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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. I'm lucky in that I have always been an expert at catnapping. I can sleep for five or ten minutes no bother. I used to play cricket and I'd fall sleep in the dressing room while the guys were waiting to bat. Been out to bat a few times with the old glasses and moustache drawn on my face Just have to grab whatever chance to sleep you can.
  2. He has to be a massive favourite to beat Blake in the final. I think Roddick would have beaten Blake today if he hadn't gone over on his ankle.
  3. Aye. Nightmare. Try chopping up chillies and then sticking a contact lens in. Bad.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8y0JLPQl94...feature=related Frank Zappa - Bobby Brown one of his funniest songs. Awesome lyrics
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHjfDZDvPmk...feature=related Frank Zappa - Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
  6. Captain Beefheart - Big Eyed Beans From Venus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y0MQmyuLCI...feature=related mental but quite good
  7. I think he gave away most of his wedge. To missionaries and charities and stuff like that. He was deeply religious. My grans side of the family had all the money. I get all that.
  8. Not originally. He was from Paisley but he moved up there after his wife died to be near his daughter who lived there. That must be about fifty years ago right enough His family started Galbraith the bakers, they used to have supermarkets and stuff round the country. You'll probably be too young to remember them. 104 though. He was as bright as a button right 'til the end. One of those old geezers that just never seemed their age. edit to add, found this on google Buckie’s G. O. M. - Bob Rennie, a native of Linwood, near Paisley, who has lived in Buckie for the last few years latterly in Burnside Court , Buckpool celebrated his 103rd birthday with a small celebration surrounded by friends in the home of his daughter Mr James Murray, Barfield Road. Bob regularly attends meetings in Gospel Hall and calls at Linn Coort for a fish and chip lunch every Wednesday. He retains all of his faculties and still enjoys reading.
  9. My mothers uncle died yesterday. He was 104, so he had a fair old innings but it's still a bit sad really. So that means a trip up to Buckie for the funeral.
  10. Murray is good at doing stuff his opponent doesn't like. That's really what his game is all about. He is just a nagging bugger, doesn't really play spectacular flair tennis or anything. He is the tennis equivalent of Australian bowler Glenn McGrath. Keep putting the ball in places your opponent doesn't want it and eventually they will crack. Consistently doing that is why Murray is up there now. I'm sure there is another gear he can go up when he has to but he tends to just do what's required. But he will need to work out Gonzalez and get it right tactically as well as play well himself or he will go out.
  11. I quite like Del Potro. I'm not sure he is battle hardened enough yet to beat the likes of Federer, especially now that the tournament is there for the taking for him. I'm not sure who I'd prefer to win in that one. I like both of them. It's a bit frustrating for me just now because theres no top tennis player that I can't stand just now. I usually had a hate figure, but not just now. Verdasco does have a face you could give a good slap to but I don't even mind him all that much. I don't think he will ever be a genuinely top notch player anyway. Murray has a really tough game against this Gonzalez bloke. I wonder if Murray has it in him to beat a top notch clay court player if that guy is on form. There'sno doubt that Murray will be quite chuffed with the clay court season this time. He has looked a much better player on it this year. And I'm sure he will only get better.
  12. That's what I was saying a few posts ago. The number of players that retire on him or have mystery injuries when playing him is unbelievable. I think he just destroys them mentally until the least wee niggle they have feels like a broken leg. It would be interesting to see the number of guys that have retired in games against Murray since last years Wimbledon. I bet it's a large number. Even the number of players taking medical timeouts against him must be disproportionately high.
  13. With the weather being sunny Ayr will be full of hackit munters wearing hee haw and showing off their manky tattoos. Vile. I'll be hitting the beach anyway.
  14. I think his overall game is better now though. His confidence is sky high too and he knows he can beat anyone on the day. He should be better on the clay because he does have a decent game for it. Part of his trouble was down to the fact that he didn't have the stamina to slug it out for twenty strokes a rally with these guys. But now he knows he can match any of them physically. He's definitely a potential grand slam winner. It's not going to be on clay as long as Nadal stays healthy but he's not far away. Maybe he will end up another Colin Montgomery though. He's unlucky he is around during the Nadal/Federer era. Those two are magnificent players.
  15. Maybe subconscious then as he has to use plenty of energy up to get back into these sets that he is chucking away. But I agree, when he is playing a higher calibre of opponent he will match them and his concentration will be better. As he said in interviews this week, it's about finding a way to win. At least he is winning, and on a surface he doesn't really trust yet.
  16. Was quite enjoying that game until Johnny Foreigner retired. Murray is still haing random collapses during sets but he seems to be still winning. I don't know if that is down to him losing concentration or the other guys playing well or whatever. Probably a bit of both. When he starts to play the better players he will be humped if he does that sort of thing. I get the feeling he won't though. He is getting more confdent on clay as well. You can see the difference in his play even from the start of this clay court season. He has a good chance to make the quarters of this now which he will view as a big success. It will be a good game on Sunday now, winnable as long as he doesn't keep handing games to his opponent. BTW how many players is that now that have retired on Murray since Wimbledon last year? I reckon it's an astonishingly high number. I wonder if he is just breaking these players mentally as much as them actually having match ending injuries?
  17. Some Munros are hardly worth the bother other than for bagging reasons. Ben Ledi was quite a tough walk when I did it. But I was just getting over a stinking cold which probably made it worse for me. Some of the Corbetts are great walks. Some folk just won't bother with them as they are under the magic 3000ft mark. That's their loss.
  18. They are chucking pies at the moment.
  19. It's grim stuff from the Windies. They really do wish they were elsewhere quite obviously. It's really sad, I grew up with them being an utterly fearsome side, a fast bowling battery that were notorious headhunters and wonderful batsmen. They are just a disinterested shambles just now.
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