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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Yes, you are down to your core support just now. A struggling team in recent years and a lack of any real fanbase has culled most of the folk who were hapy to tag along and watch a winning side. And even though you have been doing well this season it looks like most of the hangers on that turned up to watch you when you went through the leagues can't really handle a downturn in fortunes. They are staying away and it's doubtful they will ever come back. Livi are a much smaller club that Ayr Utd and Raith Rovers. Like I mentioned already, they are only really fit for part time football with the level of support they have. Ayr and Raith have lost support due to similar circumstances to Livi i.e.dreadful form over a few seasons and general depression surrounding the clubs. But make no mistake, if they got their act together they would both have pretty healthy first division sized supports. Livi just don't have that.
  2. Too right. I said it at the time that theres no way we should be even thinking about that sort of money for a guy like that.
  3. Realistically, with the crowds you get , your level is a league below. Ayr and Raith are much bigger clubs that Livi. Livi are more or less the same size of a club as the likes of Stirling Albion. They will have a season or two in the first division but realistically their crowd base only supports second division and part time football.
  4. Livi have never been owned by anything other than chancers and crooks. I see the Tiber foaming with much blood.
  5. You obviously move in the higher class social circles. They probably had a bad trifle at a Kelvinside dinner party.
  6. Girvan is quite nice in places. It's just full of bored dafties though. My grandfather was born in the cemetery house down at the front. So I should have an affinity with the place. But I don't.
  7. She is the devil. My son is absolutely no trouble at all. She is a nightmare
  8. My three year old daughter went berserk with a felt tip pen over virtually every wall in the entire house today. It has all washed off thankfully but I lost the plot with her and ranted and raved and now I feel fucking terrible. I love her really but she probably feels lie I don't now. The wee soul.
  9. My aunt lives in Skelmorlie. The old bit of the village is quite gentrified. I don't think it would be great being a young 'un living there right enough. But it's certainly not a bad place to stay, and it's not a cheap place to live either.
  10. My mate tried that. Got blind drunk before a huge presentation. Turned up pissed for breakfast and was a little bit abusive to his bosses... Was told to go back to his room and sober up. He raided the contents of the mini bar and turned up further pished for the presentation. Was escorted onto the plane by his boss and was sacked next day. It's probably not worth it.
  11. Ive seen him cutting around in Ayr once or twice. He's an alarming looking chap.
  12. It might have been that ladyboy off Big Brother.
  13. Ayrshire is getting a bad name here. Mainly due to the shitty wee villages it has. But it is one of the more opulant counties actually. It's coast runs from Ballantrae in the south to Skelmorlie in the north. Girvan is pish. But then you have Turnberry and Maidens which are extremely expensive areas to live. Then Ayr, which has a bit of a schemie section north of the river, but most of the areas in the town are wealthy. And Prestwick, Troon etc are wealthy areas too. Irvine is horrible and round the cost 'til West Kilbride its rough. West Kilbride right up 'til Skelmorlie is wealthy too. It's mostly the inland shitty villages which are poor. And most of the villages have some redeeming features. Apart from the old mining areas which are hellholes. But thats mostly because they shipped in big dafties from Lanarkshire to work in the mines and they dragged the area right down.
  14. Theres not many of the Ayrshire villages you'd want to live in. One or two in South Ayrshire are ok. Most of them are horrendous though. Full of care in the community types.
  15. Yeah I have been doing them specifically to help me when I play squash. I was finding long distance stuff was a waste of my time. I needed to target sprints and do sets of those with as little rest and recovery time as possible. I have been booking the squash court just to do in court sprinting as well. My endurance is massive now and my recovery times are as good as they have ever been. Been combining that with a bit of weight training. Probably fitter now that I have ever been, even though I'm a bit of an old b*****d. Running doesn't have to be all about running distances. Not everyone is built for that sort of stuff anyway. I am, but I hate it I just find it incredibly tedious. I'd rather get on a bike and see a bit of the world than drag my bones for a long run. Squash keeps my heart as fit as it can be anyway.
  16. Gary Glitter seems to be umpiring in the Stanford game.
  17. Wild Horses - The Flying Burrito Brothers
  18. Staerted to do sets of 400m sprints and then mixing it up with 200m sprints. Finding that a hell of a lot more challenging than the endless running for distance. I really wasn't enjoying that very much. I have worked this into part of my weekly routine now and its great. I actually feel a lot better after starting to do this sort of running.
  19. I didn't go. I got texts all afternoon from the guys I go walking with. But I know fine they are sitting in The Drovers with a pint watching the fitba. They are stupid if they went up there in that weather. It was to be over 100mph at the summit.
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