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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. I love those! They sound vile but they are actually fantastic.
  2. I made unleash the nades pulled pork slow cooker recipe. It was pretty damn good, and even the kids liked it which is a fucking miracle.
  3. Yeah I wasn't having a go at you. Running is good fr you as long as you're not overdoing it. A lot of folk run through pain especially if they are training for a race they have their heart set on doing. That can cause a lot of problems. If it's sore to run stop running until the pain is gone completely. There's plenty of other stuff you can do to keep yourself in good nick fitness wise.
  4. I'd chuck running and take up something that doesn't impact your knees as much. You'll end up with replacement knee joints if you push against what your body is telling you.
  5. Federer was honking. Almost like the way he played against Del Potro in the US open final last season. Its a pity Murray hasn't run into him in that sort of nick in a grand slam final yet.
  6. The wifes friend has been staying all week with us so she was leaving yesterday about half five so we could get her to the airport in plenty of time for check in. She was flying to London and then out to the states the following morning. Fair enough. Apart from the fact she thought she was flying from Prestwick and didn't realise Glasgow Prestwick wasn't the same as Glasgow... So we had a frantic drive to Glasgow instead of a ten minute one to Prestwick. Glasgow Prestwick? what fucker thought that was a good idea?And yes she should have read her ticket! But in fairness to her it was Prestwick she flew into when we collected her last week.
  7. I'm sure as a ten year old he would have still found it tough going.
  8. That's because they know that these people are just here for a look around. If they were deciding to stay then we'd hate them.
  9. My faither in law has one on an old car. FAG *** I think he is oblivious to what the word means to Americans in particular...
  10. My mate just phoned me. Haven't heard from him in a few weeks. He has been on a bender for the past fortnight. His bird left him, he lost his job and he has been pissed out his head for days on end now. He's going to die
  11. Ligaments. Go and see about them if you are having as much bother as this. As Phoenix says, it might just be a strain if you are lucky but you might have done yourself a lot of damage without knowing it too. Best get it looked at. Sometimes these injuries aren't apparent at the time, it's only after you "cool down" after sport that you realise somethings wrong. The swelling is just your body trying to protect things which will be making everything feel tight. Bandage and rest will be the order of the day no doubt. You did the right thing in icing it
  12. Fluffy balls. You never hear Al Gore warning about those!
  13. Not nowadays. They have the grass courts playing at a similar pace to some of the hardcourts now. You very rarely see the old serve volleyers anymore as a result.
  14. I just read the past couple of days posting here and I hadn't actually realised McKee was such point and laugh material. Federer behind Murray as a grass court player? Uh huh. I suppose Murray is only a little bit behind Nadal as a clay court specialist too then
  15. I ony watched a couple of games with Nadal playing and he was alright. He had only lost one match out his last 36 until he played Murray as well. Federer was looking up for it in his semi final (thats the only game I saw him play) and I think it's a bit harsh to say he wasn't playing well against Murray either. Especially as Murray was on song in both the semi and in the final. His length of shot was almost Nadal like in the semi and that put Nadal right on the back foot. He wasn't handed either of those matches, not by a long shot.
  16. He had opened up and attacked. And he showed that when he does that he has enough control over his shots that he should be doing it all the fucking time really. We all know he can defend. He is pretty much up thre with the likes of Nadal and Federer at being able to get the ball back against the odds but when he opens his shoulders and goes for his shots he proved that he can stand toe to toe with the best of them. He has ALL the shots required and he knows fine he can play that way. Maybe he has made a conscious decision to take the game to opponents a lot more instead of jsut wearing them down and depressing them into submission. It was good to see especially as Nadal looked in reasonable nick as did Federer.
  17. I put loads of stuff out for these wanks and then they never lift the fucking bags.
  18. They did but the ball wasn't swinging although the pitch was taking spin and they were under no real pressure either. They had plenty of time as well to knock off the runs. Cook does need to deliver in the next couple of tests or he won't be opening the batting for England down under. Simple as that.
  19. I'd stick with Cook as well. And I'd alsostick wth Pietersen, he is struggling at the moment and should have been out long before he was when he finally made that score in the last test but he is too good a player to not pick. He will get big scores in due course and he could click at any time. He might as well click in the test team as for his county. As I said before, he is similar to Gower in that the defensive side of his game isn't a massive priority so there will be times like this where he isn't scoring runs. But I just wouldn't drop the guy, there's nothing much to be gained from it right now. The test team is winning even though it is carrying both him and Cook really although Pietersens runs did make a difference in this test. The wickets have helped the bowlers massively in these two tests anyway.
  20. I'd give Cook the rest of the summer to sort his form. He is a class player and I think he has been fannying around with technique too much rather than just concentrating on getting himself some batting time at the crease. If he continues to fail then they will need to do something but I would give him a couple more tests to see. The openers will need to be in good nick for the ashes tests so hopefully Cook can get some runs before then as I think he is a quality opener. The Australians were pretty good at sticking with players they believed in when the lost form and I think England should stick it out a bit longer with Cook.
  21. You don't get swing anywhere near as much down there. Anderson won't be as effective. Broad isn't a good bowler. Swann will be relied on and hopefully one or other of the quicks can tie up and end for him. n spite of how well England have bowled in this test series so far, I have doubts about all but Swann in Australian conditions.
  22. Finn is the type of bowler that could do well out in Australia, should be interesting to see how he does this winter. Anderson won't enjoy himself quite so much though. And Broad isn't much of a bowler in my opinion. I wouldn't drop Pietersen and I don't think they will anyway. It would be as big a mistake as when they dropped Gower and told him to go and work on the defensive side of his game
  23. Pakistan were fairly gash in that test. They have a good bowling line up but it is a young attack and they are going to be asked to do shitloads of bowling this summer. I feel sorry for them a bit. They did have England in a lot of trouble at times but England managed a couple of big innings in tough conditions and thats why they won it. Pakistans fielding and batting were completely shite. Anderson looked unplayable in those conditions, they were perfect for him and he delivered the goods. It is going to be a tough series for Pakistan and I hope their young players aren't broken by the experience as they have some good talent in there that could go on to do well at test level. England look a fairly solid test side nowadays, but their bowling attack won't do so well in Australian conditions and they are definitely gearing up for the Ashes series now. The batting line up is decent, but the bowling line up isn't going to be the best for those sort of wickets out there.
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