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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. I can see why non productive public sector dross like you need Rangers to pay their tax all the same. No vested interest from you either then?
  2. Thats as far as the big tax bill goes. Rangers the business as we know it now wont even be there to be set an example of I'm quite sure. Whyte obviously had zero intention of paying any VAT or PAYE/NI to get the ball rolling with administration. Its a bit of a pisser to the rest of us that have to pay tax on threat of being jailed if we refuse to cough up but thats they way things go. HMRC will get their pound of flesh from whatever phoenix company turns up and the game will continue.
  3. Yep. Hopefully they will, as Rangers need to be punished. As you say, they will be back as large as life in due course anyway, Whyte is doing what he does, which is how he made his money by the look of things. He will set up a new Rangers business, flog it and move on. Probably hoping for a return on his one pound investment. HMRC wont punish them. The law won't punish them and it remains to be seen if the other member clubs do anything about it. I suspect not.
  4. I like where I live. That6 doesn't mean I have to find the actions of the government "pleasing". Twat
  5. Again, I dont have any problem with that. I do have a massive problem with the state racking up 1 trillion pounds worth of debt and the fact that the tax they DO lift from peoples pockets doesn't come anywhere close to the amount of money they need to "distribute" to keep the state going. The state can get to f**k as far as I'm concerned.
  6. HMRC went to court to do Rangers over VAT and NI / PAYE from this year. No idea about NI/PAYE but the VAT boys tend not to f**k around too long and it all seems to be within normal timescales especially where VAT is concerned.
  7. No it isn't. It's the state that is being denied the money. Something I don't actually mind at all.
  8. As much as I am laughing at Rangers, I have to say that HMRC are a fucking shambles. A costly shambles.
  9. No Rangers = no TV deal. Personally, I'd be delighted to have no TV deal and also no Rangers. Both our clubs would survive quite happily. We might end up playing hunners of young kids for a while and we might end up with rubbishy washed up crocked pros like you get in the lower leagues but so what? I've watched plenty of rubbish St.Mirren teams in the first division and it never put me off.
  10. Exactly. There seems to be some massive fear amongst journalists mostly about standards slipping. Personally I couldnt give a f**k as I am not remotely interested in Scottish footballs standing in the pecking order internationally. I also couldn't give a toss about European football, which is also a massively corrupt shambles which panders to the bigger outfits as well. Slipping standards mainly inconveniences journalists anyway as it stops them getting wee jolly ups abroad. Football is a shit sport anyway, if it wasnt for my St.Mirren habit I wouldnt watch it anymore.
  11. Can't imagine any of the chairmen voting against this. There's always a chance Romanov might but it would depend what side of the bed he got out on I reckon. The fans of the clubs would almost to a man vote to keep them out. Celtic fans are fucking dreaming if they think their board would vote to exclude "Rangers". They know they need them.
  12. Thats what SHOULD happen. But the SPL need the wedge Rangers bring via TV revenue and will treat them softly softly. And income the SPL get to run themselves is from piggy backing off the oldfirm, so theres not much likelihood of the SPL being harsh I wouldn't have thought. Unfortunately.
  13. Leeds United have a little bit more competition than Rangers do. Rangers and Celtic are big fish in a paddling pool.
  14. You kinda wonder how someone like Stewart Gilmour who put his livelihood on the line for our club must be feeling. Having watched a procession of c***s taking their clubs into administration it must feel like he wasted his time in actually trying to run the club properly. Its not as if you get brownie points for actually running your club well, you simply get stamped on by others making a c**t of things.
  15. Thats it more or less. Take a bit of a thrashing off the shitty stick, clean the slate and move on.
  16. I had no idea the diddy parliament had a sports minister. What does she do exactly? Apart from bigging up Rangers.
  17. I've had a really shitty virus that started before Christmas and lingered on well into the new year. I then struggled to get any cardio stuff going at all up until last week when I felt suddenly and randomly better. Kept on with the weights so I didn't lose much in terms of overall fitness but I was tending to blow out my arse after half an hour at squash which was never like me. I felt suddenly totally better last week and started back doing proper cardio stuff again and can get back to building up my stamina and endurance. It felt quite daunting really as I have always been used to a routine and I have pretty much been vegging since Christmas That's the worst virus/post virus thing I have had for years, I'm glad it has finally decided to f**k off.
  18. Katerina Witt has covered up her cleavage this week. f**k that, I'm going for a run.
  19. That latin teacher was an utter eccentric, his arrival in school every morning was always greeted with much hilarity. He always got a lift from one of the maths teachers who drove a red transit van for no reason whatsoever. He would never sit in the passenger seat though and he always had to be let out the van doors at the back. He was the sort of teacher that should have been at a private school somewhere instead of that place. Bow tie, tweedy jackets and a briefcase he probably got from his dad and a savage hair parting made more prominent by use of brylcreem. His RE classes were utterly out of control at all times, no sod ever listend to a word he said or did a stroke of work in there and he never used to notice or appear to notice. There was also a physics teacher who looked like black and white movie hero Harold Lloyd. So he used to get the theme tune whistled at him a lot. Id fucking hate to be a teacher. At least back then you could get belted I suppose.
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