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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. This new Johnny is absolutely dreadful. Far and away the worst character on the show, and a terrible actor to boot.
  2. Strong performance from yung Jay tonight, he really held the episode together. I'm not very keen on the new Johnny, however. Since Phil's face turn, it's been a party hard show to stay invested in and returning characters like that, the most disposable of the Carters (and that's saying something when Lee's in there), are not the way to make amends.
  3. Thanks, I'll go on Wikipedia to fill in the blanks. After Phil Mitchell's recent face turn there doesn't seem to be much to look forward to at the moment.
  4. Can someone fill me in on this whole trauma with Ronnie? Who is Danielle? Who is Hannah? What's all the fuss about?
  5. I listened to Bret Hart's podcast last night for the first time. He seems a pretty miserable guy, truth be told, and he didn't seem to like WrestleMania all that much, but a lot of his points about the show were bang on - ladder matches losing their tension and being reduced to spot-fests, the segment with Michaels, Austin and Foley being ridiculous, and the main event match being long and boring, for instance. He was very complimentary of NXT Takeover, especially the Zayn-Nakamura and Bayley-Asuka matches, even if he couldn't remember their names.
  6. I don't think he's had much of a story on NXT other than being the handsome, smiley man who has some decent-to-good matches but, as Sheriff John Bunnell says above, he'll make a decent midcarder. Nothing wrong with that.
  7. I thought Cass was excellent as "the muscle" of the duo - the line "It seems like you two don't like what he's saying, so how about you come down to this ring and do something about it?" was brilliantly delivered. The pair of them have looked a million dollars on their two main-roster appearances (Roadblock; Raw). As for Apollo Crews, there's zero doubt he's ready for the main roster. He looks amazing, he's got tonnes of charisma and he can mix the high-octane stuff with a harder, bigger move set. One slight concern is his ability on the mic but I wouldn't let that put anyone off.
  8. I think this must be the start of the Roman Reigns heel turn. I don't think there'll be one definitive moment to signal the turn, just a subtle shift into a smug, arrogant champion (I hope that's the case anyway, his character his flim-flammed so much over the last year or so). Decent show overall. The highlight was Enzo and Big Cass' first appearance on Raw - Enzo's promo was sensational ("I've got the gift of the gab and the gift of the jab") and I really hope the pair of them do well. No 50/50 booking, just put them over the Dudleys and set them up as a credible threat for the tag-team title. The New Day aside, the tag-team division is really stale and needs refreshing. I'm pleased to see the Vaudevillians called up, I think they're fantastic wrestlers. Not sure how well the gimmick will go down on the main roster, right enough. The four-way match at the end was pretty good too. I thought Big Match John would be the mystery fourth competitor but I was delighted to see Cesaro back in action. Get that guy at the top of the card at once. The only real headscratcher was at the top of the show. Shane McMahon's bid to control Raw was quietly swept under the carpet and some stuff about a lockbox put to one side. That whole angle was confused as heck but they seemed to change what they were fighting for on a week-by-week basis until nothing was at stake. And then, despite losing his match against the Undertaker, Shane is given the chance to control Raw for the night anyway. It just didn't make a lick of sense. The commentary team were dreadful too. I know they get a lot of heat but they were noticeably awful on Monday. Enzo and Cass were described as an "acquired taste" by Michael Cole despite coming across as the most popular people on the entire show.
  9. Tremendous stuff from the boys on commentary - during the tepid match between the Usos and the Dudleys, the audience start chanting for Chad Gable and Jason Jordan; "The crowd are chanting 'get the tables!'" yelps Michael Cole. Never seen the commentary team so at odds with reality before.
  10. Only caught the opening hour or so of this before work (pretty much up until AJ Styles confronted Chris Jericho and Roman Reigns) and the thing that struck me was the commentators' disclaimer at the beginning of the show to warn the audience about the crowd's chants andd how some fans will boo the wrestlers they're supposed to cheer for and vice-versa. I thought that would have set up some kind of big moment towards the end of the show, some kind of bait and switch leading to a swerve or a turn, but after reading the results and the comments on here, that doesn't seem to have been the case at all. It's pretty weird to see such a big company hold contempt for their fans in that way. I'm sure Michael Cole said later on that the crowd was made up of "traditional" WWE fans (something which couldn't have been further from the truth?), so I'd imagine the company want a nice, compliant audience who happily lap up what's put in front of them without question. Strange stuff! I look forward to watching the rest of it this evening, if only to see the Swiss Superman return to action.
  11. Seeing tweets saying that Bayley fangirl Izzy had a breakdown and had to be carried out of the arena by her parents.
  12. Man, that was sensational. How on earth they top that, on this show or on WrestleMania, I do not know.
  13. Big fan of Baron Corbin but I don't really see what the fuss about Auston Aries is, or why his signing to NXT is a coup - he looks very ordinary. Disappointed to see Corbin eat the pin there. Wasn't a great match but I think it was overshadowed by the tag-team championship bout.
  14. Was that the moment they had Gable up for some kind of powerbomb? Looked weird. Still, tremendous match. Gable and Jordan look a million dollars but the Revival deserve a lot of credit, they've developed into a fantastic tag team. Real old school.
  15. Has there been any interaction between Reigns and Cena over the last 12 months? Other than one tag-team match, I think, they haven't been seen together (that match might have been on Smackdown, so it doesn't really count). I'd like to see them go at it, no doubt they'd put on an excellent match. I agree that Cena should be putting over yung talent these days.
  16. Don't be sad that it's over; smile because it happened.
  17. The Gable and Jordan video package was indeed fantastic. Absolutely 100 per cent rooting for them. I don't think NXT has been all that great for a couple of months now and I can't quite put my finger on it. There's some brilliant stuff in there - Gable and Jordan, Samoa Joe, Asuka, Alexa Bliss, Emma and Dana Brooke - but something seems amiss. I think it might have stopped being as much fun since Kevin Owens graduated to the main roster permanently.
  18. An incredible scene. His "crowd surf" upon exiting the JCB was sublime too. I've been thinking a lot about Phil Mitchell over the last 12 hours or so and I think this might be the finest run of his career. Sure, the months he was addicted to crack were tremendous (and who could forget, it culminated with him setting fire to the Queen Vic) but this seems more sustained, more tragic, more vital. The finest episode of EastEnders I've ever seen was broadcast a month or so ago - the entire episode centred around Phil and his quest to make amends with Louise (and ended with him collapsing in a gym hall). Steve McFadden is just a fantastic actor. Maybe not the show's best (I think Jake "Max Branning" Wood is its finest) but every scene he's in is absolutely essential.
  19. Angus Beith was absolutely okay on Saturday. Kept the ball well, moved it around nice enough and linked with his team-mates. Nothing fancy but we just needed a bit of calm in the midfield.
  20. Roman Reigns' segments were pretty tragic. Other than the suicide dive, which drew a mixed response, everything the guy did was met with boos. I'm expecting a turn, if not at WrestleMania then on the following Raw. There's no way they can maintain this!
  21. Sensational stuff from Mr Philip Mitchell this evening. His heel work was, once again, on another level. Alcoholism is no laughing matter but there is something wonderfully cavalier about the way Phil carries himself.
  22. Read the results from last night's show and there's a couple of things in there that certainly raise eyebrows, most notably Zack Ryder beating Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens taking the pin during the six-man tag-team match. Seems a really strange way to build towards WrestleMania. I caught a tiny bit of it this morning and thought the section between Shane McMahon and the Undertaker was pretty neat. Doesn't really explain why they're fighting and what's at stake but it was alright all the same.
  23. Dropped it at half-time during Stenhousemuir's match with Forfar Athletic this afternoon. The crowd, made up mostly of old men and young teenagers, looked on indifferently.
  24. Angus Beith from has signed on a 28-day emergency loan from Heart of Midlothian. He's a midfielder. I don't know much about him but I seem to remember he was at Stirling Albion for a bit last season.
  25. Unless you're deliberately being obtuse, I think you might be missing the point of the lyrics. Regardless, while I appreciate the Rhythm Method might not be for everyone, I think they're fantastic.
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