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Everything posted by youngsy

  1. Be pedantic all you like but whatever way you want to put it, it's sad that grown men who have no connection to a football club are trying to derail a legit business from going about that business.
  2. Who's clinging to a myth, all that's been stated here is that the full continuity from 1872 has been accepted and recognised by those that matter. Is that correct or not, Enrico.
  3. Sad, bitter and twisted b*****ds that are trying to derail a football club from going about it's legitimate business. They won't succeed though.
  4. Fine, have it at Ibrox where it should be held in the first place. Problem solved.
  5. Heard it all before from you, however once again, for those who can't accept it, you for one, whether the company had to apply to go into D3 is not the issue, the issue is the continuity recognition, that's happened.
  6. A lot of people are upset about the continuity being recognised, must be very frustrating for you that it won't change.
  7. Doesn't matter how many times you shout against it, the continuity is recognised, neither you nor anyone else will change that, which as i've said is very, very pleasing.
  8. You forgot to add the European Club Association and their assertion and recognition of the full continuity. Get it right ffs.
  9. Read what was stated, or maybe get someone to read it out loud to you. The full continuity of the club has been recognised, nothing anyone says about it on here is going to change that recognition, you all know that, can't accept it but are annoyed and bitter that it has been, which is very, very pleasing indeed.
  10. Turn that on it's head and ask why so many fans of other clubs are so wound up by the continuity being fully recognised that they put forward such things as petitions to try and get the recognition overturned. Why can't those fans, yourself included, not accept that the full history is recognised and no matter their opinion that recognition will stand going forward.
  11. Where sport is concerned the courts don't have to, as long as sporting organisations do so within the said sport then that is enough. Maybe though people who are so concerned and against this recognition should take appropriate steps to have this decision by the football authorities overturned, see how that works out. Or has that already been tried? No matter, the continuity is recognised by those that matter. But you knew that didn't you.
  12. From a Rangers fan where full club continuity from 1872 is fully recognised.
  13. And yet you, like the tosspot that you are, go onto that site to count the amount of threads. Dick of the year award so far goes to you.
  14. Oh ffs, you have got to be McGillivans agent or related in some way. And before you say it. no i didn't or don't click on any links about him. As Ned Nedlander stated the man is an utter balloon.
  15. I've had the same experience with Coral, mate. It would take at least a day for your account balance to be updated, so much so that i stopped using them, now i mainly use Bet365, i find them a better service online overall.
  16. And all the wee green dots that you get will not change the fact that the club is recognised as one and the same with continuity unaffected. Happy New Year.
  17. According to a pdf, up until August 25th 2011, 550 banned for sectarianism, including that number, over 3000 for sectarianism and other issues. David Martin was head of security at the club at this time. Seek and you will find. Page 4 paragraph 1 of the pdf. Now maybe you should make it your New Year resolution to stop being such a pedantic little person or perhaps you should refer anything Rangers related to your impeccable source within the walls of Ibrox. Happy New Year.
  18. Gave you a green dot, happy now? Now do your fucking off and a Happy New Year to you and yours.
  19. Partly correct, the bloggers enhance the sectarianism in Scottish football because they know that they will get an audience from many from both clubs, which suits their agenda, they fan the flames, that's why, imo, the bitterness is possibly at it's highest for many years.
  20. Wipe the slate clean about what exactly? We have a club that has signed players of all religions and race for many years, a club that has taken every measure they possibly could to try and eradicate sectarianism within the support, with quite a bit of success i should add having banned a significant number from the stadium for life, so please explain what slate this is.
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