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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. It's a total slog at times. I've walked it twice with different people. The second time we walked right up to the loch Sloy dam and headed straight up from there. If you thought the regular way was steep then try that way. Theres no path either so it was a map and compass job all the way. Walked Ben Vorlich across the valley in an equally stupid way too. I suppose a hill is a hill no matter how you get to the top. I like that part of the world, it's the closest to where I live and we often head up that way.
  2. Cut the grass at the front and edged it. Pulled up some weeds from the patch. Made dandelion tea from some of the weeds I pulled up. It's good for you, everyone should try it.
  3. Federer had completely run out of ideas. It was quite strange to see such a brilliant player like that just swatting the ball aimlessly. Murray has the measure of him these days. Federer will need to come up with something new if he is going to beat Murray. Dinno how the final will go today. Don't see any reason why Murray can't win though.
  4. I wanted to avoid going up The Cobbler pathway as it's always really busy. I quite fancy trying it from the other side as it does look like a bit less time wise which means we might have a go at one of the other hills while we are up there. Or more time for a drink in The Drovers. I wanted to have a go at Ben Vane but was outvoted. We have a newbie coming with us and Ben Vane is ridiculously steep, especially the way we are going to do it.
  5. I thought the other guy pushed him really hard at times. Murray won the important points though, as good players will.
  6. Very good. Most of them being football players who will wash up at other clubs. Livi are a disaster of a club. They have never been run properly. They are taking up a place in the league of a proper club. They need to crawl away and die. You sounded very dramatic though.,and I'm sure you really do care.
  7. Ben Ime next sunday. That will be the first time I have been out walking for ages. Looking forward to it. Anyone done that one? Is it best to walk up past The Cobbler or start from the road heading towards the rest and be thankful?
  8. The entire club is nothing more than an embarassment. It hasn't been run properly EVER. Get them to f**k. They are clogging up the first division and preventing real clubs from being there.
  9. Livi obviously can't operate as a football club without some sad b*****d wasting money on them. Get Livi to f**k.
  10. Davis Cup is utterly shit. I'd be constantly "ill" as well.
  11. My garden is a debacle just now. I was going to go out and do a bit of work in it today, but I ended up taking the kids down the beach instead. Where it was fecking freezing. My daughter did manage to put a stick through a jellyfish which made her day. Should be able to get the grass cut sometime next week if the weather stays like this. Need to start weeding too and I have grasses in the borders that need to be dug out as they are taking over. And I have the railings to get painted. I hate painting bloody railings. I am growing a rosemary hedge too which is doing really well. I will let it get to about three foot high and start shaping it out from there. It's also brilliant for disguising cigarette smoke on your fingers when you go out for a fly one
  12. Lazy Day - The Flying Burrito Brothers
  13. The bike pretty much does what running does. You will build endurance but wont build any muscle really. Get some weights and start doing squats, those bad boys really hammer your legs and will build strength.
  14. Yep. I have a programme worked out for playing squash. Just a series of sprints within the court and a bit of circuit training. And I do a bit of weights stuff too. Squats and deadlifts mostly and a bit of arm stuff. I am quite lucky that I have NEVER had any muscle trouble or any sort of joint injuries in all the time I have played sports. I have always been quite naturally fit anyway and I am naturally supple too. I know a lot of the guys I play against(squash) do all sorts of stretches and stuff. I should really lookinto this a bit more especially as I am an old b*****d nowadays. It will probably help me to play well into my fifties.(I'm 40 later this year) I don't really know what sort of stretching I do. I tend to walk about a bit and have a smoke. Give me a link to show the right stretching to do pre and apres.
  15. You're welcome. What's the info needed for?
  16. I play squash twice a week sometimes three times a week for at least an hour each time. I use the exercise bike for a couple of hours a week. So. At least four hours a week cardio and normally nearer five. I'm going to just use the squash as cardio work from now on anyway as I'm doing too much.
  17. Six Days on the Road : The Flying Burrito Brothers
  18. Stick your garlic bulbs in amongst other plants. It's good for them.
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