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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Meall Garbh, An Stuc, Ben Lawers and Ben Ghlas all climbed today. Absolutely fantastic days walking. I did the whole lot of them wearing a t shirt and shorts! It was awesome. Knackered and we could see for miles and miles from all the summits. My legs felt like they were on fire at times but it was well worth it. Best days walking I've ever had.
  2. Down In The Churchyard - The Flying Burrito Brothers
  3. Yeah but take out the main root. Spray glyphosphate onto the bits in your garden. That will kill it. My wifes parents had loads of ivy round their house but it never seemed to cause any bother. As long as you keep it out the guttering by cutting it all back. Just treat it like a hedge unless you really hate it. In which case kill it.
  4. Wait until he goes out one night. Then go round to his house and take a fucking axe to the base of the ivy plant. That should sort out the dillemma. Even totally dousing it in weedkiller will be enough to kill it. He need never know. Just blame it on cat piss.
  5. Ben Lawers next weekend. I've walked it before but didn't get to the top due to blizzard conditions near the top. Hopefully not be like that next week.
  6. I just watched Cars. It's great. And it's on again...
  7. I've been gathering peas for about a month now. I love peas right out the garden, and so does my two year old daughter . I have a great crop of mini cucumbers as well and the tomatoes need a couple of sunny days to bring them on. I'm going to make loads of passata this year. We got a passata machine a couple of years ago and it's brilliant. The peanuts came up really well an d they taste great. The basil is flourishing next to the tomatoes. And some of the spuds are close to needing howked. The runner beans are not ready yet but I planted them out late. I didn't know that runner beans ALWAYS climb the canes anti clockwise. Weird.
  8. Had to take my wee boy up to Yorkhill for a check up after he had his op a couple of months back. I hate hospitals, and the table football wasn't up to much as some total git had nicked the ball. And it's really horrible seeing some of the poor kids that have serious illnesses. Makes you appreciate just how fortunate you are. Even though my son had a relatively serious complaint it certainly wasn't life threatening. The football table thing is my petty gripe BTW. The rest was just waffle.
  9. That Queens Park idiot will be telling you to lighten up in a second.
  10. He won the fucking game you plank. That's pretty much a GIRFUY to folk like that in itself I'd have thought. I was asking the poster himself why he had to mention it. I'm sure most folk on here wanted Murray to win too?
  11. Lazy Day : Flying Burrito Brothers. the one off the Magners ad.
  12. The neddy wee shite could still have a look in his mirrors though.
  13. I bought two packets of iris bulbs from Lidl earlier in the year. My kids planted them at random all round the garden and they have all come up and they look really nice. Made incisions into the poppy heads at the weekend and have got the sap out and will dry it before smoking it
  14. wild horses - Flying Burrito Brothers
  15. hot buritto no2 - Flying Buritto Brothers
  16. one hundred years from now - The Byrds
  17. You should enter Masterchef with that.
  18. My opium poppies are looking good.
  19. Keep dandelions for your salads. The leaves are nice in salad. Theres quite a few weeds that can be lobbed in the salad bowl.
  20. Wheels - The Flying Burrito Brothers
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