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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. 4.0c and raining. The snow can get itself to f**k.
  2. The wife bought loads of flour to make her own bread in the bread maker thing which gathers dust in the kitchen. Just in case we got snowed in down here. Ayr has had about an inch of snow in total since the weather began.
  3. It's like one of those spontaneous human combustion photos. But with snow.
  4. Their mountain area forecast is brilliant.
  5. Are you some sort of gritting connoisseur?
  6. There's a bit of sleety looking stuff falling just now. It has been going for about an hour now which is the most we have had since the weather started last week.
  7. Yeah its not a good situation at all. Maynards ones are just really badly made. They taste ok and I do buy them when I need to, but Lion make them properly.
  8. Maynards midget gems are fucking shitey. All misshapen and sticking together. f**k off you b*****ds and leave a wee niche for Lion. I'd willingly pay over the odds for them. This has ruined my fucking night. I'm off to order three or four jars of them just in case.
  9. f**k! get the petition signed or my midget gem habit is over!
  10. Nah Ayr is a racing town and is full of the county set as well. The Barbour is a sort of urban flack jacket for mental guys that come into town once a week in their pick up with no suspension, road tax or MOT , drink a skinful before lunch and then drive home again over the fields.
  11. No, that's for wannabes and under stairs classes. The real class people shop at farmers markets and seek out high quality local produce at all times. They will also have a man that brings them pheasant and various other game on a regular basis. Supermarkets are for proletariat wankers.
  12. We always did that too. We have a real tree and they tend to fall to bits if they get put up too early. But now the kids are being wound up at school about the whole thing we are sticking an artificial one up in the ballroom and will wait a week or so before buying the tree for the drawing room.
  13. At least they won't have to switch on the fridges for the cadavers. They can just leave them out the back in the snow.
  14. Lovely blue skies here and just a dusting overnight. I fucking hate snow.
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