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Everything posted by gannonball

  1. I dont know any Celtic fan thats confident of signing him, some even aren't that fussed about him. Even though we are the only bidders so far but a lowly EPL could blow us out the water with wages and pay him 30 grand a week where as we would offer 15 tops I would say as he wouldnt be a first team pick initially. The comment about Lawell fuming is bizarre he’s always ran a tight ship at Celtic so this won’t be the first time he’s told to bolt.
  2. The problem of the nations league in Autumn clashing with test matches is a non-issue for me, I cant see there being much appetite for these games so a 70 000 stadium for it isnt required. As for the financial details do you mean the lottery repayments? Is lottery funding not usually made public? For all there faults I cant blame the SFA for looking elsewhere as Hampden as it stands now isnt really fit for purpose and isnt even the biggets/best stadium in Glasgow let alone Scotland. 100 grand a game seems very reasonable if we can agree a long term lease on Murrayfield I can understand QP shiteing themselves over this but if the SFA secure funding to buy and develop Hampden, if the purchase price more than covers doing up Lesser Hampden (assuming you negotiate that as part of the deal) would that not be best for all parties involved?
  3. I didnt realise Burnleys home form had dropped so much . They used to scrape relegation yet have one of the best home records. Aberdeen could yet get humped 3-0 if you go by budgets but given that they are still heavy favourites and not used to having that pressure this could be used by Aberdeen if they hold out for the first half hour and the crowd gets restless.
  4. Looking at the ones we have signed on loan- Roberts: already a proven talent when Rodgers resigned him but he spent the majority of the season on loan. Edouard: We only had 2 recognised strikers both of whom are injury prone when we loaned him initally The best young stiker we have in Aitchison but I dont think he has the strength or experience to play up front on his own. Now we are looking to play 2 up front this season he may get some game time. Musonda: Turned up with an impressive pedigree. Looked a player against St.Petersburg but was pretty much never to be seen again. Belgium u21 coach has questioned his attitude. Mikey Johnstone would be the player he potentially would have kept out but he was injured for the majority of rhe second half of the season and then kept Musonda out the squads towards the tail end. Rodgers has said he wont play youngsters for the sake of it if he feels they arent pulling their weight. He did a tour last season of Austria last year with a small squad to prove this. I agree with this as many can easily play a few games for celtic and feel they have made it (See Tony Watt as an example). He did blood Johnstone and Ralston last season but both got long term injuries and Ajer becoming a first pick shows he will give youth a chance but only if they work hard.
  5. Im shocked hes not talking about Rangers/Sevco The majority of people who read his blog these days are seething Rangers fans as hes been hounded out of celtic forums/ fb pages only posting about them. A strange individual.
  6. Agreed in terms of sub-letting Hampden there is less revenue but we could also in theory be selling extra seats for internationals and semi/finals to make up some of the difference. In terms of naming rights given we had to get the scottish government to bail us out for a sponsor for the scottish cup for two years then some how managed to go two years without a sponsor so Im guessing the money for the stdium rights wasnt all that significant either,again I would mainly lay this blame at SFA for this. As mentioned the less they have to do to balls up the better. Double booking Hampden for a Robbie Willaims gig (i think?) was hillarious as it was mortifyng.
  7. I think the article headline is slighltly missleading Im guessing once you factor in maintenance costs it will be cheaper overall, if you think how many times its cost to rip up and replace the Hampden park pitch over the past few years I could certainly believe it. I am in favour of Murrayfield for the following reasons: -Bigger and better stadium (admittedly views arent the best because of the bigger pitch but having watched a few football games at Murrayfield and many At Hampden I preferred Murrayfield mainly because the worst view is certainly the first half a dozen rows at Hampden. Atmosphere is also far worse to because of lack of gradient) -Better transport links -Far more pubs Should the SFA be able to make Hampden their own issues with the pitch being played on every week could be removed but in terms of rebuild I just wouldnt trust them with any significant sums of money, not that I am calling them corrupt these days just totally incompetent. For that reason Murrayfield for a hundred grand a game seems a pretty decent deal, I can remember the GAA charging the FAI and the IRFU for Croke Park over a million euros per game. This was mainly because they knew they had little choice elsewhere but this is not the case here even if Hampden gets bulldozed. For me The least scope we have them (SFA) making an arse out of things the better so giving a lump sum for the majority of it to be taken care of the better.
  8. Ive been saying this for a while with regards to Celtic, if you dont get an automatic place then you are best starting early and getting some competitive games even if the oppositions not up to much as least it is competitive. I would be a lot less confident going against Rosenborg now whos league goes from Spring to Autumn if we hadn’t played a couple of games before hand.
  9. Thats the one cheers I got two bottles (one to drink, one to keep) of it from amazon but it was 110 pound each the other week. Think I actually prefer their 21 year old Ive got tbh. One thing I do like about their whisky is it might not be mind blowing but they have suck to their traditional bottling/packaging and their prices is miles under others for the older stock. Tasting bar wasnt open for some reason the day I was there either for some reason.
  10. Thing is, it's not 2m to Hibs. Take off VAT and the 33% due to St Mirren and we're getting just over 1m. That's nowhere close to enough to sell him. Couple of extra places up the league and reaching a semi final would cover that. One extra round in Europe would near enough cover it. I can totally understand why Hibs have turned it down given the sell on fee situation and the chance of European group stages. To be honest in term of Mcginns development another season in the top flight and european football is hardly going to hold him back. By then he may have more clubs interested and with no fee can command wages way above what we could offer.
  11. Just about ever first bid for a player is rejected, last time I checked bids for players can be made public which renders that rule useless which is why no club has ever been reported or fined for publicly registering an interest as far as I am aware.
  12. Saw some of his comments and was scratching my head given the man he spent his entire playing career under was quite happy to mouth off at the ‘noisy neighbours’ and Real Madrid to mention a few.
  13. Call me a cynic but I would imagine most deals involving millions involve ‘tapping’ to a degree these days. In fact even reading some Lisbon on lions auobiographies its been regularly on the go for perhaps half a century now. Absolute guessing like you but we probably would have spoken to the agent to see if he was interested and if there was any firm EPL interest. The latter being whether we put in a higher bid or indeed a bid at all.
  14. A skewed example but yes we sold a playerof higher claibre to a team with a higher budget. Another bottom end EPL club could quite easily blow us out the water with fee and wage for Mcginn but the fact nobody has yet probably shows that there isnt a great deal of interest right at that level right now. I agree though I would rather have this ended one way or another in the next week or so though.
  15. 2 million for a scottish league player out of contract in a year isnt derisory. There is a diffrence between derisory and not acceptable. I cant remember the last time Hibs got over 2 million for a player?
  16. He will have to have an absolute blinder given the EPL transfer window closes on the 9th. Lawell is a renowned sh*tebag but he is no different to Petrie or any other competent CEO by trying to get the best deal for a player whether its going in or out. Offering 2 million for a player up here who is out of contract next year is hardly buttons though.
  17. Difference being that if Aberdeen find Hamiltons valuation laughable it will go a tribunal which will be significantly less than 800 grand. Two totally different situations really.
  18. I dont think anyone is claiming we are ‘giants’ of world football, I think we all know whos ‘on a different planet’
  19. I think paying decent money for a player isn't the biggest issue, its the wage that goes with it. Our ceiling limit has been around 30 grand a week since the MON days and if we were to pay a guy 40-50 grand a week it would cause disparity in the squad.
  20. Whilst I did skew at the 10 million figure it is good to see Aberdeen and Motherwell play hardball this week with their players. It took a decade for some clubs to recover financially from the setanta deal then just when we to getting back in to the black another TV deal (due to death of rangers) was scrapped again whilst TV deals across the continent seemed to be going up significantly, in some places nearly exponentially. Most clubs now have their house back in order again so there is no need to shit the bed when a 6 figure sum comes in for a player in Scotland. The only thing I am sceptical over is a significantly better TV deal which has been talked about past few weeks, mainly due to the incompetency of those in charge.
  21. I did Edradour, if your dragging your missus its one of the most picturesque ones I have visited. As somebody mentioned the shop is well stocked with old signatory as the guy owns both the distitllery and the whisky selectors. I thought his old signatory stuff was quite competitively priced too. The peated version of edradour (name escapes me) was quite decent I thought.
  22. We periscoped a friendly the other day... https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/celtic-fans-angry-club-tv-12872558
  23. I thought he did decent enough for Thistle last year given how sh*te they were, think he will fit in Motherwells system decent enough too.
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