It's divvied up for council admin reasons because it is massive. The county itself still has a Lord Lieutenant as do all the other old counties of Scotland.
  22. Is that a decent walk? It's one that is pretty close to Ayr and it's one we have consistently managed to miss out walking. Havent been out all winter but we will do an overnighter in the lost valley Glencoe to start the year off. It will be a good laugh if nothing else.
  23. Nah. Soderling is in the form of his career right now and is brimming with confidence. Murray isn't. He got blown away in the first set but the second could have gone either way really. Soderling looked pretty excellent last night. He is a contender now.
  24. Soderling is a class player and could give Murray a beasting tonight. He's been in good form since the turn of the year. I like Soderling, he looks like he could go utterly ballistic at any moment.
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