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Everything posted by youngsy

  1. I would think and indeed hope that after the Duff & Phelps debacle that there would be good, honest and reputable administrators installed if and when administration happens again. More so now that they would be looked at more ardently than the last time. And you're correct about a CVA having a far better chance of being accepted by creditors with HMRC being out of the equation.
  2. The £24 million was paid to BDO by Collyer Bristow after BDO raised a legal action against Collyer Bristow in respect of matters arising out of Craig Whyte obtaining the club with the aid of Gary Withey who was the lawyer acting for Whyte while employed by Collyer Bristow. CB reached a settlement of just over £24 million with BDO which is now part of the dividend that will be paid to the creditors. No doubt agreement reached and paid because Withey, Whyte etc were about to be charged with fraud. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-30084838
  3. Oh it's the BRALT all right but i just thought i'd ask what you and Phil have to say about Tonev. Don't mind do you?
  4. Bit early for Denboy to comment as i don't think McGillivan has spoken about it yet.
  5. Absolutely ridiculous that Hearts left graffiti on a wall from the week before so that Celtic fans would be blamed. Or even worse that they allow employees the time to do such a thing whilst on duty.
  6. You may well be right about Whyte not receiving the longest sentence and if there is more to come then fine but hopefully he receives a heavy sentence when this is decided.
  7. Yes it may well be looked upon as cash flow but the fact is that HMRC initiated proccedings of liquidation because of the withholding of this money, nothing to do with the EBT case, that was still being contested, it was brought about because of Whyte refusing to pay. Go look it up, or better still ask Phil, he's very much neutral in all of this
  8. Whyte has used Kavanagh before, Bennett. I'm sure he used him for a speeding charge a couple of years ago.
  9. When you withhold payment of anything then that's a refusal to pay, Whyte refused to pay the PAYE, withholding that money was the catalyst for HMRC to initiate liquidation proccedings. Very much true. Aye, Whyte was a patsy rather than a main player. Ffs he initiated the fraud along with others, he's a main player without a doubt.
  10. The fraud is being laid at the feet of five accused at this stage, charges have been prepared didn't you know that, not just one individual,although that particular individual may well be the main culprit in this fraudulent takeover.
  11. You really talk some amount of shite. Every Rangers fan knows the part Murray played in the financial breakdown, not one Rangers fan has denied it. As for your opinion, and that's all it is, you have no substantial proof when and if the club would have went into administration under Murray, it may well have happened, it may well not have, certainly if the EBT case had went against us it would have but that didn't happen. Read this and take it in; i blame Whyte for withholding the PAYE from HMRC which was the main cause of the liquidation of the PLC. Try and think who actually initiated the liquidation, it was HMRC, because of Whytes refusal to pay the PAYE and N.I. The fraud, as far as we are aware at this moment in time was initiated by Whyte and others, that's why they have been charged or can't you understand that. Like everyone else on this forum you keep covering old ground about the finances under Murray, that happened, Whyte took over, fraudulently according to the SFO, so try and focus on exactly where we are at this moment in time in all of this, instead of harping back to Murray, EBTs and such before Whyte came in, because we all know this, you're telling us nothing that we don't already know.
  12. Who recanted? I said hopefully he would be remanded not that he would be but the expectation of many was that he would be bailed so there you go, still i'm very pleased he's been charged and now hopefully ,there's that word again, he gets a very substantial jail sentence. Can you please show where i stated that "there was no way Whyte would be remanded".
  13. Not a chance of me piping down as you put it son. Free speech in a democratic country and all that. Hope that doesn't upset you too much either.
  14. I could have but i'll let nature run it's course with the criminal c unt. Hope that doesn't upset you too much.
  15. Always expected him to get bail, he's on a petition charge, if remanded in custody he would have to be brought for trial within 110 days, at least that's how it used to be in Scotland, it may well have changed. However the Crown now have a full year to get their legal indictments fully drawn up and in order for the trial. His passport has been surrendered, that's good enough to stop him absconding from the UK, although it would have been nice to have a condition of bail for him to be signing on at a police station every day.
  16. With this being a criminal investigation maybe the likes of Greig, Bain,among others were advised not to comment on any of the events that happened.
  17. Right now i'm happy as things stand, be even happier if he and the rest get heavy jail sentences.
  18. No i would say that this is the biggest of all in of this, after all it has been alleged and charges preferred over it, that this is a massive criminal act of fraud, perverting the course of justice and offences against the companies act 2003. Yes without a doubt this is the main story in all of this.
  19. Aye, very good keep, telling yourself that Denboy. We have a man that lambasted Whyte and others over the last three years and yet when the biggest story so far in all of this breaks what do we get from Phil, er, Llambias spoke to Somers.
  20. Certainly has Tedi, but it seems some think that we're in for a lean time of it over the festive,.
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