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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Leave it a day and then get back into your routine. Some folk seem to get this worse than others. I got a pull up bar a while back and ffs it fucking hurt a couple of days afterwards. But I just kept at it and its fine now.
  2. I found Ben Ledi a real struggle too. But I was suffering for a stinking cold at the time. I probably shouldnt have tried to do it that day. But I survived. It was horrible though.
  3. That's bad news. Cycling should be OK for you though. Zero joint impact at least. Bummer though.
  4. I got a chin up bar. My upper body strength used to be rubbish. But you just have to build up your strength. I used to fail after maybe two or three chin ups. But now I can crank out set of ten or twelve reps and all the rest of it. It just takes a time to get there. You have tos tick at it. Press ups are exactly the same. You cant expect miracles. Just do what you can until you fail and then try and extra one the next time.
  5. Until is doesn't feel tight anymore. You'll just end up tearing it.
  6. Yeah but its got its own swimming pool. So did the one down at Blackwaterfoot. I cant remember the name of it now. Probably the Blackwaterfoot Hotel. Auchrannie is nice enough. The food is good if thats what you are into and the facilities are good enough for a family. Pricey at times.
  7. Aye, and it's not a tough hill either. But the views are brilliant from the top if you get a clear day. Reasons of economy? f**k sake.The wife normally has us holed up at Auchrannie for a the week. I like Arran. It's a great place.
  8. We did it from the west side. It took about an hour and a half to reach the bottom of the hill that way but the views were fucking brilliant looking back towards Loch Tay. That's why we decided to do it that way. And there is no path either so you are knee deep in the spaghnum moss all the way. It was a really nice day and its the first hill Ive climbed where Ive worn a t shirt from start to finish. Most other folk do it form the opposite side we did it and I think it's pretty much straight up and straight back down again. Fair enough if you just want to chalk it off and get back to the pub! Id recommend the other route though, it's much nicer, and the views are stunning looking towards Loch Tay. It took us seven hours. A fair old trek but I had a sleep at the top B)
  9. What are your aims? To run 10k races? Marathons or to just keep fit? You sound like you are pretty fit already though. If you are jsut wanting to look a bit emaciated then run for miles all the time. It will fook your joints though eventually.
  10. I quite fancy playing in the Davies Cup. I surely won't be that much worse than some of the duffers they plucked from nowhere to play this time out? Mind you, I have a bit of tennis elbow. I quite like the Davies Cup games, it's just a pity that our lot are shite at it. It would be quite exciting to have a reasonable side playing in it.
  11. Ben More was indeed an almighty slog. Well worth it once we got to the top though. The views are fantastic. But I'll never be back! And we also went across and did Beinn St???? whatever Thought we might as well when we were there anyway. edit to add... Stob Binnein. Had to go and look it up.
  12. The mens game just now is as strong as I can ever remember it. The top guys are all tremendous players. Including the worried Murray.
  13. He doesn't move around that well. But I'm sure he will work on it. He has everything in his game to win on most surfaces. No reason why he can't do well on grass, especially now that Wimbledon is tricked up to make it slower. Or on clay.
  14. The big guy played a superb tournament. He is a great player and he really had to dig out a comeback against a Federer who had been playing some great tennis all tournament as well. This won't be a one off for Del Potro. He is the real deal.
  15. He is in some great form just now. He just destroyed Djokovic out there. It will be an interesting final. Del Potro has looked very very good this whole tournament and I hope they play a good final. I don't mind who wins it as I like watching both of them.
  16. It depends how fit you are to begin with. Once you get up to a decent level then you'd work out your programme to suit what you want to be. Just mix things up a bit and get into it first. Get fit and then you can up your training or modify it to target what you want to be fit for. Intervals are just really periods where you max out your heart rate then let it drop back and then max it out again. Get a cheapo heart monitor and use that. fifteen quid will get you a basic one that does the job. You'll probably not be able to do too much to start with so thats why it's good to maybe do it a couple of times a week and maybe just gentle jogging the rest of the time to build up your fitness. I've never been a fan of distance running so I'm the wrong person to ask. But if you are training for football then distance running is a waste of your time anyway
  17. I'd say you were looking to be controversial because you seek attention. Go away and get your hole son.
  18. Interval sessions are by far and away the best thing for fitness. See some of the stuff above your post. Do circuit training, weights regularly. Swim if you like . Just running will get you fit alright. But for football you need explosive training. Sprints are great and will melt your fat off fast. Mix up what you do as well. If you just do the same thing over and over your body gets used to it. Get an exercise bike as it helps your stamina. And get some weights and squat like f**k with them to strengthen your legs. Deadlift too. You'll thank me for this one day!! Find a hill that take a minute to run up and run it as fast as you can and walk back down and repeat this 'till you vomit.
  19. I've been doing it once a week for training. I do three tests. Itry and score at least 14 the first time and then try to descend to no lower than 11 for the third. I take three minutes rest between tests. I'm as fit as I have ever been in my life. Yeah, I mainly went in for that sort of training simply because I really don't enjoy running for any length of time. You can virtually get your running session over and done with in fifteen minutes with sprint training instead of pounding the streets for an hour or so at a time. Its not as sore on the joints either. I'm doing this training specifically for a particular sport of course where I need to max out my heart and recover extremely quickly so sprint training is ideal and I am very durable on court now. I really don't find myself blowing out my arse at all now unless I am playing a guy who is a level above me and is making me run a lot. How's your knee BTW? Interesting you do this in a group. I tend to do my training alone. Apart from the bleep testing where a couple of us set it up. It probably would make things more competitive too. I tend to get a bit lazy arsed when I'm left to my own devices.
  20. Del Potro is looking good. And he is swaggering slightly. I like him a lot as a player. I think he feels he has a big chance to win this.
  21. Think so. I quite like discouraging slogs anyway. It wont bother me. I hope its pissing down too.
  22. Its a shame we didnt get there. I was looking forward to Burley getting necklaced in one of the townships.
  23. Supposed to be walking Ben More at the weekend. Don't know anything about it but I'm looking forward to getting ack out. I walk with a group of four of us and its quite hard to gather us all together for a walk. But its good fun when we do. Ben Vane was the last walk we did. Thankfully it was still a Munro when we did it. I probably eroded it just enough to f**k up its status and turn it into a Corbett.
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