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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. PM me if you want to talk. Keep this shite away from here.
  2. Cheers. He's fine. Might just show him how to work the metal detector.
  3. My mate has a metal detector. It has been borrowed for the occasion Not to sift through the ordure. Just to make sure it came through him. If it doesn't appear in a few days he's to go back up to see where it got stuck. It could have been bad though right enough. It was a worry at the time anyway.
  4. Someone bought him some sort of magnetic building set. Not magnetix, some knock off version. f**k knows why he put one in his mouth, but he did. Could have been bad if the thing had got stuck there, which it looked like doing. He was in a bit of pain with it so had to take him up the road and get it looked at.
  5. My son managed to swallow a ball bearing today. So that meant a trip to A&E and a check over. Thankfully they could use a metal detector instead of X-ray and although it was lodged in his oesophagus initially, it had passed into his stomach during the doctors check. Nature should now take its course...
  6. Cheers. Interesting to know how it works. The shared gates were abolished in the mid seventies as far as I know. Probably around the time of the premier league being formed. It wasn't a good thing at all.
  7. I was reading your post on the gate split and was just about to ask what the SFA method of gate splitting was? I assume the SFL method is just exactly the same as it was going back to the years when league gates were also split? And the SFA will have a different way of operating for no reason whatsoever.
  8. Yeah and it's dirt cheap too and full of protein. Haven't had it for a wee while so it's back on the menu regularly again. Picked up half a dozen herring for tomorrows dinner. They are getting slapped on the barbie
  9. We had two kilos of mussels steamed and with a bit of garlic butter sauce lobbed on them. Utterly magic. The kids absolutely love them too which was a surprise to us.
  10. It seems to be altering the nature of test cricket a bit. I actually think it's quite good to have exciting ending to test, but if it's being forced to an extent by uniform pitches then it's bad. The wicket and conditions in different parts of the world are part of the beauty of the game. I wouldnt like to think that the individuaL quirks of particular countries will be ironed out so that its better for TV. Imagine the handwringing that would be going on if some of the old Headingley wickets were on the go just now. The tests could be over in three days! SKY would be doing their nuts at the prospect.
  11. John West tuna light lunch. The salsa one. Those things are great. And some birthday cake.
  12. Ciabatta with grilled steak sliced into strips with salad and tomatoes and mustard.
  13. Porridge, green tea and a handful of almonds. Not in the same bowl.
  14. Have the squats helped with your running times at all? I was doing a lot of these to strengthen my legs for squash and my sprint times were a lot better(court sprints). I found that when I changed to pissing around with a kettlebell and only a 16kilo one at that, that in general my performance fitness wise is quite a lot better. I'm much faster, I am much more durable on the court, and I am rarely maxed out with my heartrate. Would kettlebell traininghelp with runners? I'm certain it would. Or are you lifting weights for other reasons?
  15. Did you do it from the rest and be thankful side? Or up past Narnain and The Cobbler? It's quite a dull hill doing it after Narnain. I think I will go back and do it from the R&BT side as it looks a better climb. Finally did Ben Vane a couple of weekends ago and quite enjoyed it. It was the day when there was a lot of thunderstorms in the North Glasgow area. We missed them up the hill but we got stuck for hours on the A82 coming through Dumbarton. Dreadful road.
  16. There's 18 months between our two. My sister in law has six kids all under the age of 8.
  17. On Friday I must have lobbed the minging old fleece thing I was wearing at work and it landed on the oil filled heater thing I have in my workshop. On Saturday morning it felt quite cold first thing so I put on the minging fleece and felt a searing heat on my chin as I pulled it over my head. The bloody zip had gone molten sitting on top of the heater and branded me on the chin in a perfect zip shape. So I have been getting slaughtered all weekend by the wife and kids. Zippy. Keep it zipped ,blah de blah.
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