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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Polly : Dillard and Clark A beautiful song
  2. Someone that can slaughter folk for growing carrots and potatoes has a few issues to get sorted out.
  3. Just water your potatoes quite a lot. Thats all they really need if your soil is alright. They like a lot of water.
  4. No never tried it. I always get the feeling it would get fucked over by slugs too easily. Might give it a whirl next year. It's not really sexy enough for my garden
  5. You don't need a lot of space to grow most stuff. Potatoes probably take up the most room of any veg. The rest of the stuff can be grown in a relatively small area.
  6. I've got two compost bins on the go just now. I'm experimenting with various stuff. I got loads of good compost from last years efforts and it went onto my borders. I have been getting bags of used coffee grounds from my local coffee shop as it is meant to be very good to compost. I AM a sad b*****d.
  7. You can grow chillies outside here as long as they get a sunny spot in the garden. They are just as easy to grow as tomatoes and you can grow them outside too.
  8. Oh no! I was going to sell him a chainsaw as well.
  9. What trees are you growing? Hope it's not fucking Scandinavian conifer nonsense.
  10. 200 acres of concrete? Are you the Laird of East Kilbride?
  11. Basil and tomatoes grow well together
  12. You could grow stuff on your window sills. Chillies, tomatoes. Anything really. Maybe not potatoes though. Or turnips.
  13. I have potatoes in again this year. Onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumber, peanuts, and two habanero chilli plants that I hope to make some tremendous chilli sauce out of. I kept the seeds from some of last years chilli plants and planted them out. I had a few varieties last year and apparently they cross fertilise really easily so I will have a new variety probably. I hope they are HOT.
  14. Get netting over them or the mice will eat the fruit. The little buggers can sniff out strawberries from miles away. I've stuck mine in hanging baskets this year
  15. Ben Ledi was quite busy yesterday. Probably passed about a couple of dozen folk on it when we were on the way up. The Cobbler is always a busy hill though. The Merrick and Goat Fell are also quite busy hills. Id say Ive met far more folk on the Corbetts than I have on the Munros.
  16. Walked Ben Ledi today. Quite enjoyed it and found it hard going most of the way as I have a stinking cold. It was quite nice all the way up but virtually as soon as we got to the top the rain started and didn't stop 'til we got back to the car. The whole walk took us just over five hours. Nice area with some cracking views. Not a Munro but every bit as tough to walk.
  17. The Velvet Underground - Femme Fatale
  18. The Byrds - Have You Seen Her Face?
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