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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. I could never hit a wood. I used tio carry one or two for decoration but I hit a one iron off the tee normally. And I hit it just as far as most folk were clubbing their Drivers. I could fade a one iron or draw it or hit it straight. I had more control over it than I did with woods for some reason. I gave up trying to hit a wood at the finish up as there was no point.
  2. Federer looked ominously good in his semi final and he was even better against Murray. I don't think anyone would have stopped him winning that today. Murray is the real deal though and will improve further and will become an even better athlete. He already has all the shots he needs to win majors and he will win a few I have no doubts at all. And I'm sure he will continue to piss of Mrs Featherstone-Haugh of Turnbridge Wells for looking a bit scruffy on the court.
  3. Park it in some multi story car park and never go back for it.
  4. Yeah I edited my first post on the subject to agree with Jim
  5. What type of chillies are they Reina? I got Habanero seeds to plant for next year. If yours are any good keep me some seeds will you?
  6. Warne is the best leg spin bowler the world has ever seen. It's doubtful that his achievements will ever be bettered. The guy was insanely brilliant. And he played for the best test team on the planet for most of his career and he was part of the reason they were the best team on the planet. Warne was an astonishing player. Pansy made "ill judged" remarks though.
  7. Shane Warne? The guy was a fucking genius you total c**t. I like the fact Murray gets up your nose. That means he is a good guy in my book. You were right about Will Carling though to be fair.
  8. Have been playing squash a few times a week for a few months now. Decided to go for a run tonight, probably a couple of miles at the most. Have no interest in running any great distances but I will mark out my course and get times done on it. I must admit that I stopped a few time on the way round tonight. The first running I have done in many years. I am only wanting to keep fot for playing squash really but although I can hammer away non stop for an hour of squash I found running a bit harder. Will measure the circuit and report back with times as and when. I will just blast round the route as fast as I can really.
  9. The top photo is the bridge you drive over to get to the car park bit on the left. We walked from there basically straight up through the trees following a fairly obvious path right up to the summit. We sort of bore left most of the way up. We came back off the hill the opposite way and ended up walking past the log cabin things. We lost the path coming back down actually
  10. It might have just flashed you without taking a pic. Fingers crossed.
  11. Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground
  12. Well I suppose the doctor at the time of the accident can make a better judgement of things when the injury is actually there rather than in six months time when a bored shitless consultant who is being paid to say whatever the hell they want him to say take a token glance at it. And gets his couple of hundred quid for the pleasure. Even though the injury is long gone. Its one of the reasons why we all pay a ridiculous amount in insurance costs. Because of cheating b*****ds like me.
  13. I wasn't being defensive. But it just looks better if you go to the medical profession with a whiplash injury first rather than an ambulance chasing w**k of a lawyer I suppose. It's more gentlemanly.
  14. Yes. And normally that happens a few months after the event rendering a useless waste of time. Whiplash is not detectable through any medical tests, only by symptom. So if you go to your GP within a few days of the bump with a list of symptoms it goes on your record and it aids your claim. I did it on the advice of my brother in law(a doctor)
  15. Jury duty. What a waste of fucking time. Wasted the morning hanging around in a shitty sheriff court and then being told to go home and phone in again the next day just in case they need me. Apparently they might need me for a fortnight. f**k off. It's like an object lesson in how to waste money in there. The fuckers that actually got chosen for duty had twenty minutes in the actual court before they were whisked off for a two hour lunch break. What a fucking farce.
  16. Make an appointment at your GP tomorrow and tell them you have terrible pins and needles in your arm. He will tell you that you have bad whiplash after the bump and if you make a claim then you are well on the way.
  17. The Last Thing On My Mind - Gram Parsons.
  18. It's OK my face is an alarming colour of red when I get off court too. I'm 39 soon as well so no doubt I'll be one of those mid life crisis squash death statistics soon enough. Havent played badminton in ages. I used to enjoy all that sort of thing as well. When I was younger I would play squash and then go straight out and play five a sides with the boys and think nothing of it Them were the days.
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