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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Did she beat you up real bad? That must be why you have to wait till next time you see "her wee face" to sort her out It`s not very nice to be hitting girlies.
  2. apparently I agreed to go walking up the cobbler when I was out with some mates on friday. Is there a ski lift?
  3. More Mary Chain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs-42ge-TWY feed on this
  4. Scotlands finest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs-42ge-TWY
  5. Pushin` Too Hard : The Seeds I fucking love Youtube for all of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt2e6pE3hmk
  6. MC5 Looking At You fucking awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p759HunDnoM
  7. Take The Long Road And Walk It : The Music
  8. I went hillwalking with amate thats right into his munro bagging. We went to the lost valley in Glencoe and camped there before supposedly setting out the next day to go up some hills or whatever. But I was too comfy and just stayed in the tent and got stoned while he wandered off for the entire day. I remember taking a dump al fresco though. That was great.
  9. Those adverts that come on about this time of night trying to get you to text glaiket looking overly made up daft wee lassies. Lots of fun...yayyy Imagine the chat with one of those bints...
  10. dogs stink as soon as you walk into a dog occupied house you get that vile sour sort of smell. Mind you at least you can blame your farting on it.
  11. I cant be bothered with dogs at all. I think they are pains in the arse to be honest. They dont deserve to have stupid folk lifting and laying them as if they are a lifestyle accessory accessory though. Both our cats were rescue cats and one is just a big daft lump that would be happy anywhere but the other one was a b*****d when we got her and she took a long long time to settle down. She is a nice wee cat now that she has got her confidence back and feels safe but she had to be worked with. Anyone taking on a pet should have a fucking think first. They can be expensive, demanding, time consuming and all the rest of it. They are not toys.
  12. my sister in law has owned three dogs since I knew her and she has given away all of them. Folk like that shouldnt be allowed anywhere near any fucking animal. She`s a fat, fickle, selfish b*****d. And a munter
  13. Nadal was physically stronger from a younger age. Murray seemingly grew a bit in the summer which helps explain a lot of his troubles last year as regards stamina. Nadal is an early developer physically thats why he broke through earlier. Nadal and Murray will be around for a long time and Murray will have plenty of chances to take a grand slam. Especially if Federer retires early.
  14. Murray won in straight sets again. He seems to be looking good so far.
  15. My bro in law was working at A & E at rhe Royal Infirmary. This guy comes wandering in late at night complaining that his neighbours downstairs were firing laser beams at his balls...instead of turning him away or just sectioning him on the spot B.I.L. went and got one of those reflective silver blankets like they give to Jimmy Saville after he runs a marathon, and tells the poor random to fashion a pair of underpants out of the silver foil like stuff to deflect the laser beam... Punter happy with doctors bedside manner. Doctor happy to get rid of another random halfwit.
  16. or simply carry a mongoose with you everywhere you go.
  17. went to see Casino Royale tonight. Thought it was really good actually. I tend to fidget like hell at the pictures if I,m not enjoying the film but I didnt tonight
  18. Bob Cuba. Cant remember where though.
  19. Come Down Softly To My Soul : Spacemen 3
  20. the Ballad of Easy Rider ; The Byrds
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