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Ronaldo Jeremy

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Everything posted by Ronaldo Jeremy

  1. Does anyone know if care home rules have changed? I can't seem to find them mentioned anywhere.
  2. I play in a band and one of the guys plays an acoustic. He only ever goes through the house PA - never an amp.
  3. 1. The Headmaster Ritual 2. The Queen is Dead 3. Barbarism Begins at Home 4. What Difference Does it Make? 5. How Soon is Now?
  4. Start Down In The Tube Station At Midnight The Butterfly Collector Set The House Ablaze Takin My Love
  5. Gutted about this news. I've seen him several times and was always exemplary. True musical pioneer and opened me up to diversity and a world of superb music.
  6. I have The Curry Guy books and the Misty Ricardo ones. Both are good but I like The Curry Guy books better. I cook from them two or three times a week. Usually buy spices online in larger quantities. That would be a waste of time if you weren't using them often though. Either that or Asian supermarkets but I haven't been in one for months though.
  7. My nephew has had, and has since recovered from, the virus. He put some information on his experiences with it on Twitter.
  8. Jake Bugg in Edinburgh last night was certainly the liveliest I've seen the Usher Hall.
  9. I worked for the company that built the new bridge at the time and the council specifically requested the new bridge to be open to the elements to deter beggars, buskers, etc.
  10. I watched it all. Really enjoyed it.
  11. A revival of this thread for shameless self-promotion. This is my band. We are currently working on an album, which is coming along really well, but these are our previous releases (also available on all various streaming platforms). Great fun.
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