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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jFKWsfOKLsQ Spazz : The Elastik Band before the days of PC.
  2. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=h2dCjHcfDpo The Litter
  3. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=c_FlNwQlBmU&...feature=related Moby Grape I don't like this remastered version of the song. It plays a mile better in mono for some reason. The guitar work is awesome.
  4. We used to do a mean cover version of this song. Dinno who the guy is in the video but he is making a bit of an arse of himself! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GufEYV9ukeI&...feature=related I've Got Levitation!
  5. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hfcHgk10rbg&...feature=related Roky Erikson with the original primal scream. Garage at its best.
  6. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XV41SF8esXk another brilliant band
  7. This is my favourite Rolling Stones choon http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_ki2daAPp_k The Stones are an awesome band.
  8. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kfD6D0QfU0M absolutely brilliant!
  9. Yeah I should have used Monty as a better example of a choker. But Norman was renowned for being a complete choker on the big stage. Monty was much worse though. And is Scottish too.
  10. And the same holds true for the other guys if they want to beat Murray. He's up there with them and they know it. I still think a Federer on his game is the best of the lot of them though. Time will tell.
  11. I doubt all the media pish talk will affect Murray at all. But it does seem to be ruffling Federer and Djokovic if some of their reported words are true. Murray is now as good as any of them and if it's his day he will beat them. It's all down to what happens on the day now with Murray against the top guys. He is up there with them now and he knows it. I doubt he fears any of them. And there's no real need to. He needs to win a slam now to show that he is on that level though. Whether it's in Australia or elsewhere remains to be seen. And it also remains to be seen whether he is a choker on the big stage. He might end up some sort of Greg Norman type for all we know.
  12. Aye and I think the whole game was on the red button thingy today as well. Not that it was worth watching
  13. It was on BBC2 last night. That Pavel bloke shuldn't have been attempting to play with his back in that sort of nick. Wasting everyones time.
  14. Pavels back went after about three games of the first set. You could see he couldn't even swing through the ball properly.
  15. They do their job well. They wipe out the enemies of Israel which is what it's all about. Careful what you type there.
  16. They still wouldn't lose though. And they have the best trained soldiers on the planet too.
  17. The entire arab world has been enraged since 1948. It still gets it's arse regularly booted though from miniscule Israel on it's patch of worthless sand in the middle east.
  18. Jews owned plenty of that land legally anyway. They had began buying up property and land during the 1800s. A lot of Jews were returning to the holy land long before 1948
  19. And who take the spoils. The West Bnak, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights etc. Berwick.
  20. Kinda. War tactics have changed since then. Back in the day we had sieges to starve the population out of fortified citiesin order to capture them. That was a fair enough and totally expected way to wage war back then. In order to take a city you probably still have to expect tokill civilians there. It's too bad really, but war isn't clean. Isolated bombings targetting people could be considered terrorism. Suicide bombings are terrorism. Razing a city to the ground in a war scenario isn't. In my opinion.
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