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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Walked (crawled) Ben Vorlich the Loch Lomond one yesterday. Bloody hell that was tough!! We walked up to the dam then went straight up from there scrambling the whole way till it plateaued a bit. The visibility was virtually nil and we did the whole bloody thing using compass and map and my mate had one of those satellite tracking things otherwise theres no way we would have attempted it.It was pissing with rain and it was utterly horrible. My lungs were on fire after about five minutes, we stopped about every few steps on the climb up as we were wrecked . Still, we managed it and the views would probably have been quite nice if it hadn`t been in the clouds the whole way up Got a phone call this morning from my mate would was having the pish ripped out him by one of his colleagues who had "recommended" that particular route up. It was a pretty serious days walking and I didn`t exactly enjoy it but I feel quite good about not,giving up now. And typically the weather lifted as soon as we got off the hill. Still, it beat having to endure an afternoon of shit football at Tannadice Will go across and do Ben Vane next time hopefully on a clear day, the length of the valley separates the hills.
  2. What "xenophobic pish" would this be? I think you are confusing genuine criticism of the police over there for something else. They certainly haven`t covered themselves in glory. As has been said already this IS an issue for the Portugese police to deal with. If this level of incompetence was being displayed under similar circumstances in this country then you can be sure our police would take a pasting too. Why the hell would you choose to fling in xenophobia into this? You are quite frankly talking shite.
  3. Elvis Costello - A Good Year for the Roses
  4. It really doesn`t matter who is saying what. They have to either charge their suspects or shut up. The police over there take money for lots of different things. I made them go away with a handful of money when they did me for speeding years ago. There has been so much pish and wind now that nobody seems to have a clue what is happening. Too much rumour and not enough fact so far.
  5. The Faces- Stay With Me what a bloody good tune
  6. So the police are corrupt as well as being pish?
  7. Well we will know if they are bullshitting if they spend the money on their defence team.
  8. They tried to register it as a charity but it didn`t fulfil charitable criteria. A limited company will pay a lesser rate of tax. A charity would have paid fook all tax. I suppose it was the next best thing to get value for money for people who had donated. Plus it ensures that all money being donated will be accounted for.
  9. You would have thought so. In the meantime I guess we have to wait and see what happens next. From what is public knowledge at the moment their is zero chance of a conviction. It won`t even get as far as court.
  10. If the British police were blundering around like the Portugese equivalent are then they would be taking pelters as well. They are fucking incompetant. If they had any evidence that was remotley liable to stand up in court then the McCanns or that other "suspect" geezer would have been charged. It`s obvious they have f**k all on anyone. Even this pish with the hire car DNA they have even managed to make a c**t of that too. The sooner they get on with finding the wee girl the better instead of floundering around in a sea of their own pish.
  11. The Portugese plod were trying to make out that her bible was incriminating because there was a slight fold at a crucial page which had a tenuous link with what happened to Madelaine. And settle down. Nobody is trying to twist your words. Decipher them maybe...
  12. You are straw clutching just about as badly as the useless fuckers in the Portugese polis. There is no evidence to support any claims that Madelaine was killed by her parents. Its all nonsense.
  13. The police have no case against anyone. They are clutching at straws and making a complete arse of things. They should get off their fat arses and try and find the girl dead or alive. Useless b*****ds.
  14. That`s not correct. Loads of GPs earn wel under 100k. 50-60k is closer to the mark for most of them.
  15. Springers are even more "blonde" than cockers.
  16. The song lasts just over four minutes in Cohens original version. Buckley spins it out to over six minutes by adding hunners of extra notes in a Whitney Houston style. Buckleys version is revered by young kids because it appeared on some teen drama series. They don`t know the original song. It`s not their fault they wallow in their ignorance
  17. Velvet Underground : White Light White Heat
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